Mojo, spice, serenity now....And the other thousands of blends out there.
Any of you guys tried these? It's so popular down here that they have TWO bans active against the specific THC mocking chemicals like JWH-018 and JWH-073. So..the guys making the blends use the chemicals almost EXACTLY like the ones banned, but they aren't banned. The state soon found out it was out of their control and each ban they put out..the "new" packs on potpourri/incense/synthetic marijuana didn't have any banned ingredients. But, still gave the marijuana like high.
This isn't the same as weed..as its a chemical that MOCKS thc..and it is mixed with liquid and poured and dried onto many herbs/spices like marshmallow and mullholen leaf. Crazy new shit too, bath salts. Same idea as synthetic thc..except its used and produces a high like meth. But, its sold as bath salts.
Any of you guys tried these? It's so popular down here that they have TWO bans active against the specific THC mocking chemicals like JWH-018 and JWH-073. So..the guys making the blends use the chemicals almost EXACTLY like the ones banned, but they aren't banned. The state soon found out it was out of their control and each ban they put out..the "new" packs on potpourri/incense/synthetic marijuana didn't have any banned ingredients. But, still gave the marijuana like high.
This isn't the same as weed..as its a chemical that MOCKS thc..and it is mixed with liquid and poured and dried onto many herbs/spices like marshmallow and mullholen leaf. Crazy new shit too, bath salts. Same idea as synthetic thc..except its used and produces a high like meth. But, its sold as bath salts.