Terminated from work / federal shut down/Drug test employement


Grand Poobah
Grand Poobah
Dec 21, 2014
Hey everyone, just letting you know I will be taking some time away from the message boards. I have be executed from my employer from a long history of working there..., 

This is all new to me in my middle age, unemployment, and welfare , going to take a big hit on a early withdrawal to pay off everything and  just be debt clean free... and of course I don't want to take advantage of unemployment assistance and food assistance.

That government assistance programs, gets so confusing and I feel like even with my early withdrawal and tax hit and penalty hit which I just need to suck up and eat (I KNOW THE RISK) but like it ppl say its MY MONEY I NEED IT NOW, 

I am out there hunting for employement the same day I got terminated I began searching, and applying for state benefits because I don't know how rough it can get especially with the FEDERAL GOV SHUTDOWN..... so there is allot of people applying for state benefits...

I am hunting for jobs, but because I lost insurance the prescription for my meds is going to be expensive but for the urine test just in case I cant WING IT>>>>, I will need a permanent script and usually these scripts are valid for  6months from date of issuance,  I am also tapping down and EXERCISING MORE , so I can either seize medication and hopefully not comeback to a anit-axiety medication, but who knows with UNEMPLOYEMENT- and having the $$$ for every pre-screen URINE TEST (WINGING IT) cause funds will be tight to visit doctor eventually or get prescriptions filled

The reason I feel the medication may be a issue with job hunting is because, what if I cannot afford doctor/script... and OMFG apply for Assistance and Unemployment is so difficult, because of the requirements and such...…….

I already had some pre -phone interviews and 2 live interviews, ..il see what happens il take anything at the moment, seems with my termination and the fed gov shutdown getting assistance is going to be super hard 

Thank goodness for Family, some hard decision's to make financially, and career, and future....

il log in every so often to say whats up and  check on vendors :) , but really I gotta focus on finding WORK ,LIFE, FUTURE , FINANCES, HEALTH 

well guys wish me the best if you like me? and thank you all DBG MEMBERS and VENDORS.... 


@Def_Starr I feel for you :(  

my husband lost his job in August. After 18 years ..... He is still having a hard time and the little bit of unemployment is running out. I have been fortunate my sales have been good or I  would be in the loony bin.

we are facing 4-6 weeks of rough stuff her soon.  The stuff I sell is outdoor related so my compensation is minimum wage if I have no sales  till the snow goes etc . That is when we relay on my husband s income . I am at a pinnicale myself . He is 95 percent thru the hiring process at one Co. fingers crossed. 

My biggest fear is the situation you are facing. But hang in there and we will ALL pray . I have been getting stuff with my bonuses while I can .  He hope you are able to find a way to get relief .

luckly the Gov thing has not interrupted his benefit s . My husband is a great laborer but really shy with anxiety so getting him out there has not been easy . Then he is SO touchy ugggg.

He did have a saliva drug test . He takes some of the pain pills but nothing else . So he didn’t take anything for 2 days or so. Still waiting to hear back . We thought it would be urine :- ... the saliva can detect up to 4 days back supposedly where as urine not so much 

hang in there !!!!!!   

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i am waiting for un-employtement to kick in, I worked enough for close to 15-18years as well as your husband , yeah I been having break downs , the last few nights I been sleeping in a bath tub lol with 3 sweatpants on and 2 hoodies and a jacket, walking around the house CALLING MYSELF A POS LOSER  HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, NO THANKS TO THE SHUTDOWN!

in a way look at it this way, it sucks YEAH! I don't even want to think of some of the burdens it may have for my household, but have your husband REST !!! and start the hunt, I jump the same day I got fired, had some interviews last week, I don't want to end up in a job with HEADBUSTING MANGERS, I need a new career path... 


we will get through this!

how long can saliva test detect THC/BENZO's I got the script for benzos but I am flushing out the THC! its been 4days :P im lean no fat

I hope the best for your husband as well @Akup7ich   I had some monetary breakdown downs, where I been hating on myself and calling myself garbage, I kinda deserve this in a way, I been dodging and lying to FAITH! and faith tested me this time

This is my challenge FAITH put on me , and I need to show HIM THE POWER! HIMSELF I am going to change my way of thinking, and how I act around others, because in a way I did get a bit out of control past 2yrs cause WORK was so annoying I just said POP MORE, CHEEF MORE, CALL OUT WHENEVER I DONT FEEL GOOD, I been with that place for to long, its good im tired of those MEAN ASS PEOPLE SLAMMING ME EVERYDAY! 

