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I've been on suboxone strips for the last 3-4 years. I'm problaby going to be on them for awhile. So far my health seems too be fine. I use them for neck pain along with opiate maintenance. Anyone else been on a long time?

Not me, but a couple of my good friends have been on them for about a year. One seems to be fine with it, but the other is trying to get off them because they are expensive and the way they give them to her is like a Methadone clinic where you have to go every day and that's obviously pretty rough. She thinks they are harder to stop than what she started taking them for in the first place. 

On a more positive note, we used to have a member here who was successful in getting off of them by doing a slow taper.

A slow taper is the normal way to get off of suboxone but in the case of long term use, that may become an issue.  You should speak to your case worker on the best approach.  I've never heard of anyone being on them for such a long time and can't understand why they would do that when much earlier on you would normally be weaned and then have other forms of therapy in place to help you with maintenance.  I wish you good luck with your future!

I've been on suboxone strips for the last 3-4 years. I'm problaby going to be on them for awhile. So far my health seems too be fine. I use them for neck pain along with opiate maintenance. Anyone else been on a long time?
I was on them for over a decade...I tapered down to 0.5 MG per day and then went off them completely.  It was THE WORST EXPERIENCE EVER!  I would have rather come off H twenty times than to go thru a sub withdrawal even once.  My recommendation is to get off of them ASAP!  You are just digging a deeper and deeper grave the longer you stay on them.  I was throwing up about every 10-15 mins for 4 days straight.  I didn't eat one bite of food for 6 days.  I lost 36 pounds in 3 weeks.  I've gone thru withdrawals with just about every drug in the book and NOTHING comes close to how extreme a sub withdrawal is.  

I been on the merry go round for over 15 years, Painkillers, Methadone, Suboxone, and Kratom. Right now I go back and forth between subs and Kratom. Kratom is legal in most states so if anyone is hurting buy some quality Kratom, I like Bali. Kratom literally works the next morning after taking sub day before. The hardest part is consuming it, but once you get used to it you can toss and wash easy. I pour Gatorade in my mouth and then Kratom swish, swallow, more Gatorade and swish and swallow. I hope I can help at least 1 person!

I was on them for over a decade...I tapered down to 0.5 MG per day and then went off them completely.  It was THE WORST EXPERIENCE EVER!  I would have rather come off H twenty times than to go thru a sub withdrawal even once.  My recommendation is to get off of them ASAP!  You are just digging a deeper and deeper grave the longer you stay on them.  I was throwing up about every 10-15 mins for 4 days straight.  I didn't eat one bite of food for 6 days.  I lost 36 pounds in 3 weeks.  I've gone thru withdrawals with just about every drug in the book and NOTHING comes close to how extreme a sub withdrawal is.  
I know this is an old thread, but somebody else bumped it already so 😸.......I'll concur the sub withdrawal was pretty bad. I didn't take them for a decade, but I was on them about 5 years. I still think benzo withdrawal was much worse, simply because it lasted longer. Sub withdrawal was worst gone in 2 weeks, benzo withdrawal was over a month of torture. 

I agree about getting off of them because if you ever need a serious surgery you're going to have issues with anesthesia and pain killers not working. If those weren't an issue I'd happily spend the rest of my life on Suboxone. As for price, I got the films for free since I have Medi-Cal.....Thanks Obama! 😻

I've been taking subutex for 4 years now, 8mg daily.  I was taking 24mg daily for the first year and started to slowly taper after that.  I actually hate taking and relying on subutex as it has caused me some pretty severe anhedonia.  I have no life now as I just don't enjoy or get pleasure out of anything.  I feel like a walking zombie.  I;m seriously ready to just stop taking the 8mg and use kratom, x@n@x and etizol@m for a month or until I start to feel better, but I'm not sure how long I could take benzOs daily before I would become dependant on them?  I sure don't want to have to withdrawal from x@n@x too.   I read somewhere that being the half life to subutex is so long, it makes the withdrawal process long, so people have actually recommended me to take opi@tes with a shorter half life.. that way, instead of suffering for 2 weeks, it will be 3 days.  I'm a little reluctant about this approach of course.

