so this is where everyone is. smh


May 15, 2015
Well hello SURE i know many of you...i had to add a 3 to the end of my username, as the one i had on db and pw is in use, by someone ELSE..NOT ME /default_sad.png

I had looked for another forum for a LONG TIME..assumed we were DONE.  I've hit the wall locally recently and thought..heck try finding the forum AGAIN.  how have i been lost in outer space for yrs..and you guys are HERE?!?!  I've missed sooooooo much!!!

My bestie...back in the hay day was chrisma...thought I'd throw out another one of us to stir up some memories.  Lol

I wareading MANY hours last night once I found you..and still and dumbstruck that I was the sona biatch left 

I look forward to getting reaquainted with everyone and meeting new people that are not oldtimers.  Well im 35..but feel like an oldtimer since i hail from the old days (fedxmeds...consults now..the list is big.but y'all will have a better chance at remembering me /default_wink.png )

I cannot tell you guys how thrilled I am to be back in the know!! The holy grail has been found.  Lol. Again thrilled to be here and look fwd to getting back on the BOARDS!! Whoo hoo!!

Note: please forgive my autocorrect this is a lil fd up.  Brand new phone. Ughh sorry.  Will reedit after i get moving here lol

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Welcome back! Maybe some of the oldies will remember you. If you've been here before you shouldn't have a difficult time re acclimating :).


My eyes are going CROSSED from PLAYING CATCH THE FRIG UP!! Lol but its a GOOD CROSS EYED...ummmm if that IS POSSIBLE...LMAO

Im ALL OVER reading the SY threads /default_wink.png   seems you guys have some terrific vendors and info...whoo hoo...having sources again ROCKS! 

When that RH law passed and screwed us...we all scrambled to try to keep some shit together..then the forums got taken away...and we lost almost ALL the US sources.  And the ONE i was able to retain went soooooo UNDERGROUND..You Just NEVER know when that will go POOF IN THE NIGHT.  

I was always extremely cautious in using MG AND WU sources...and ONLY ever felt confident when the forum was up and i could CONFIRM people were in fact RECIEVING...Once the forum was gone...all i had was my couple besties that we had gotten personal info to stay in touch.  So i was OUT of the sy and mex game 100%!!! Sooooo thrilled this is now an option for me once more.  The forum is invaluable for peace of mind and confidence in placing an order.  Without a TEAM...I WAS NEVER GUNNA PLAY THIS GAME SOLO!!!

Can't wait toplace an that I've READ READ AND READ and have GOOD SOURCES...IM BACK IN THE GAME...I LOVE HAVING A TEAM!!! 

Dbg is a.w.e.s.o.m.e.    Yeah that shizz was a cheer lol

Thanks for writing me..  Once I'm through with my reading .I will be ordering and JUMPING HEAD FIRST INTO THE THREADS/CONVOS ...sharing me experience and supporting with the rest of the team.

Ohhhhh..ummmmm one other thing...its does blow having a LOW POST COUNT like back in the land before time when i was New to our world...but im a big girl now..and i will get there as i repay my

Watcher12.....3 out for now..back to READING LOL

Welcome Watcher123! Glad you are so enthusiastic to join us. I don't have to tell you to read since you're already doing that, so I'll just say Have Fun.


Welcome from another newbie. 

Ps your words of praise for this group of folks based on your past experience is encouraging. 

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My eyes are going CROSSED from PLAYING CATCH THE FRIG UP!! Lol but its a GOOD CROSS EYED...ummmm if that IS POSSIBLE...LMAO

Im ALL OVER reading the SY threads /default_wink.png   seems you guys have some terrific vendors and info...whoo hoo...having sources again ROCKS! 

When that RH law passed and screwed us...we all scrambled to try to keep some shit together..then the forums got taken away...and we lost almost ALL the US sources.  And the ONE i was able to retain went soooooo UNDERGROUND..You Just NEVER know when that will go POOF IN THE NIGHT.  

I was always extremely cautious in using MG AND WU sources...and ONLY ever felt confident when the forum was up and i could CONFIRM people were in fact RECIEVING...Once the forum was gone...all i had was my couple besties that we had gotten personal info to stay in touch.  So i was OUT of the sy and mex game 100%!!! Sooooo thrilled this is now an option for me once more.  The forum is invaluable for peace of mind and confidence in placing an order.  Without a TEAM...I WAS NEVER GUNNA PLAY THIS GAME SOLO!!!