@Def_Starr my husband also had a management change a year or so b4 his last days . Literally all the old ones got cut and the new fucker hired his friends and family . They held on to my hubby because he could out work them under the bus and kept his mouth shut about nepotism  for awhile ... plus I work in the main building 25 yr . 

my hubby had all this work thrown on him . Worked the late hours and weekend s. ..no one else would .

but he started to drink this last year . He popped on a random drug test the year b4 for pot . Even though there are othersi n the Co who do it or have a contract w/ the owner ...Hubby was singled out by his new manager. So he quit and slowly let the whisky take over . I didn’t know he was doing it all day long at one point when he started hating the changes and the new management so much .  They always saved the hardest labor for him and the rest of the new clan left at 3 ... long stories 

thetn there was a death in my husband s family that affected him and he went on a bender and went to work drunk... the end 

till this day half some of the sales peeps still gently says my hubby could do stuff drunk and half blind compared to the new clan ... one of my team mates in sales said let’s just get a breathalyzer for the fork lift and have him back :)  but my husband , in the end , really hated things in the end . I just wish he would have talked to someone in HR . But he was the last man standing from the old crew that was eliminated a year b4 him.

keep your faith strong ! Things tend to happen for a better reason :)  we all need to forgive ourselves sometimes thru prayer  so we can move on to do our best one day at. A time .... sometimes it’s one hour ..

Best I could tell from the info I could find on the saliva tests it goes back 1-4 days on most . But some places may  not be looking for benzos..It’s so hard to tell . All the other tests my son or husband have had are urine . 

What I gathered is the mouth saliva swipe can detect and f someone just took something.  As opposed to urine . I guess a person could swallow a pill but not reach urine for hours .all crazy.  Now I think maybe the best protocol is 5 days no pills before . 

if one has a script then it should not matter .

Stil waiting on the saliva test . Will post so we have data 

@Akup7ich, my condolences to your family member loss. I know that feeling, I have a family member who is older and I though of that scenario how it can be burden and the what if scenario.

Allot of banks/assist agencies/…. every representative says "you sound discourage" , no this is my MAN VOICE NOW I sound discourage  to you and your answers, and stop reading me script.

 I had some prospects call me back and say I am surprised you weren't management, and I responded kindly by saying thank you that you see those characteristics in me, but I can never delegate power and make someone feel uncomfortable.

I had some serious background checks done today, its for Air Conditioning, if hired they will put me in training and HVAC install's , but I prefer to sell them and make commission. But any job is a good job atm, 

THE HR LADY, I don't know why she had to repeat herself like 10000x "ITS IMPORTANT YOU PASS THIS DRUG TEST" makes me wonder what my previous employer said about me because if they are slandering me for other what I was TERMINATED FOR, I will come after them for harassment and discrimination, probably why I get to the 2nd interview than some b.s with HR communicating with my prior employer. I am sure there's a asshole slandering my name holding me back from unemployment and jobs. I got denied and have to appeal for benefits. 

@Akup7ich , in the end we all pull through, I even begin a journal on tapping down my meds but omfg was/it hard some nights I rebounded back up than down cause of the w/d symptoms but I know how to tapper with another longer acting benzo's but  I prefer to save those for other CRAZY EMPLYERS THAT COCK ME MY MOUF AND BUNGHOLE 😕 

I can 2 days off the xnx, but BOI are the w/d shocks hard-hitting the substitute is a longer acting which helps with the lower dosing of the primary med. but I want to save what I can when shit gets shitty at work again:) 


I will be routing for you my friend. I think most of us go through something like this in our careers and for the majority of us who are not rich it really sucks. With my husband being in construction, job security is just not there, but where is it these days?

