Attention! Attention! I am a loud fucking belligerent asshole! TGC is in fact a legitimate operation, as I had expected all along!
Now I must first say that my Canadian pack, which was the most valuable, is the only one to arrive. But it arrived yesterday, and no there wasn't tracking but I am am
honest, upstanding man and part of being a man means owning your mistakes and misjudgements. It just took an obscene amount of time to make it across, probably because it wasn't tracked and shockingly only used like .30¢ postage to get here.
I do want to stress that my US domestic order did NOT arrive and at this point I must consider lost or misshipped. But it was a fraction of the value of this pack so I am not nearly as upset as I would have been with nothing to show for all my money.
I want to retract my impotent threats, realistically we all knew I wasn't ever going to fuckin China, that's quite an excursion for a half- cracked, brilliant-like-a-diamond-in-an-incinerator sort of maniac like myself. Christ imagine me stumbling around some region well known for making pharmaceutical intermediates and RCs over the years, maybe with a scummy taxi driver who begrudgingly joined my doomed misadventure because he was really bored and thought it would be funny to see some Chinese gang eventually dismember me in a back alley before feeding me to a wild dog pack. Huh I could probably wring a screenplay out of this...
But I digress! Here is the most important part!
I was wrong. Mostly. I was mostly wrong about TGC, they and particularly their Canadian partners did in fact mail my order, it just literally took from early November until yesterday to arrive to the Western US. But that it almost surely not their fault (unless this was a reship but I would have expected a "fuck you, you crazy raving lunatic dope fiend. Try not to die while vaping this shit in your dingy butthole apartment, you fucking human dingleberry." Something like that. So I think it's the original order, and I frankly blame organized labour for it taking 3 months to arrive. Fuck Unions, NOT TGC. TGC good, Union whiners who fuck with my dope packs bad.
I hope you can see to forgiving me my anger and desperation. I am but a poor dopefiend, and my money is very valuable to me. And on the street I would actually cut a mother fucker who tried to take my shit, once you've had cold steel pressed up against your gut by a tweaker who truly does not care about your life or limb, it will change how you respond to threats and shit. But it's different online, one can really only rage and make grand- if ultimately empty- threats and the like.
But as I said... I am a man of my word, at the end of the day it's all I've got...
AND my word is this: TGC is legit, order with confidence. It was the fault of the mail strike I believe (and maybe also being chintzy on postage but I can see that as an opsec angle too, despite disagreeing on a professional level since I feel tracking from a vending point of view is imperative to shutting down loud assholes like me when they pop up like angry, throbbing hemorrhoids from time to time. I digress yet again...)
Order from TGC. They are not scammers. I put my word on that. Would be nice to get that 4MMC that never arrived domestic but hey, the opi's are what I needed most of all and that's what I got so good on y'all, TGC...