

Oct 11, 2024
I wanted to make this Thread because it is along the same Lines as something that came up in the Anti-Depressants Section in the Wellbutrin Thread, but this Terpene Subject gets into a different aspect.

In the Wellbutrin Thread we Discussed Enzymes, and so kind of Anti-Oxidants and Things that increase the Effects of Wellbutrin and Other Substances, and Wellbutrin itself has this kind of Effect on the Enzymes for the Breakdown of Other Substances. The Marijuana Terpenes Subject is Similar. Most of the Old Discussions about this were about CBD Levels, and CBN, etc. People thought Things like “CBD is what makes Indica, Indica” and that is actually False. It is the Terpenes that give the Strains Different Effects, though CBD is for example more of an Epilepsy Med for all Ages while THC is more of a Cancer Cure, the CB1 and CB2 is the Difference.

So then maybe the First Terpene to discuss should be Carryophyllene, this substance is Found in a Pepper Plant from Nigeria, and a Tree from the Bible called “The Balm of Gilead” which can be Found in Canada, and it is in Marijuana. It gives You the munchies by hitting CB2 but not CB1, there are also Enzymatic Implications. It is kind of a Home Remedy to Drink Tea made by pouring Pepper in Water if You experience negative Effects from Marijuana, and this is along those Lines.

The next Terpene Everyone should know is Myrcene. This can be Found in Mangoes and Yahoo was maybe First to post an Article and it said Mangoes get You Higher when You are using Marijuana. This is False, but Mycene in Mangoes can be extracted and used in Levels that effect THC. Myrcene is in Beer, and this is why People get “The Spins” when they Drink Beer. This is because Myrcene helps THC cross the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) and will put more THC in Your Brain than without Myrcene. This is also Found in Marijuana, Different Strains have Different amounts.

Then the Other Ones I can’t Describe in so much Detail, but Lemonene has an Effect, and the Different Effects are described in Aromatherapy, this is that kind of Unclinically Studied Subject. There is Pinene and all array of Terpenes that can also be found in other Plants. But all of these also have Enzymatic Effects.

The maybe most Studied area here is Kava Kava, which is a Pepper Plant from like the Fuji Islands and Things, Polynesia. And this Plant has Kavalactones which are like Terpenes, and then it has Yangonin which is like a Cannabinoid. So this Plant, Kava, does all of this itself, the same way Marijuana does. And the Research that all of this has gotten into is MAGLs. And this is all the kind of Cutting Edge of Medical Marijuana Science.
This Thread is still Open to Discussion Directly about the Properties of Terpenes and the kind of “Drug Interactions” they have with Cannabinoids, but I am going to get into the Genetic aspect of all of this to expand the Medical Possibilities and Potential of this Thread since the Section is about Medical Marijuana.

Most People know that there is some kind of Genetic Aspect, there was a Time when White Widow was World Famous and it was known for having Trichombs, hence the name “White Widow” for its kind of being covered in a Web of Crystals kind of is what the name suggests. Since then there has been both an increase in Cannabinoid Content, which is what the Trichombs suggest, and there has been more selectivity for Terpenes. That is, for Flavor and Smell. Two examples of this are the Bubblegums and the Diesels, Bubblegum and Diesel are both kind of from the same Era as White Widow (ChemDawg is another example) and didn’t have the High THC Content that White Widow did, but now there are Genetic Blends that have all kinds of Crazy Mixes, with White Widow usually being Foundational and in the Background, like with Danky Kong for example, which is like White Russian and Biodiesel or something, which is like White Widow, AK-47, Diesel and some other stuff all mixed together (another example would be like Triangle and I think Pyramid is the other Strain made from Triangle). So the THC content and the Terpenes are now Present in Higher amounts in the New Strains. An example from a Few Years back would be like Jungle Boys Strains were popular, and that’s where the Birthday Cake and like Wedding Cake Flavors come from, then there were the Cookies Strains which came from some Durban Poison mixes (Durban Poison is a Landrace from Africa). Something else recent was actually covered on the Sanjay Gupta CNN Specials about Medical Marijuana, and that is the Breeding Selectively for CBD Genes, kind of Starting with the Creation of the “Charlotte’s Web” Strain and growing from there.

This kind of gives You an idea of how the Genes Work, moreso than just the Basic “Indica, Sativa, Hybrid” which is what most People know about. So to get even more into the Genetics of the overall Plant we can look at some interesting Effects that the Sun has had on the Genetics of Marijuana. The First is in the Absorption of Sunlight, most Plants use Chlorophyll to absorb Sunlight, this is why we associate Plant Life with the Color Green, because Chlorophyll gives Plants a Green Color. But some Marijuana Plants in Vietnam contain Melanin, the same Pigment as Human Skin, or that makes Eyes Brown, and the same way it Works for Skin or Eyesight, it Works for Plants absorbing Light, like Chlorophyll. When some People see Pictures of the Plants, the main Strain is Vietnamese Dalat, they might associate what they are seeing with the Purple Strains we all know about, but the Black Vietnamese Strain, related to “Vietnamese Laughing Grass” and “Congolese Black”, is not related to the Purple Strains. Something about the Sun made these Plants Develop. And the Other Molecule the Sun placed in Marijuana, is THCv. THCv is Found in the Black Vietnamese Strain, as well as African Strains. THCv is in Durban Poison, and in Malawi Gold, etc, etc. THCv is something that seems to Protect the Plant from Sun Damage, so the Harshness of the Sun is likely the Reason for the THCv content. There have been Studies and by adding UV Rays, You can make these Strains produce more THCv than they would without the added UV Rays. So they actually produce THCv as a Reaction to UV Rays.