Can't wait toplace an that I've READ READ AND READ and have GOOD SOURCES...IM BACK IN THE GAME...I LOVE HAVING A TEAM!!! 

Dbg is a.w.e.s.o.m.e.    Yeah that shizz was a cheer lol

Thanks for writing me..  Once I'm through with my reading .I will be ordering and JUMPING HEAD FIRST INTO THE THREADS/CONVOS ...sharing me experience and supporting with the rest of the team.

Ohhhhh..ummmmm one other thing...its does blow having a LOW POST COUNT like back in the land before time when i was New to our world...but im a big girl now..and i will get there as i repay my

Watcher12.....3 out for now..back to READING LOL
​Seems like you know what you're doing and you're on the right track! Glad to see you back mate. Make some posts to socialize and you will be on your way with the post count!

Hello there! ^^ this cat, w/ the tweaking turtle got his posts in record time, he set an all new record, total legend.. Ofcourse, I'm not really here,, and actually a figment of your imagination. Open your 3rd eye and enter. I'm the one in the back in an 80's style Adidas velour.. 

Welcome aboard/back to whatcha were lookin for, and may not of even known it. either way it's good, yes? Enough reading for someones life story. It's in there somewhere.. some how haha!! 

welcome back watcher123, I was here before the RH act as well and was also happy to find the new DBG so I know how you feel /default_smile.png

I'm sure sooooo many ofvus here are from the old "db"..just positive.

So since I've been reading entire threads, I've not been back to add a bit about me.

Im married 15yrs, wonderful hubby and of which has muscular dystrophy.  with all his medical bills I'm totally missing ou fedxmeds days BIG TIME.  since rh passed we have been getting raped on prices.  and I need meds EVERYDAY , SO THIS GETS COSTLY TO SAY THE LEAST.  I know you all feel me there!!!

I suffered a car wreck age 15 and its been down hill since.  bulging and herniated DIsCS...crushed static nerve,ddd, stenosis meningocil growth on spine, nerve conduction came back abnormal for every nerve, fibro, mayofascial pain syndrome, performs syndrome, limited range of motion on neck...annular tear on disc...basically my MRI light up like a Christmas tree... and will only get worse.  my local dr just screwed me as my vehicle is in getting motor... and its only 3yrs it should say a lil about my luck.  therefore I came a few days late for what was told to me sigining a new pain mgmt contract ...low n behold... after 8 frigging yrs as a patient  was told... no refills until I'm seen in three weeks..and no you didn't read that wrong!!

So after this local dr rxing Ms con, hy 10/325 for breakthrough and sol for WEEKS!!  NOT FAIR  as it was NEVER communicated to me that I needed to get there asap or be punished.  so here I am in agony, as all meds are now past due and having I've been on these meds I'm screwed!!!!  

And with caring for a child with muscular dystrophy ..I'm not sure what I am going to do.  I hate to feel like a burden on anyone..just thought I could vent here a little bit.

Will fill in more later..thanks for listening


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We do feel for you, many here have similar conditions/stories and this is a good place to vent, in addition to finding relief.

Thanks 2earls.  I've defy missed the support of the forums.   I made many friends at db, and hope to make as many or more here /default_wink.png

Ha ha that's funny.  ya know when signed up on the old db forum, I picked that name as I planned to "watch" and learn... then I hated my username, however I  chose it for here as well, in case old timers from there are here and would remember me.

Ya know those that remember; fedxmeds, AAA world wide, pro patient care, consults now etch loll I was on em all lol

Can I just say hooooollllyyyy balllllzzzzz...some of this has been like a soap opera... that jewbacca puke... omg!!!  a lynch mob needs to go after That mother biatch!!  none of us LIKE risking our ca$h and for that slime ball to create FAKE ties to this community and ROB THEM BLIND... well to me its like robbing your fricking gram!! 

So heres my proposal, when CATS finished with school... we find these skank bags, and she NEUTERS THEM!!!!  WHAT PUKES!!!

