I am visiting california and have some sealed edible gummies. How safe would it be to take that back home to another state on a plane? Or not safe? I know it is a risky idea.
depends on the state, cuz. don't so it down south is all I can say. if you do, for god's sakes take it out of original container and mix it with other snacks and put it in your checked suitcase. I'd feel safer mailing it with some other gifts which was done to me about 10 years ago when I lived in the Carolinas . unfortunately, I don't like that kind of stuff so I gave it away
Flying from state to state in the US with some gummies in a vitamin bottle is a low risk endeavor IME. Key being to keep them with any other meds you might be traveling with and in non-descript packaging so they blend in with your other carry-on items (water bottle, snacks, etc). Flintstone gummy vitamins alongside your blood pressure meds and fiber supplement in your pack shouldn't draw any unwanted inspection (again, just in my experience).
Thanks for the responses. I ended up keeping them in the package and just mixing a lot of similar packages on top in a walmart bag. I might have been over thinking it.