I came into this sub-forum to make a thread about opiates, specifically bupe, for anxiety (and/or depression) but one already existed, which I find pretty interesting.
I first tried an opate 7 years ago and an extensively long story short, have been on and off them since then. It was, and still is, an addiction but one I was never into for the rush or high doses, I always, and still do, only use low doses, just enough to feel it and bring my anxiety down. opiates have been the only drug to ever make me feel "normal", which unfortunaterly, is probably the most subjective word in our vocabulary.
That all said, I've only used Kratom for the last 4 years (zero synthetics), which in my opinion, is really an herbal opiate. I used it for nearly 3 years daily and went c/t and experienced absolutely dreadful w/d's for nearly two weeks. Stopped using it for a year and then, eventually, despite knowing the w/d consequences, began using it again but at literally a 6th of the amount. When I use full agonist opiates like hydro/oxy, the inevitable tolerance and short half-life become issues and the con's do not at all outweigh the pro's and Kratom does not last nearly long enough and from experience, I'm not willing to use any more than I am now. To my point...
To my knowledge, tolerance does not build to nearly the same degree with bupe, as it does with other, full agonist synthetic opiates and due to it's long half-life, I feel that a low dose used 1-2 times/day could prove to be worth using for, what to me, is an extreme anxiety disorder that no other class of medication comes close to helping as much. I use 15mg Valium day but for me that is a low dose and the tolerance issues with benzo's is even worse than that of opiates. My doc would think about scripting bupe for me because he does believe in the possibility of it's use in this area, but if he doesn't, I am still thinking of trying a very lose dose, starting at 0.2mg 1-2 times daily for my anxiety.
Lol sorry that long post didn't amount to much but I tend to be overly thorough and am always curious of other's opinions.