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Just wanted to shout out to 2earls a..thanks for welcoming , interacting and liking my posts and or rants thus far lol /default_wink.png

Soon everyone will figure out I'm into making almost everything funny... laughter is the second best medicine;) hahahaha

@watcher123 I you and I could be pain related.. 1st diagnosed "whiplash" was at 9yrs old.. and I can't honestly tell you exactly how many accidents I've been in, only 1 where I was the driver... but that one.. squished the discs outta my neck.. so all you listed. I have as well except no diagnoses of menegocil growth from my most recent blood work.. but early stages of RA, I have OA in EVERY joint, hands, feet... every single joint. 

I'm ready tho to say f- it.. I got SSI totally wrecking what was supposed to be an awesome summer, and now.. I dropped my doc who prescribed my bars /default_huh.png, like a bad habit.. the jagoff will still give em too me, but makes sure to tell me I'm going to die at every appt, and.. why go to a shrink who 1, doesn't listen, 2 could care less of my history and 3. Well tell me Imma die from my meds.. so I have an axiety attack before every appt.. I can NOT deal w/ that.. I went ahead, and made sure I'll be fine til I can find a decent one, but... no one's gonna wanna give em back. Not IF they care.. and look at my history. My MD has me on kpins, he KNOWS I need both, thus why I'm on SSI, cuz they don't give it to many at the age I got it for just pain, no matter how bad, or how many meds ur on(like any employer wants to hire someone on 4grms of MS smh).. but now they wanna cut it and ahhhh you're not alone. Just know that and if you lived anywhere near me.. I'd bring ya somethin from my bag of "did not work" meds. I HONESTLY believe this crap now, that we're being more or less "pushed" to the streets.. How does this help big Pharm?? IDK AT ALL.. but once MMJ is a nationally legal p/k.. it's gonna go right back to how it was, or these freaks are right and this is more about population control, and to hell w/ the weak?? Sorry I didn't make ya laugh, I'm not in a great mood, past 2 weeks have literally just shown me... I gotta throw ALL my plans, dreams.. out the window.. again. My quality of life went from being able to make 2-3 trips/mo at least, to 2-3 if I'm lucky/year.. Just found out my buddy Sean(Langhorne Slim) IS playing Pickathon in Oregon this Aug.. I have front row tix from Ben Harper &the innocent criminals for a show day before, 7-30.. I'm ready to get an RV, sell Ben's tickets(hey, I'm headed to see him 3-4x's in the midwest in a week, beg of June.. I'll get my fix before the new album) but Sean back at Pickathon?? After 5yrs? I gotta go, they won't ever be as accessible after this yr.. sure I'll still get hugs, but they're about to go BOOM.. just like The Avetts did.. thankful tho he didn't choose R.Rubin as a producer.. he's ruined TABro's.. I love the improv'd stuff, but.. they WERE punkgrass.. now.. their Pop. I like my punk mixed in w/ any music.. I made a music therapy thread, it's under the VERY LAST topic on main page.. I may add to it tonight.. but. And my point finally haha, you are WELCOME to pm, anytime if you just need to vent, have a ? or maybe know something that could help me.. You're not alone and that's the most important thing.. I live out most of this misery myself, just me.. And, IDK if that was smart or not but.. it is what it is now. No wall built, least not one an honest person can't get through.. but I appreciate your post. If ya dig and find my "hello" post.. it's similar to yours w/ the spine disorders.. Sending ALL the positivism and light I can muster up, your way.. Good luck and again. Thanks, it sucks to see this happening so rapidly. I don't wanna live here anymore. 

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Thanks for writing ac.  I find, over time, I've become MORE AND MORE angry that the rh law was passed.  for he love of god, it was hard enough on those of us in REAL PAIN.  we were forced to online services to supplement the meter amounts our drs give and then POOF we lost that as well.  I seen too many from the old, original drug buyers forum move up the scale of meds, following rh...into crazy shizzzzzz.  the gov't took people in legit pain, from REAL pharmaceutical meds into the land of paying way too much $$, getting fakes, taking more risks... to people who went into bard core street drugs.  they mot certainly INCRESED drug addiction and overdose statistics , instead of lowering them.  they made this problem absolutely out of control at this point.   now we risk losing money to possibly getting killed with fakes.  sorry to rant, but I fell yesterday and increased pain makes me more irritable.  ugh I miss the old days.  ughhhh

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. CnC5 @ CnC5: Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Check out our new post on our thread ✨️✌️
  2. A @ AnnaSofia: Hi all hope everyone’s having an above average weekend.
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  5. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  7. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  8. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  11. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  12. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  14. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  15. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  16. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  17. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  19. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  20. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