

Aug 1, 2013
Has Anyone Dealt with Lymphoma???

Over a year ago masses were located between my abdominal lymph nodes and my spine--

Since then they've wrapped around my Inferior Aorta and Inferior Veena Cava. 

Apparently it's too risky to even take a sample, lymphoma is SUSPECTED but cannot be confirmed... 

Over the last year I've lost weight, the last nodes under my ears/against my jaws have swollen and hardened, and keeping anything down is A CHORE.

When I was in my late teens I had Ganglioneuroma/Neuroblastoma tumors spanning my spinal cord, left kidney, and stomach-- less than a year later had CARCINOID tumors in my Appendix, fallopian tubes, ureter, and gallbladder--

But I was a tad luckier then because all was rectified through a series of surgeries-- organ removals, etc. 

Meaning: No Chemo.

I already suffer from debilitating RSDS and now this... 

I've been waiting a year for some kind of resolution but I'm consistently told:

"Wait and See..."

I'm petrified--

Anyone have any advice????



I'm afraid that I don't have any advice to offer, but I can certainly sympathize with your anxiety. Nothing is worse than uncertainty and then your mind tends to wander to the worst case scenario.

This is nothing nearly as serious as your story, but a couple of years ago, I got called back for a second mammogram because they saw "something". At the same time my doctor thought she felt something unusual when she was giving me a physical and pushing on my stomach and abdomen and had me schedule a sonogram on my liver. My mom had recently passed from liver cancer so of course I imagined that I was riddled with cancer and I worried myself to the point where my hair started falling out which I also attributed to cancer.

Of course it was only from the stress that I put upon myself. Wish I knew what to say to avoid putting yourself through something similar and I hope you will have the answers you need very soon. Maybe a different doctor's opinion? 

I realize this was posted in January. I hope everything has turned out OK for you, or are you still following the wait-n-see protocol?  I am a cancer survivor myself, anyway wishing you well friend. 

Aw sweetie, I too hope this turned out well for you! I had a HUGE Chondrosarcoma in my left humerus (shoulder). I had to find a Orthopedic Oncologist and by the time I had the surgery the impingement on the nerves had caused me to lose total use of my left arm. Chondrosarcoma does not respond to chemo nor radiation....

I pray you came through this, you have been through so much already!  My bone cancer almost cost me my left arm, through the Grace of God they were able to get good margins and I was simply left with a 7 inch scar and full use of my arm. A very small price to pay for months of pain with bone cancer. I hope and pray you are well. Please let us know! 

@SkyDog I totally relate to your post, although I dont have cancer, my doctor found two angioplasties on my liver after Ifound out my liver was inflamed. He also found on my colon and I have an AH1 marker for an autoimmune disordere  that attacks my liver. He showed me the pictures below after my endoscopy and colonoscopy and said that we will do blood work and liver scans every three months so we can catch them when they turn into cancer, so Im precancerous. It literally has scared me to death. I have alway been healthy its not fun waiting around for them to turn cancerous, which they will he says but we have to catch them early so we can begin treatment. Im literally not allowed to take any medication, so Im not allowed anything  for pain and getting off benzos is so hard, but he said anything I take hurts my liver. He doesnt even know how badly i have abused them. Im a mess and afraid, I have changed my diet and trying very hard to quit smoking, Ive been smoking cannatonic and Charlettes Web and use CBDs everyday, vaping and orally. @RedGypsy im happy to hear that you are a cancer survivor it gives me hope, I just want to know howyou dealt with your diagnoses? I have been severely depressed, what do you do to take in all of this? Thanks in advance for any help!



First of all, big hugs from me! Just because something is pre-cancerous it doesn't mean certain cancer! I am proud of you for taking care of yourself, keep doing that! Going off of your benzo's may not be an option, if you can't do it, don't beat yourself up! Most of us have abused our bodies over the years!



