Suboxone question


May 10, 2016
Hey guys, I want to get off opiates. Its too expensive and I just want to go back to a normal life.

I can't handle the withdrawals. With work, I can't take off and how am I supposed to work when I can't even get out of bed.

My questions are:

1) When you go to a Suboxone clinic, does the doctor question or care whether you used them (opiates) legally vs illegally?

2) Does getting a prescription go on your record (labeled an addict) and you'll never be prescribed opiates again in your life (if you needed them for something such as surgery, etc?)



The doctor will test and confirm that there are opiates in your urine.   They generally are not concerned whether they are prescribed or not.

You are right, however, that this will go on your medical records and nowadays most doctors can access medical history, particularly prescriptions.

I hope this helps.



I personally regret ever going on suboxone. I had been off opiates for several months when I decided to go on it. I wanted to try it for pain relief as I had built up such a high tolerance to everything else. I did feel normal while on it and did not crave anything else. Now that I no longer take it's just about impossible to get a prescription for pain relief. They assume I am an addict as it's not prescribed in the US for pain relief. I would really do some research before going on it. Not easy to get off it either.  As far as where you get the opiates, I don't believe the Dr would ask. If he/she does I would not think it would be an issue. They are more interested in treating you than concerned where you got it from. Good luck.

Thanks guys. I ended up going on the program.

I'm already feeling 100% better. I have no cravings for pills. I was feeling like death from the withdrawal symptoms. When I finally got the Suboxone I barely had the energy to initially take it and was curled up on my floor because of extreme stomach cramps and nausea. I know it will go on my record as my state has started recording on the 1st, however they became restrictive anyway - I went to my doctor a year or so ago barely able to walk because of my back injury and they still wouldn't prescribe opioids only ibuprofen. I'm sure if I was seriously injured (such as a car crash) they would give pain medication if needed. They gave me a little card to put in my wallet to say I'm on Suboxone. 

I had no choice. I have to work and can't take off. There is no way I would be able to work feeling that bad from the WD and I was already so behind on work is was giving me major anxiety which wasn't helping.

The doctor was incredibly nice and kind. She asked where I got it from, wasn't a big deal to her. 

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I personally regret ever going on suboxone. I had been off opiates for several months when I decided to go on it. I wanted to try it for pain relief as I had built up such a high tolerance to everything else. I did feel normal while on it and did not crave anything else. Now that I no longer take it's just about impossible to get a prescription for pain relief. They assume I am an addict as it's not prescribed in the US for pain relief. I would really do some research before going on it. Not easy to get off it either.  As far as where you get the opiates, I don't believe the Dr would ask. If he/she does I would not think it would be an issue. They are more interested in treating you than concerned where you got it from. Good luck.
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like you took it for a different reason though. Mine was I was tired of suffering from the WD and the VERY expensive and unsustainable habit of holding it off (I would no longer feel any "high" from the pills) I only was taking them to feel normal. It was a tough decision but decided to do it. So far I'm super happy. I actually feel like I did before addiction.

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I'm really glad you're feeling better. Just because I regret it doesn't mean it's not the right choice for you. It has saved many people and I'm all for it for the right reasons. I definately should not have gone on it for pain relief. I wasn't in WD when I went on it. Best wishes for feeling normal!!!

I got off a 16 year 24mg Suboxone habit by going to an Ibogaine clinic in Mexico. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself!!  Most Ibogaine clinics claim they can’t get you off a long acting opiate like Suboxone. But the one I went to does it regularly. It costs about $1000/day and you’ll probably need to stay at least five days or possibly longer. But they got me off Suboxone in just a day. In fact, my psychiatrist told me 10 years ago that due to my high dosage and the many years I’ve been on it, that it would likely be impossible for me to ever come off it. Even he was impressed with my results!  

Oh, I just noticed you asked about getting off opiates and going on Suboxone. At first I thought you were looking to get off Suboxone, not get on it. But Ibogaine is a great option for getting off most any other opiate as well.

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As far as doctors not prescribing opiates to someone who’s been on Suboxone, I only ran into that problem once while still on Suboxone. I went to the ER in pain from a recent rib injury. They refused to prescribe an opiate because it’s that hospital’s policy not to give opiates to a patient taking Suboxone. But I’m no longer in Suboxone and recently went back to the same hospital when I fell and badly injured my leg. They gave me a prescription for Vikes without any questions.

