You should give the flubromazolam 0.25mg I found them to be great for sleeping problems and I think they would work as anti-angx.The only downside is tolerance can be an issue if used nightly, but tolerance can be an issue if taken daily..I'm very impressed with this vendor, as the postage is super quick considering I'm in Australia and absolutely no problems with customs. So far I've ordered their Flubromezpam but was pretty disappointed as it didn't do much for me (I'm not familiar with the 'dosing' though, I've taken up to 15mg) I've also tried their Deschloroetizolam, which has been OK - I find that it has the same effect as taking valium but works for me.
Hi sadminion they are totally different imo,the clon is very similar to the pharmacy clons in action where as the flub is more of a sleep aid i have found.I,ve allready mentioned just be careful with tolerance as i found i had to increase the dose nightly to achieve the effect i needed to sleep and stay asleep.I have now stoped using this med as I was finding it too morish and was taking too much.None the less it's a great med if used sparingly and only when REALLY required especially for the price they are available for!!is the flub anything like clonapan, (the real deal) Im on 1 mg of the stuff for several yrs but wouldnt mind finding something that may work better or be a bit cheaper?
I realize now I completely reiterated wh you said my friend sry!
I agree 100% with this. Haven't blacked out since roo fees. These got me in a lot of trouble. Be careful and take half what you think you should take.Anybody looking to try clonozolam be careful, even being a long term benz0 user, it kicked my ass. I blacked out several times landing myself in deep shit w/ the family. I haven't been on here in several weeks, don't know if solutions are available through sites here but the stuff is not to be fucked with. I had gotten pellets from Smokeys months ago and they were great, they've been out for awhile but if you must try the stuff look for pellets and stash the stuff in case you lose control. It's easier than you think.