Now most of this is about Cannabinoids, and the Melanin Part is about Phytochemicals. So let’s get back Specifically into Terpenes. Now, You could Start with Wonderful Genes, You could just grab some Birthday Cake Seeds and Mix them with Danky Kong and a Girlscout Cookies Strain, and it might Turn out Great, it likely won’t turn out exactly how You expect, especially mixing like that. But these Flavors all come from Landrace, so while using the Famous Genes, the arguably best way to Establish Yourself as a Breeder is to get Landrace Seeds, maybe use some Famous Strain to pull out this or that Genes, and then from there You have Your own kind of Home Made Genetics. You could even mix Landraces like Dave Chapelle did and You could do all kinds of Mixes, but the Point being that the most Reputable way to go about all of it is to use Landrace Genes and go from there. Many do Start with a Special Cut now though, like Ghost #1, and these Special Cuts can be the Foundation of something Reputable also. The Example of how to Breed with Landrace would be Cherry Pie and Girlscout Cookies, which both have their Origins with Durban Poison. One is Durban Poison mixed with Grand Daddy Purple, the Other is Durban and OG Kush. So that shows how Landrace can be the Foundation of a variety of distinct Things.

You may ask “Why?”.
This happens because the Landrace is like a Wolf compared to a Dog, the Dog has a Limited set of Genes Selected from the more Diverse Genes available in the Wolf Genepool. So the Wolf breeding with any Dog, would unlock New Dogs also. And ultimately if Earth shipped out Pug nosed Dogs to another Planet and they never got another Shipment after that, one Day the Pugs in the Wild would still Develop to be more like Wolves, once the Human interference in the Breeding Selection was removed. The Wolf Genes are still in there somewhere, and mixing the Dog with the Wolf would bring out certain qualities of the Dog’s Genes that otherwise would have been Dormant.

Then further, there are Epigenetics.

Your DNA is Your DNA, but throughout Your Lifetime it actually changes to be expressed differently, so that Your Children actually get Different parts of Your Qualities depending on different Factors. The Genes can actually be different 1 Year than another Year, from the same Person. The same Genes, just expressed Differently. So this gets to the Marijuana Breeding, and brings up some Epigenetic Topics. The Main Topic would be in Marijuana Breeding, Stress. Stress makes Marijuana Better, and this has actually been proven with Animals too. The Plant studies have been in various Settings, I think it has often been Phalaris Grass and San Pedro Cacti that go through the Stress Tests, and what has been Found is that Plants react to Stress by Producing more Alkaloids. This could be seen as a Defense Mechanism as maybe if an Animal has been eating off of a Plant, maybe it could Defend itself by having a Higher Alkaloid content. But the Fact is that Stress Leads to Higher Alkaloid content. At First glance You might think that automatically means more THC for a Marijuana Plant, but THC is not an Alkaloid, so research still needs to be done. But with Marijuana there is a Technique called “Light Stress Training” (LST) whereby a Plant is Stressed in ways that give it Higher Yields of Marijuana Flowers. This is done with Strings, and Nets, and New Devices created just for this, and some of the Basic concepts are kind of like an Old Back Woods trick of letting the Plant Grow, then taking the Top and Tying it Down with a Cinder Block attached to the Top now, and the Branches on the Sides then Grow upwards because the Top is weighed down to the Ground by a Cinder Block. Creating more Tops, or Colas, for the Plant. You can also use a Cutting Technique called “Topping” to Create more Tops, where You Cut off a Top and 2 New Ones Grow. And You keep Cutting off Tops, and each Time 2 more Replace them. This Light Stress Training all increases Yield.

There is another Stress Technique which is to use Frass, Frass Shocks the Plant into thinking Bugs are attacking it, and it Grows Stronger. All of these Techniques can Change the Epigenetics causing Genes to be expressed Differently, and could have Effects in Breeding.

And that is kind of an Introduction to Marijuana Genetics.
I've been interested In D-limonene and B-Caryophyllene, with regards to Inflammation related issues.

Gonna have to get some individual plant derived terpenes and do some research. I've had the terpene drinks and gems and all, certain strains have been more helpful than others. I have c.o.a.'s on them. Some of the newer strains have pretty high levels. Like limonene at 2% total and caryoph. At 1.5-ish total flower content.

Some old school genetics have odd terp profiles in relation to new strains
I've been interested In D-limonene and B-Caryophyllene, with regards to Inflammation related issues.