As far as doctors not prescribing opiates to someone who’s been on Suboxone, I only ran into that problem once while still on Suboxone. I went to the ER in pain from a recent rib injury. They refused to prescribe an opiate because it’s that hospital’s policy not to give opiates to a patient taking Suboxone. But I’m no longer in Suboxone and recently went back to the same hospital when I fell and badly injured my leg. They gave me a prescription for Vikes without any questions.
Interesting. I'm sure it changes state to state or hospital to hospital but I'm sure many just have a policy of no opiates WHILE on Suboxone

I got off a 16 year 24mg Suboxone habit by going to an Ibogaine clinic in Mexico. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself!!  Most Ibogaine clinics claim they can’t get you off a long acting opiate like Suboxone. But the one I went to does it regularly. It costs about $1000/day and you’ll probably need to stay at least five days or possibly longer. But they got me off Suboxone in just a day. In fact, my psychiatrist told me 10 years ago that due to my high dosage and the many years I’ve been on it, that it would likely be impossible for me to ever come off it. Even he was impressed with my results!  

Oh, I just noticed you asked about getting off opiates and going on Suboxone. At first I thought you were looking to get off Suboxone, not get on it. But Ibogaine is a great option for getting off most any other opiate as well.
That's awesome. Congrats on your results with Ibogaine. I did some minor reading on it and it sounded kind of scary/dangerous but seems like it worked miracles for some. 

Supposedly a few hundred people have died over the years after being treated with Ibogaine. Now I’m no expert in the subject but I have done a lot of research on it prior to my treatment. From everything I’ve learned, if you have a healthy heart and kidneys, you’ll likely be just fine. The clinic I went to gave me an EKG prior and during the treatment.  

Supposedly a few hundred people have died over the years after being treated with Ibogaine. Now I’m no expert in the subject but I have done a lot of research on it prior to my treatment. From everything I’ve learned, if you have a healthy heart and kidneys, you’ll likely be just fine. The clinic I went to gave me an EKG prior and during the treatment.  
Just out of curiosity would you mind sharing which one you went to? (in case I ever decided to do something similar in the future). I watched a ton of videos about the one in Mexico (David Dardashti) today.

I got off a 16 year 24mg Suboxone habit by going to an Ibogaine clinic in Mexico. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself!!  Most Ibogaine clinics claim they can’t get you off a long acting opiate like Suboxone. But the one I went to does it regularly. It costs about $1000/day and you’ll probably need to stay at least five days or possibly longer. But they got me off Suboxone in just a day. In fact, my psychiatrist told me 10 years ago that due to my high dosage and the many years I’ve been on it, that it would likely be impossible for me to ever come off it. Even he was impressed with my results!  

Oh, I just noticed you asked about getting off opiates and going on Suboxone. At first I thought you were looking to get off Suboxone, not get on it. But Ibogaine is a great option for getting off most any other opiate as well.
I was told EXACTLY the same thing in other words go onto another shorter acting opiate even back to (H) before they could treat me as sub/one is such a long acting opiate.I was very disappointed when I found out this as I had REAL bad problems getting off the subs and ended up having to go back on the green handcuffs  (M/done) and im down to mud teens mg wise now and intend to continue down that route👍.

I will NEVER touch sub/one again as I was on them basically as a maintenance script over 3yrs!!.

Anyone fighting opiate addiction keel it up as it is possible,it may take a few times but you'll get there❤.

Bliss. ....

I've been on the program s for 25years when they used to taper me down it always went pear shaped but in the last 15 year's I just look at my life like this is the medication I need to take every day and if that's for the rest of my life so be it, sometimes battling your demon is just to much and I am happy to Seattle for how stable my life is and has been for a long time now,all the best people

Hey there @Rec 

I'm in a similar position as yourself it seems.

I've been on MMT for the last 28 years, and i used to tell myself that i was not taking this stuff for the rest of my life.

I am on 100mls of Methadone which i take so i can function like a normal person, so i can do a days work, so i can be 'Normal'

I know there is no such thing as a 'Normal' person, but you get my drift..

About 10 years ago i admitted to myself that i Will be on it for the rest of my life. I've been on it so long now i will remain on it.

Another factor is that i don't drink alcohol, i can't stand the taste and smell of the stuff. And in my eyes everyone has there 'Thing'

It's drink for most, smack for others and so on.. 

