okay. And then what? You think the…Canadian government (of all entities) is gonna play strikebreaker?
The right to engage in this is most likely in your bylaws or constitutional equivalent clearly and they’re (
rightfully) utilizing it.
will still be there once they reach a collective bargaining agreement and get compensated fairly for the services they’re providing. I know you’ve acknowledged that so I’m not putting YOU specifically on blast but speaking in more general terms: That’s a lot more important factors at stake than your couple strips of xanax or mdma pills
I don’t even live in Canada. I hope to shit they stay shut down as long as it humanly takes for them to reach a consensus just like I’d say exactly the same if it was.
Vendor, user, combo of both I don’t care lol. Find some other way to manage cause this is a lot more important than you having a proxy for your narcotics deliveries.
You always always always stand with your fellow worker cause I seriously doubt very many people on this site are affluent enough to be able to get by with passive income alone and not have to rely on a paycheck of some sort