I've been taking subutex for 4 years now, 8mg daily.  I was taking 24mg daily for the first year and started to slowly taper after that.  I actually hate taking and relying on subutex as it has caused me some pretty severe anhedonia.  I have no life now as I just don't enjoy or get pleasure out of anything.  I feel like a walking zombie.  I;m seriously ready to just stop taking the 8mg and use kratom, x@n@x and etizol@m for a month or until I start to feel better, but I'm not sure how long I could take benzOs daily before I would become dependant on them?  I sure don't want to have to withdrawal from x@n@x too.   I read somewhere that being the half life to subutex is so long, it makes the withdrawal process long, so people have actually recommended me to take opi@tes with a shorter half life.. that way, instead of suffering for 2 weeks, it will be 3 days.  I'm a little reluctant about this approach of course.
I had the opposite experience on subs. It gave me meaning to life and a reason to get out of bed every morning. 

Anyway if you want to get off of it I did it by gradually cutting the film. I think i finally got down to like .5mg and that's where I jumped off. Might have been 1mg. The end of mine was a little forced since I ran out of supply earlier than I expected to. I was prepared for the withdrawal though and I spent the first week at my ex's place taking epsom salt baths for muscle pains and just watching movies with him to kill the time. I think some kind of human support is SO important because I've tried MANY times to get off of opiates alone... It was always so hard. Having someone there who can go out to get you some jello or applesauce when you can't eat anything else is a Godsend. 

Anyway, besides that, I also have a theory about the restless arm/leg syndrome of withdrawal that it might be related to dopamine levels, so for that I experimented with taking levodopa pills. My dad has them for parkinson's and he gave me a bunch for this. It was definitely better than nothing. I don't know if there's any real science to back up my theory, but the dopamine didn't do any harm and it made me feel better at least. 

I didn't cave and take kpins until the second week when I was back at home alone. I've been addicted to benzos before too so I knew I couldn't push my luck too far in regards to getting dependent. I took 4-6mg over the course of about 3 days. I felt I got some mild benzo withdrawal even from such a small amount but maybe it was just in my head/just from the suboxone. Regardless that was all I gave myself. I keep the rest of my stash locked away in a storage unit and I only take a few pills out at a time for occasions like this.

After the second week I started to feel better. Making it through those days alone was so boring and hard...

#1 most helpful things were the epsom salt baths (took one every day I think!) and watching movies with a friend. Worst part was (as it always is for me) the restless arm syndrome.

I think subs are super effective but dangerous at the same time.  

I've just recently jumped back on Subs and this will be my second time getting off opiates.  My tolerance went through the roof recently so I made the switch.  I spent about a year or more on subs the first time and didn't realize how difficult it would be to get off them so this time I started on a much lower dose... only 6mg.  I started that a week ago and have been tapering down each day.  Right now I'm down to 3 mg.    I want to be off this stuff in another week so my body doesn't get too dependant on it and from there maybe do some Kratom if I get any discomfort.

I think subs are super effective but dangerous at the same time.  

I've just recently jumped back on Subs and this will be my second time getting off opiates.  My tolerance went through the roof recently so I made the switch.  I spent about a year or more on subs the first time and didn't realize how difficult it would be to get off them so this time I started on a much lower dose... only 6mg.  I started that a week ago and have been tapering down each day.  Right now I'm down to 3 mg.    I want to be off this stuff in another week so my body doesn't get too dependant on it and from there maybe do some Kratom if I get any discomfort.
You can do it!! I'm definitely rooting for you. I know the feeling of being forced to take something every day........ I used to say it felt like a ball and chain except the ball is like a beautiful flower with a happy face on it LOL! (Still a ball and chain nonetheless)

@ozzy13 good luck and keep us updated.