Gonna have to get some individual plant derived terpenes and do some research. I've had the terpene drinks and gems and all, certain strains have been more helpful than others. I have c.o.a.'s on them. Some of the newer strains have pretty high levels. Like limonene at 2% total and caryoph. At 1.5-ish total flower content.

Some old school genetics have odd terp profiles in relation to new strains
Try like Lemon Grass, and Uziza Leaf, Kava Kava, Balm of Gilead, and then there is some Research that needs to be done.

The way Ayahuasca Works is like You can’t eat DMT and get an Effect, You have to Smoke DMT. But with MAOIs, basically Anti-Oxidants, You can make DMT active Orally, and they Discovered this in the South American Jungle maybe Thousands of Years ago, and they say the Plants taught them. So then there are CYP450 Enzymes, there are all these Enzymes.

So there is like You are Talking, Anti-Inflamatory, and like I mentioned the Blood Brain Barrier effects, but then there are like Enzymes that will make the Liver work Differently. Similar to how Glutathione breaks down Alcohol, so if You take Vanilla or Cinnamon it stops Glutathione from breaking down Alcohol, so You get Drunker, Faster, by having a Higher Blood Alcohol Content, so it gives the Alcohol an extended Effect also, it lasts longer. There are Plants that will Effect the Breakdown of THC and it could be Delta-8 and Delta-10 too, these all might have some kind of Enzyme Effect. But there should be all kinds of Plants that make THC Stronger, the way Kava Kava Works with MAGLs and Everything, it is similar to FAAH Inhibitors. Like, You have 2-AG and Anandamide in Your Brain, with Inhibitors it is Possible to get “High” or Medicinal Benefits, Stress Relieving Effects, Religious States, without adding any Cannabinoids. Tylenol actually breaks down into an FAAH Inhibitor called AM404 and it is thought that this is how Tylenol Works. But if You add Cannabinoids, this then makes the Cannabinoids Stronger.
Interesting potentiating effects. Entourage effect is legit. I made some high cbn keif and key lime honey-based gummies from heavily oxidized material recently

Myrcene also can help the blood/brain barrier as well as transdemal absorption

I was just having a conversation about other noids and some of the crosses with some ruderalis genetics are producing interesting noid profiles. Thcv cbc cbd cbg and variants.

I'm also seeing higher levels of terps like camphene, ocimine valencine. I always read c.o.a's

Here's one. It's only 20 n 8th too. Lol


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Interesting potentiating effects. Entourage effect is legit. I made some high cbn keif and key lime honey-based gummies from heavily oxidized material recently

Myrcene also can help the blood/brain barrier as well as transdemal absorption

I was just having a conversation about other noids and some of the crosses with some ruderalis genetics are producing interesting noid profiles. Thcv cbc cbd cbg and variants.

I'm also seeing higher levels of terps like camphene, ocimine valencine. I always read c.o.a's

Here's one. It's only 20 n 8th too. Lol

There are a lot of new Cannabinoids, You can actually see some as Precursors. It used to be that Olivetol and CBD were the Precursors, and like Delta-9-THC (Regular THC) was the Goal, maybe THC-O-Acetate. This is what Dr. Atomic’s Marijuana Multiplier was about, First You would amplify the THC Content by Extracting and Converting all CBD to THC. Then, turning all the THC to THC-O-Acetate, then putting it back on the Plant Material. Hence, “Marijuana Multiplier”.

But now, there are a Number of Cannabinoids, not Canna-Mimetics anymore, and then Cannabinoids are related to CBD and THC and Other Cannabinoids. So You can go to New Sources, which are similar kind of to Olivetol. So the way Olivetol Worked as that You add Monoterpenes and Acids. CBD and THC are the THC and HHC, You just blast it with Hydrogen (Acids). Now there are more intricate Synthesis, and a lot of New Cannabinoids coming up. THCp is 30x as Potent as THC, that is like the Old “Pollens” as they were called, like THC-V, not THCv, but THC-V like Roman Numeral 5. THCp is an example of a kind of New Study like Dr. Sasha Shulgin’s Mescaline Rosetta Stone.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  2. E @ EldritchMusic: theresearchchemslab
  3. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  4. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  6. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  7. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  8. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  9. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  10. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  11. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  12. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected
  13. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Hey Dolor! Hope you're having a good week friend, and everyone too! And hopefully everyone getting hit by this latest snowstorm is staying safe and warm and off the roads if ya can!
  14. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  15. D @ DolorCero: @bigblueallda - i replied to your inquiry
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: bam bam bam bam bam bam bam!
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @crimp half the website is flat out broken, i wouldn't touch this
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @PennyE first come first serve you might be able to get a sample from new vendors but if you're contacting an established vendor as a new *customer*, it's not very likely
  19. P @ PennyE: So I'm back after about a year, quick question. And y'all's opinion, How often do vendors offer new customers discounts? I've been doing a little shopping and it doesn't seem to be as normal as it year to be
  20. P @ PennyE: Sorry 🤦🏻‍♂️