3) NO NSAIDS!!!!!!  i.e. IBUFROFEN,  ALEVE (naproxen sodium)


Good Luck sweetie! Please let us know how you are doing! 💖  :9_innocent:

@SkyDog I totally relate to your post, although I dont have cancer, my doctor found two angioplasties on my liver after Ifound out my liver was inflamed. He also found on my colon and I have an AH1 marker for an autoimmune disordere  that attacks my liver. He showed me the pictures below after my endoscopy and colonoscopy and said that we will do blood work and liver scans every three months so we can catch them when they turn into cancer, so Im precancerous. It literally has scared me to death. I have alway been healthy its not fun waiting around for them to turn cancerous, which they will he says but we have to catch them early so we can begin treatment. Im literally not allowed to take any medication, so Im not allowed anything  for pain and getting off benzos is so hard, but he said anything I take hurts my liver. He doesnt even know how badly i have abused them. Im a mess and afraid, I have changed my diet and trying very hard to quit smoking, Ive been smoking cannatonic and Charlettes Web and use CBDs everyday, vaping and orally. @RedGypsy im happy to hear that you are a cancer survivor it gives me hope, I just want to know howyou dealt with your diagnoses? I have been severely depressed, what do you do to take in all of this? Thanks in advance for any help!

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An angioplasty is a test they do to check your heart. They place a very think wire into the groin and then work it into your heart. Could it be some other growths ?


Heavenlee meant Angiodysplasia

Heavenlee don't stress sweetie! And I would get a second opinion about this whole thing, thank goodness you live in CO right now! Just stay away from the Tylenol!

It is scary, I know... Just keep taking care of yourself, ok??? I wish I could pm, but my electrum wallet still won't let me donate!!! GRRR!

@SkyDog, boy did I get hell, no just gentle fun, if you cant laugh at yourself whats the point of living life! I said the Almond Brothers, I wake up early and was still half asleep. I did try to redeem myself they were first the Allman Joys, so I must have candy on my mind! But thank you, you gave me a huge sense of relief, and you are totally right, I am getting a second opinion, I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and they suck! I want to go back to humana in January. All he did was give me this report, and said we are going to closely watch these two lesions on youre liver. Not angioplasties, sorry I got confused, but thats a whole different story with my heart. But I do stay away from tylenol, its worthless to me. But damn i even abuse ibuprofen, I used to take every morning because my back always hurts because I have to use a wedge to be 6 inches elevated because of acid reflux disease. But he doesnt want anything to go through my liver. He makes me feel rushed all the time, like he has more important things to do, asking questions is impossible with him. I get my liver scan and blood drawn and damn another mammography done all next week. Im hoping my alts and asts are lower because I have been using cbds religiously since the endoscopy and colonoscopy. But the thought of getting blood drawn terrifies me! I literally have no veins left, so the thought of getting blood drawn terrifies me even more. So Im spending this weekend drinking so much water I dont sleep well because I wake up every hour having to pee!  I wish they could use an ultra scan like they do at the hospital when I have had operations, instead of feeling like a pin cussion! But I wanted to thank you, you definately helped being scared and depressed! I tried writing you, and hell, I still havent figured out using bitcoins! I had a close friend help me and paid the person back through paypal, if it werent for this person I couldnt figure out the whole bitcoin thing, it was easier before but Im sure @Admin is doing it this way for our protection. Did you read all about bitcoins? I did write you as well, Im assuming you didnt get it. I cant wait to pm you! I saw Dickie Betts play with the Tedeshi Trucks Band down south, it was an awesome concert! I wanted to trip, but some dude sold me moll$ instead, lol, its great meeting you, cant wait to pm you. I hope you definately stick around. The people are great here like family to me. Great meeting you and thanks for all your great advice, your awesome to have here!

Cancer.....I want this vile, evil disease wiped from the face of the earth. I have lost so many family and friends, (one who was just told he had stage 4 lung cancer and maybe one year to live). Now, this year I have decided to try to help those affected by offering rides to the doctor, treatment, or any other way I can help others who are going through this horrible, devastating disease.  

Was hoping to find more threads in this Sub-Forum as my friend is dying from colon Cancer and he refuses to get it checked out. He has not got a biopsy or what ever it is when they check to see how far the cancer has spread in a very long time and it sucks as I just lost my Father and this person a very good friend of mine I just wish he would see sense. Like he said thought it's nobody else's business but his own so I guess it is what it is. 

Last edited by a moderator:
Has Anyone Dealt with Lymphoma???

