Who's going to win? Final score? Anyone in on any squares and or placed bets?
Well, if you took the Broncos straight up against the spread, all you need is a 25-21 score, you high roller you! /default_biggrin.pngAll in all I think it will be a great game but I'm going to say Broncos for the win 25-15 and then I win $10,000!!
that's a pretty cool way to do it!We just have an office pool. It's based on everything from who wins the coin toss, Will coin be head or tails, to who scores first, method of first score, missed field goal, yes / no, opening kickoff returned to 30 yard line y/n etc. About 30 questions in all and they all have different point values, so a lot of it is luck and someone can be trailing by a lot and come back to win as the last few questions are worth enough points to overcome a significant deficit. It's certainly not based on much football knowledge, but it ends up being a lot of fun and the prize for the winner is about 1K, so not too shabby on a sh**s and giggles kind of thing that only costs 10$ to enter.