It's not the same as when people used to work with the same place their whole career. And best of luck to you and your hubby @Akup7ich. I hope all the changes in this new year will turn out to be for the better.

And try to find out @Def_Starr if they did aNY kind of slandering without absolute proof then you should sue them. One of my old bosses found out the hard way that you have to be careful what you say about terminated employees. My friend sued him and won the case. Bastards, isn't it bad enough to lose your job without them still fucking you over?

Keep us posted both of you. I am going to light my voodoo bring money candle for all of us.

At least in the state I live it’s supposed illegal for the former employer to mention the termination reason . Only verify the start and end date . I don’t know though if one is Lisboa’s a reference if it’s more liberal. There are a bunch of idiots who answer the phone at his former job ...I am worried about that as well . 

Once my hubby is employed he might be able to go back to weed . That was his saving grace . His sister works for the people who get the cards in our state .. she will help him m once it’s all clear . She gets Charlene’s web or charlottes web ?

and some serious cap shit . @Def_Starr and @2earls thank you guys too for positive thoughts .. man if anyone touched my bunghole I would for more that their eye ! 😆 my soon goes thru Xanax w/d and he has similar issues .  Prays to everyone just getting into the door and life happening .

status update

I didn't end myself 😕 , the xnx w/ds were harsh the first 2-3days ,I did a hard cold turkey and was around family so I was in a perfect position, than I let all the shivering, cold/hotsweats, all the nasty w/d's you get from Xanax (I been on this for 10years, not one day skipped, except prior attempts to quit, I have script it expires son, lost health insurance) took 2mg klonopin last week 1mg in the morning and 1mg evening and .5mg Xanax I was fine/good /being unemployed and tapering off is good no stress...

I came across gabapethpen ? or w/e its called , anyway its supposed to help with xnx w/ds its working :) I feel like my life is coming back, the good part is I got all the physical shock the body takes when w/d from Xanax and some major cryspells and overthinking from the w/ds but HOT BATHS HOT BATHS!!!! and 3 sweatpants on and 3sweats on and lots of socks to drench that sweat :) and repeat;) 

u know how fkin xnx w/d messes your mind up (WHY WAS I WEARING 3sweat pants /3hoodies/wearing a blankie over me / and saying I DUNNO I DUNNO IM SORRY IM SORRY, and slept in my OWN HOUSE BATHTUB REMORSING) !!!

anyone that needs to get off , research! or ask a DOCTOR,REHAB CENTER,E.R

the first 3 days of w/ds being harsh, and family knowing they were ready to take me to the e.r , there was one morning were my fever dropped so low hence the overdoing with the sweatpants they wear ready to take me to the e.r excessive hearthrate/  major joint/elbow pain


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Hang in there bud !! Husband past drug test ! Took 2 weeks to find out ...

I can understand the sweats man ... I am taking way less of all my mess by force of budget . I have done #2 more in 2 days then weeks , sweats and hell . I still have my minimum doses of what I take but this week really fucked me up . ..

so happy 😃 to hear your fighting @Def_Starr

he did get the job less pay but good insurance.

one side note .. the back round check took forever even though he honestly has  zip

that much got be an effect of federal thing 

@Def_Starr my 28 year old son is going thru xan w/d again . I started taking a few a week my self the last 4 months for sleep for stress . :(  lucky I hinged off b4 the bad stuff .damn shit sneaks up on ya..went back to zanaflex muscle relaxer I get from doc . Ironically they have nothing in common at all with the other but they help total tension relief in muscle and joints to sleep. . 

I am going to look into that gabaph stuff :)

Wow. This makes me think maybe I could quit!?

