Soldier's Gallery For Disabled Sigs

This isn't a sig picture, but maybe it should be. That is, if Soldier weren't hiding his new product endorsement deals from us!


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This isn't a sig picture, but maybe it should be. That is, if Soldier weren't hiding his new product endorsement deals from us!




(You get the shit kicked out of you by easily frightened, psychotic zombies with mommy issues)

and I hope Roche and Watson don't see this

this could cost the Soldier a good amount of shill rewards

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I wish I knew someone who could tell me of some good free software that could create stuff like that. The closest thing I know of is Paint, and it just sux. I can't even get a photo cropped and still look decent with Paint.

I think that's where I'll start. I had seen others rate it as being great, but it didn't mean as much as getting an endorsement from you. I shall soon find me a free source for this Gimp and give it a try. If it's easy to use I will soon have some nice photos that I'll share. I think it was the Relationship thread where I began posting those pics, so I'll resuscitate it if Gimp works well. 

just take your time with it you will catch on. Not difficult at all.

I wish I knew someone who could tell me of some good free software that could create stuff like that. The closest thing I know of is Paint, and it just sux. I can't even get a photo cropped and still look decent with Paint.
All I use is Paint to size and crop and publisher to position and create text.  Everything else has too many bells and whistles.  Maybe someday I'll graduate to Photoshop or try Gimp but for now I think cropping using Paint has worked out for the most part if I'm patient and go pixel by pixel.  Just remember it's all in the idea and the presentation.

Thanks for the advice. I tried Gimp and it's pretty hard to use for a noob. All I want to do is make the girl in some pics, along with the surroundings, unidentifiable. I can use paint to black out the eyes, but cropping out the area is a little harder. I know it will take some practice so maybe I'll get the hang of it soon. 

I hope to be able to create awesome graphics, like those SS makes, one day.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. M @ Mammasboi123: Welcome to the fam, @GABAtastic!
  2. G @ GABAtastic: Good morning DBG fam! Im proud to be part of the family!!
  3. UFOtofu @ UFOtofu: 🌏+🌍+🌎=🫶🏽
  4. H @ hotdog45: @rockychoc my partner does logo design for a living. DM me if your interested. Hope everyone had a great holiday
  5. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Morning DBG! Do we have any logo makers up in here?
  6. CnC5 @ CnC5: @oddhyena69 Merry Christmas to you as well!
  7. O @ oddhyena69: merry Christmas everyone, hope yall had a great day!!
  8. Jason @ Jason: Merry Xmas :)
  9. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! I hope everyone is well today. Peace N Love
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 everyone here at DBG!
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: 4f-mph suppliers dropped it in favor of 4-metmp. pretty sure all the 4f left floating around is from month's old supply.
  12. UFOtofu @ UFOtofu: Whatever happened to 4F-MPH? IMPOSSIBLE to find lately
  13. A @ abadon: Merry Christmas everyone!
  14. P @ Pan-Am_FltRsk: Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the reading
  15. P @ psychedpsych: I’m new to the site, but still wish a happy holidays as we begin a new year of learning and growing!
  16. P @ player72: Happy Holidays and New Year everyone!
  17. Professor_ @ Professor_: Good morning! May your heart be full of joy and your mind clear with positivity today.
  18. CnC5 @ CnC5: Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 & A Happy & Prosperous New Year To The DBG FAM I Hope Yall Have A Great One!
  19. H @ hotdog45: @Lokemer: No worries my friend!! Happy holidays to and all dbg
  20. L @ Lokemer: @hotdog45 noted and thx for the heads up. Edited!