Yeah, because ignoring emails is very professional. I'm sorry you feel that your customers "whine and complain" but instead of responding, you sent a one line answer to my message so my next step is posting on the forums...
I"m sorry you feel I don't kiss your ass enough but you gave me NO warning about what was going on and didn't tell me UNTIL AFTER I contacted you about your "vaca" which seems to happen every year around this time...
You're definitely right, you don't have a obligation to anyone, people also don't have an obligation to purchase from you too, which is why said I wouldn't rely on you anymore if you actually read the message I sent...
If you're taking such an huge risk 'helping' customers, why do you do it? oh yeah$....
Anyway, I wish you the best as you can't seem the do the same for me. I'm sorry I apparently hurt your fragile ego so bad.