Over a year ago masses were located between my abdominal lymph nodes and my spine--

Since then they've wrapped around my Inferior Aorta and Inferior Veena Cava. 

Apparently it's too risky to even take a sample, lymphoma is SUSPECTED but cannot be confirmed... 

Over the last year I've lost weight, the last nodes under my ears/against my jaws have swollen and hardened, and keeping anything down is A CHORE.

When I was in my late teens I had Ganglioneuroma/Neuroblastoma tumors spanning my spinal cord, left kidney, and stomach-- less than a year later had CARCINOID tumors in my Appendix, fallopian tubes, ureter, and gallbladder--

But I was a tad luckier then because all was rectified through a series of surgeries-- organ removals, etc. 

Meaning: No Chemo.

I already suffer from debilitating RSDS and now this... 

I've been waiting a year for some kind of resolution but I'm consistently told:

"Wait and See..."

I'm petrified--

Anyone have any advice????


Hi dear, I see this is an older post. I am an R N, retired,26years  my spouse was recently dx with Cll andITP. Luckily,we are only  170miles from a mayo clinic. The Dr thete,as I def. Always get second opinions,had vastly marked advice for us as far as treatment plan goes. Mayo is the best. You need another oncologist,if you can get to a mayo campus,do,to lay eyes on your lab work,scans,you know the drill. DoctorsEXPECT patients to get more than one opinion. Now, I don't know your insurance situation,or you,or where you live. I will say call AmericanCancerSociety,call Mayo. If you don't have insurance,Mayo clinic might work with whatever you have. Please just don't take one opinion. Perhaps you already have spoken to another h em.\oncology practice. But mayo is the best!!! Prayers for you,God ,the ultimate healer, will guide and I pray in Christs name,Amen for healing. Please talk to ADD and Mayo clinic. Have your records sent down (or up)_to one of their hospitals. Take care, E

Was hoping to find more threads in this Sub-Forum as my friend is dying from colon Cancer and he refuses to get it checked out. He has not got a biopsy or what ever it is when they check to see how far the cancer has spread in a very long time and it sucks as I just lost my Father and this person a very good friend of mine I just wish he would see sense. Like he said thought it's nobody else's business but his own so I guess it is what it is. 
I am sorry for ypu,and the person you care about.I was in healthcare for 27years,trauma,ER,any unit I can work. Worked palliative care unit. That might be what your friend desires. If you don't know,palliative care is different from hospice. You still get treated,lab work,scans,etc..But it is comfort care,and you don't have to be end of life. Best advicr,let him Talk.Whatever he wants,don't offer your opinion,tough as this is. Put on your rah rah jacket,cheer and support him.This is about him,not you. I'm sure you know this. Just say, "i'm gonna listen to you,if you want an opinion or advice, ask me. If not,just talk whenever you need,day or night." This way, you won't be shut out,he won't shut down on ypu. I'm sorry,prayers

Thanx appreciate the advice... The partially worrying part is he doesn't seem to be worried about it despite not having a check up in like a long time.

Thanx appreciate the advice... The partially worrying part is he doesn't seem to be worried about it despite not having a check up in like a long time.
Be a hand holder,and that listener he must need. That's the best gift.take him out,buy him a martini,or drink of chouce, ask " how do you feel,on the inside? " not just " how ya doin"? Saying on the inside invites them to go deeper with you. I've had so many family members and friends of my dying patients just say " you just allowing me to talk, and not offer advice helped me more than anything. " as we see a loved one suffer, we want to just jump in ,offer the ole two cents,cause it makes US feel more comfortsble. I've known people who just stopped calling or visiting, saying, " I can't be around death,i feel uncomfortable, " i'm like, " how the F do u think they feel? "Blessings

Heck... I had to ask my Dr. when my blood work showed High White Blood Cell Count and he said it could just simply be allergies and of course I asked "Well what is the worse case scenario?" and he said it could be blood cancer. Now I last had my Blood Sample took and they put the needle or whatever and when they took it out they must of nicked a nerve or some. Now I go to get my renewal for my Tetanus Shot and my heart rate was rising and I was a bit nervous before hand and maybe the higher HR/BP caused what felt like a Bee Sting x10 Thousand in the amount of pain it caused and it was hurting like REALLY BAD I said and the Nurse said "Really proceeding to say how the needle is out and it is over with." 