And if i'm to be honest, i really don't mind staying on it as i'm 49 now and Done plus a few benz0z and a couple of spliffs keeps me happy.

I'm happy with my life as it is, and as the old saying goes 'If it aint broke don't try fix it'..

Regards,  T.

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I'm the last two posts they're very similar  both have battled opiates for MANY years.Not unlike myself,I'm now down to mid teens of done but you guys seem to have came to the conclusion that a Maintenance script is best for you as it sounds like you've both tried MANY times to free yourselves from either subs or M/done and concluded that you may need to take them for the rest of your life.Surely that's better than finding a way to fund the money you NEED to find to fund a H habit that ALLWAYS ends up costing more and more (atleast the medication your both on is of consistant quality).Unlike street H where your basically playing Russian roulette esp if mixed with fent (esp in USA) every time you jack up if that's your thing?.

Btw I appolagise if I'm wrong about the I,v bit but I know I have done in the past when money was tight or quality was bad.

Best wishes  Bliss.....

Hey there @Rec 

I'm in a similar position as yourself it seems.

I've been on MMT for the last 28 years, and i used to tell myself that i was not taking this stuff for the rest of my life.

I am on 100mls of Methadone which i take so i can function like a normal person, so i can do a days work, so i can be 'Normal'

I know there is no such thing as a 'Normal' person, but you get my drift..

About 10 years ago i admitted to myself that i Will be on it for the rest of my life. I've been on it so long now i will remain on it.

Another factor is that i don't drink alcohol, i can't stand the taste and smell of the stuff. And in my eyes everyone has there 'Thing'

It's drink for most, smack for others and so on.. 

And if i'm to be honest, i really don't mind staying on it as i'm 49 now and Done plus a few benz0z and a couple of spliffs keeps me happy.

I'm happy with my life as it is, and as the old saying goes 'If it aint broke don't try fix it'..

Regards,  T.
Btw @Toker good to see your post,your story us VERY similar to mines😉.Wierd after talking VERY recently through pm!.You have a cpl of year's on me but no more than 5 so your story is most probably almost identical to mines.Im giving the done reduction one more go as it can be a pain being on the (Green handcuffs )as I call it.Traveling to certain countries is a no-no such as Dubai get caught taking that into that place and you may well be locked up for YEARS!,and that's with a doctor's letter ect.But like you self I work and I csnt be a productive member of society without my m/done as without it like yourself I just can't function without it.Like you sat @Toker what harm are you doing taking your medications and working.The shirt answer is NOTHING all the best to you my friend 😉


Hey there Bliss brother..

Yeah mate, 'Green Cuffs' is Exactly how most people over here refer to done as well. And yep our situation seems pretty similar to each other.

Fair play to ya for giving done another chance at reduction. I've tried so many times and because it hasn't resulted in any success over the years

that's one of the reasons i have resigned myself to accepting that i will be taking it for the rest of my living days. And as i said earlier i really don't mind

that much, because i'm not harming anyone and all it does is helps me to function like a 'Normal' person as in i can get up in the mornings and as you

put it "Be a Productive Member of Society" by going about my daily work life, being able to look people in the eyes and engage in conversations with people,

colleagues, customers an to not have those people look back at me thinking 'He's on Something'. I'm sure you get my drift pal..

I wish you all the success in the world that your reduction attempt has a positive outcome this time around.

And i really mean that @blissopifree 2  because i know some people can feel stigmatised because of m/done plus there is other factors

that come into play like family, friends etc..

Take care buddy.

Best Regards..  T.

I am newly on Suboxone again after an injury that led me back to abusing my pain meds and then on to my old favorite opiate and things got unmanageable fast. I hadn't used H or subs since 2010 before this and enjoyed it but not for long. I am tapering quicker than the doctor wants me too off the Suboxone and feel fine. I have gotten off Suboxone before and it wasn't too difficult, but I was never on it for more than a few mths at a time. I had to kick methadone in jail when I was younger and that was worse than Suboxone. I think if someone wants to stay on anything for life, it's their choice and Suboxone is better than using other opiates daily, even though I'm sure it's not the healthiest of choices. I love and hate opiates. I have too much positive things in my life now that I'm older and slightly wiser. I'm not going to let needles bring me down! I couldn't have handled my recent Injury without opiates though. It's just part of life. I just need to be more careful and not injury myself so badly! Good luck to everyone trying to manage opiates and still live a happy life! 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!