I’m trying to reduce my Klonopin dose (I supplement my RX)... I was doing great for a couple of weeks, got down to ⅓ my previous dose. It didn’t last long. I am back to taking 3 two mg clonezepam per day, sometimes more. Some days I get by on 2 (4mgs). But when my son has a seizure or I get a panic attack I go into this blank space, I don’t even recall what I take. So I started locking my meds up, leaving out 2/3 pills tops. I’ve been on them for years and years and feel stuck. 

I’m very curious about the gabapentin. Is that what it’s called? Could it help me wean??? I’m an addict, straight up. I try to imagine my life free of self medication. It’s scary but I can’t imagine how free and alive I’d feel without all the meds. I feel like a shadow of myself, trying to scratch my way into feeling truly alive. I try to hold onto hope I can do it. But 18 + years of being medicated isn’t a joke. I have a big hill to cross to see a glimpse of true sobriety. My tolerance is so high, I never even feel any real “high” from my meds. Not unless I go nuts and take a ton, and I haven’t done that in years.  It’s so dumb. I feel like I’m throwing my life away. I can’t imagine being able to go into rehab, I have 2 kids and a business to run to keep afloat. I don’t know what to do. I’m tired of being sick when I decrease. Sick of being tired/numb when I take more. It’s a viscious cycle. 

Has anyone quit Klonopin after decades of use here?? Advice? Sorry for hijacking the thread. But your post gives me hope I could do it. Come clean with my family? They'll be devastated I’ve been deceiving them all these years. But I need help. 

Thanks for listening. J 

Started training and fired a week after, no real reason, no unemployment benefits yet , still pending, shits getting hard alcohol to help with Xanax tapper,  relapsed when I was in training and took more again, now I gotta get serious , I have a emergency fund where im paid upto until march/april with bills but after.....shit omfg whrees the the unemployement

@Def_Starr . I didn't see this post until today and my heart goes out to you.  I'm in a similar situation Atm and had to move to take care of a family member and having no reliable  income except for some small labor jobs and a 20+ year battle with addiction has taken its toll. And for unemployment, well that was a total joke in the state I lived in. My prior state of residence is 49th on the list for the lowest payout and time frame for Unemployment and that ran out months ago.

I was fortunate that my old boss who is a contractor does not drug test and I will have a full time work  coming April since it's slow time in the winter and I might get 15 hrs of work per week now if I'm lucky. Now The IRS is Dicking around with my return since I claimed Earned income credit and delayed any processing until mid Feb. I was relying on that money and now like many others have to wait and see. If I would of known the tax credit would of delayed my return I would of never claimed it since its was only $130 extra. 

Having Decent credit was my saving grace at first but I now owe over 30k since I been relying on CC go get me through the move, Food,bills and paying for my med's.  I worked so hard to pay off 35k worth of debt and 2 months after I paid off my final card I lost my job.. So now the cycle continues over again.  

I hope you all the best @Def_Starr and anyone else going through similar situations. I'm Grateful of the DBG forums and all the wonderful ppl here who support each other. Times will get better eventually and don't give up, even if it feels like rock bottom. The sun will rise tomorrow and we will get through the tough times. G-d bless and take care! 

I'm really sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. Good things tend to happen to good people in the end. 

@Def_Starr my 28 year old son is going thru xan w/d again . I started taking a few a week my self the last 4 months for sleep for stress . :(  lucky I hinged off b4 the bad stuff .damn shit sneaks up on ya..went back to zanaflex muscle relaxer I get from doc . Ironically they have nothing in common at all with the other but they help total tension relief in muscle and joints to sleep. . 

I am going to look into that gabaph stuff :)

Xanax withdrawal is no joke.  It's horrible.  Probably the worst I've ever gone through and my list is long

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  2. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  3. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  4. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  5. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  7. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  11. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  12. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  13. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  14. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  15. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now
  20. M @ Moonkey: Oh jeez @xenra I apologize for asking advice after your post about the loss! I didn't look down far enough, just saw the comment about the dip. That's messed up that happened to you man, my heart goes out to you! Didn't mean to sound like a selfish arse asking for advice after you just shared that