  I couldn't believe it was already done... I don't remember my last tetanus shot being painful but I am too scared not just because of getting another nerve accidentally hit during a blood test but the idea of knowing which considering last Test my white blood cell count was down it's most likely allergies. I even had a Heart Test and they Called Me saying it was urgent and left that message had Me crying in the shower thinking "omfg I am going to die from what ever is causing these chest pains" point is I can't imagine how he is feeling but I mean.

  I told him how I was worried about him being a good friend and the idea of loosing him would destroy Me especially the more I am getting to know him and how great of a guy he is. He said and I quote when I told him this, " I am not stressing or worried about it man and it's happening to Me. Don't worry about Me eh... just live your Life and we'll hang." 

  He told Me one of many reasons he doesn't want to get checked up is cause they took his pain meds away from him and he told his Dr. "I'm not an idiot, I know it's not helping my pain but it's giving Me a reason to get up and Live my Life day to day and you guys want Me to go through all the suffering that comes with Cancer without my Pain Medication which all it does for Me is help Me cope by making it so I'm not in a bad mood and miserable. 

  He says his Dr. has been very understanding and Prescribed his pain Medication back to him but I think he might not be telling the truth about that. I believe a patient with more severely advanced cancer who he is taking care of and doesn't want to take away his right to be able to smoke cigarettes since most of the places that take care of people which I think is a hospice or however you spell it assuming that is the correct he specifically doesn't want to bring his friend there since he said he doesn't want to take away his independence.

The person who he met who has Cancer too I believe is sharing his Pain Medication with him since he got his Prescription increased by a lot to much higher doses based on what he is telling the Dr. as his advocate since the guy does know a lot about Medical stuff being someone who is suffering from Cancer too but we all do what we got to do to cope some people just can't understand that. 

  Everything you said I've been trying to do but I think the lack of time for both of us and like I am like in the middle of my personal problems but I try to see him once a week at the very minimum just to see what's up but thank you for the advice it is sound and seems good. 

@porkandbeansboy I do hope all is WELL 

I had my own little scare .. 3D mamma on my left tit found a strange star shape thing that seemed to form . 

I skipped a mammogram last year 😕 never do this ! After age 45 ish . Any who after nearly 100 pics , 2 sonograms and a near needle biopsy I am in the clear for re check on the little plotting burger 🍔 for 4-6 months .. the final doc said he did not feel comfortable taking a sample of tissue on a target so small and some what elusive. But when they catch it on some shots it’s there . It could be mashed up tissue .. so they are waiting to compare more pics . Thinking it will resolve itself. If it is something by then it will be grabable I guess .. boy do they kinda scare you BUT they always side on cation .. plus these 3D mother X-ray machines pick up on a fart :)  sounds like ... so to anyone going in for a needle bio or their 1800 mammogram pic the odds are likely in your favor !!! I am under 50 and have a 2nd cousin who survived breast cancer in her 50s I just found out .. thanks distant mom .. and a great aunt same side who survived it as well and n her late 60s . 

That I did not know till before the last appointment.  

I too tend to blow off such things invasive .. and now I owe a couple more grand to the great American healthcare system.. you think they would give one a slight refund at some point in such a mind fuck journey..

hope everyone is healthy and healed 

Diet can effect the speed and growth rate of any benign or malignant form of cancer. 

In particular, cancer cells more than any others in your body require methionine.  So any diet low in methionine will reduce the speed at which it grows. 

For example, chicken and turkey are things you should absolutely not eat when you have cancer.  Red meat, as counterintuitive as it may sound is much healthier for you. 

This isn't the best source I've selected below, but there are thousands of sources which all say the same thing, methionine poor diets are what you want when you have cancer:


Even though the above article claims it, I am not certain if methionine poor diets will kill cancer cells, but it will definitely greatly impede their growth.

My friend recently passed away, he was alive a lot longer than they thought he would of. Least it wasn't too painful in the end he was actually pretty well managed in his pain. May my good friend R.I.P. has got me thinking more about life and how I want to live mine.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!