Subs are a godsend especially if used for opiate addiction although like most godsends they can be a double edged sword.I was on subs for over two years and when I tried to get off them the wds were awfull.Depresion,anxiety and insomnia were a few of the issues trying to come off them.I think the quicker you go up and then down  on them the better,good luck to ozzy and anyone trying to rid themselves of opiate addiction.


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@blissopifree 2  thanks Bliss!   I've been down to .5 mg / per day for about 3 days now.  I'm probably going to start doing .5 mg every other day then jump off after a 3-4 days of that.

The transition down was way easier this time... I wonder if it's because of how fast I tapered?  I realize getting off Subs so fast is risky for relapse but I really didn't want to go through another round of serious wd's from the subs.

@blissopifree 2  thanks Bliss!   I've been down to .5 mg / per day for about 3 days now.  I'm probably going to start doing .5 mg every other day then jump off after a 3-4 days of that.

The transition down was way easier this time... I wonder if it's because of how fast I tapered?  I realize getting off Subs so fast is risky for relapse but I really didn't want to go through another round of serious wd's from the subs.
Trust me, you can do it! As someone who's been down that road before I know you can! (I made another post to this effect but for some reason it's been "hidden". Maybe it violated some unspoken rule... However, I've read them many times and can't figure out for the life of me how it would violate any!)

@blissopifree 2  thanks Bliss!   I've been down to .5 mg / per day for about 3 days now.  I'm probably going to start doing .5 mg every other day then jump off after a 3-4 days of that.

The transition down was way easier this time... I wonder if it's because of how fast I tapered?  I realize getting off Subs so fast is risky for relapse but I really didn't want to go through another round of serious wd's from the subs.
I think if I EVER went down the S♧BZ route again then imoa the quicker you go up mg wise then back down defo seems to be the way to go.

I don't recommend a maintenance type of administration or even a long taper as the Wds with s♧bz were really challenging me in a mental way!.

Keep it up @ozzy13 you seem to have it almost licked😎

All the best,Bliss.....

@wobina Thanks for the support :)

I'm about 36 hours since my last .5mg dose.   I feel better than I thought I would but I realize subs have a long half-life.  If I continue to feel ok I'll just continue the jump-off and not look back.

I've been taking subutex for 4 years now, 8mg daily.  I was taking 24mg daily for the first year and started to slowly taper after that.  I actually hate taking and relying on subutex as it has caused me some pretty severe anhedonia.  I have no life now as I just don't enjoy or get pleasure out of anything.  I feel like a walking zombie.  I;m seriously ready to just stop taking the 8mg and use kratom, x@n@x and etizol@m for a month or until I start to feel better, but I'm not sure how long I could take benzOs daily before I would become dependant on them?  I sure don't want to have to withdrawal from x@n@x too.   I read somewhere that being the half life to subutex is so long, it makes the withdrawal process long, so people have actually recommended me to take opi@tes with a shorter half life.. that way, instead of suffering for 2 weeks, it will be 3 days.  I'm a little reluctant about this approach of course.
I'm going for it..  I'm at 6mg right now and I just want off this garbage.  I just can't take living like a zombie anymore.  I'll try to keep everyone updated if I remember.  I'm ready and feel I have everything I need. 

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Anyone who's on Sobos who can't stand the bitter citrus taste should give Zubsolv a try it has a nice menthol taste and absorbes way faster with a different mechanism of action I consider it the ×ana× of Bupe and I believe a lot of insurances cover it.

I’m down to 2MG a day. This shit is so evil though. I’m TRULY debating getting back on pain pills and then withdrawal off those instead. 

What’s the feedback on that? Has anyone tried to go that route. I’ve been on Suboxone for 14 years, was going to try to switch to straight opiates for a month and then coming off that?

Thanks, much love! ✌🏼

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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!