Yeah man trrc has yet to let me down with delivery. I always order the big crystal version. It's usually a light tan color. The order from sat was new. It was bright white and was not as good.Haha, I understand, I'm using my phone to. Yep, spain City. I sent my inquiry to their email address, I'll try via the website now. I have the same experience when checking tracking, no info. Hope they come through. You and I seem to be traveling the same path, books dude, trrcc, spain City. Use to use cool chems exclusively, but had last two orders intercepted. About ready to throw in the towel.
I did order the powder version a few times. I hope it's the batch they had last time I got it because it was better then the stuff I got on sat.
I still have another 10g coming soon its most likely the new white unless they changed again which I doubt.
I just ordered 5 from spaincity. Again vfc 5 mins ago and have a 1g order I made last week. I ordered the 5g untracked as long as it ships I'm sure it will make it.
Seems like 5-10g always makes it. So spain city's was much better then this new white one I just got. Oh just to tell you if you order different chems from them the bags just have stickers with numbers. The php was light grey and smelled super strong.
Anyways I'll let you know when they get back about tracking. Also when the other trrcbpack comes.
I wont keep paying Henry's prices for that weak excuse he calls pvp. I ordered 3x. The first order was ok but more like php.the 2 orders after were very bbn hard to feel anything as hard as I tried to get it to work.
Anyways I'll also keep you posted. I hope spaincity keeps paying off. I hope you used the discount too 25% off. I used it 5 g was 45usd cheaper than 5g from trrc untracked