- Joined
- Dec 21, 2014
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- 1,052
Hey everyone, just letting you know I will be taking some time away from the message boards. I have be executed from my employer from a long history of working there...,
This is all new to me in my middle age, unemployment, and welfare , going to take a big hit on a early withdrawal to pay off everything and just be debt clean free... and of course I don't want to take advantage of unemployment assistance and food assistance.
That government assistance programs, gets so confusing and I feel like even with my early withdrawal and tax hit and penalty hit which I just need to suck up and eat (I KNOW THE RISK) but like it ppl say its MY MONEY I NEED IT NOW,
I am out there hunting for employement the same day I got terminated I began searching, and applying for state benefits because I don't know how rough it can get especially with the FEDERAL GOV SHUTDOWN..... so there is allot of people applying for state benefits...
I am hunting for jobs, but because I lost insurance the prescription for my meds is going to be expensive but for the urine test just in case I cant WING IT>>>>, I will need a permanent script and usually these scripts are valid for 6months from date of issuance, I am also tapping down and EXERCISING MORE , so I can either seize medication and hopefully not comeback to a anit-axiety medication, but who knows with UNEMPLOYEMENT- and having the $$$ for every pre-screen URINE TEST (WINGING IT) cause funds will be tight to visit doctor eventually or get prescriptions filled
The reason I feel the medication may be a issue with job hunting is because, what if I cannot afford doctor/script... and OMFG apply for Assistance and Unemployment is so difficult, because of the requirements and such...…….
I already had some pre -phone interviews and 2 live interviews, ..il see what happens il take anything at the moment, seems with my termination and the fed gov shutdown getting assistance is going to be super hard
Thank goodness for Family, some hard decision's to make financially, and career, and future....
il log in every so often to say whats up and check on vendors
, but really I gotta focus on finding WORK ,LIFE, FUTURE , FINANCES, HEALTH
well guys wish me the best if you like me? and thank you all DBG MEMBERS and VENDORS....
This is all new to me in my middle age, unemployment, and welfare , going to take a big hit on a early withdrawal to pay off everything and just be debt clean free... and of course I don't want to take advantage of unemployment assistance and food assistance.
That government assistance programs, gets so confusing and I feel like even with my early withdrawal and tax hit and penalty hit which I just need to suck up and eat (I KNOW THE RISK) but like it ppl say its MY MONEY I NEED IT NOW,
I am out there hunting for employement the same day I got terminated I began searching, and applying for state benefits because I don't know how rough it can get especially with the FEDERAL GOV SHUTDOWN..... so there is allot of people applying for state benefits...
I am hunting for jobs, but because I lost insurance the prescription for my meds is going to be expensive but for the urine test just in case I cant WING IT>>>>, I will need a permanent script and usually these scripts are valid for 6months from date of issuance, I am also tapping down and EXERCISING MORE , so I can either seize medication and hopefully not comeback to a anit-axiety medication, but who knows with UNEMPLOYEMENT- and having the $$$ for every pre-screen URINE TEST (WINGING IT) cause funds will be tight to visit doctor eventually or get prescriptions filled
The reason I feel the medication may be a issue with job hunting is because, what if I cannot afford doctor/script... and OMFG apply for Assistance and Unemployment is so difficult, because of the requirements and such...…….
I already had some pre -phone interviews and 2 live interviews, ..il see what happens il take anything at the moment, seems with my termination and the fed gov shutdown getting assistance is going to be super hard
Thank goodness for Family, some hard decision's to make financially, and career, and future....
il log in every so often to say whats up and check on vendors

well guys wish me the best if you like me? and thank you all DBG MEMBERS and VENDORS....