The Jukebox

Hey LWD. How are you doing today? Feels like Monday #3 for me. Yeah 3EB is a favorite of mine. I've got one more, this one for you, hopefully a happy tune to start your evening with. S-

Here is a tune for you- MB20's Rob Thomas of course. /default_wink.png
Hey, LWD.... Happy Friday & Labor Day weekend.  Another 3EB I thought you might like.  Have an awesome weekend.  S-

Nice! Actually one of the first Wax songs I heard. Good parody song.
It is very good! I also watched the "Bubble guts" video one- omg I could not stop laughing! So gross, but so funny! The Tiger Woods parody one was funny and I also enjoyed "Milk In My Sippy Cup!" He is really good, and love his sense of humor! We need more artists like him around, that is for sure..

Hey, LWD.... Happy Friday & Labor Day weekend.  Another 3EB I thought you might like.  Have an awesome weekend.  S-
Hi DGSB! Happy Friday to you too! Hope you will have some time off from work this weekend. I LOVE that song- from the moment I heard for the first time! Have it on my iTunes.

Thanks for the great song post.. It's always good to hear it!

It is very good! I also watched the "Bubble guts" video one- omg I could not stop laughing! So gross, but so funny! The Tiger Woods parody one was funny and I also enjoyed "Milk In My Sippy Cup!" He is really good, and love his sense of humor! We need more artists like him around, that is for sure..
Agreed. Milk in my sippy cup is awesome! The star in that bid is his nephew, Herbal T's son.

This reminds me of a thread i just saw......wording a little different though

Hey LWD.... one for the road, eh?  Have a great weekend.  /default_mellow.gif S-

Hey LWD.... one for the road, eh? Have a great weekend. /default_mellow.gif S-

Definitely a great driving song, which is a must have when I am driving long distances! Here is one for you- great lyrics AND all the way from 2002! LOL!

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Hey LWD.... one for the road, eh? Have a great weekend. /default_mellow.gif S-

Definitely a great driving song, which is a must have when I am driving long distances! Here is one for you- great lyrics AND all the way from 2002! LOL!
I know this song.... like it a lot but I have not heard it in a long time.  Tx.  Have a great day! S-

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: last time i did a big painting project i taped off but i think im just gonna learn to cut better for next time
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Do y'all tape off when you paint or just freeball it
  3. D @ DDC: Anyone heard from Jessica with BMO?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy maybe he's a bot, idek
  5. Y @ Yaugae5121: Oh crap @RussianRambo I remember that name from a bunch of discords back in the day!!! Glad to see you’re still kicking man; apple guy here 🙂
  6. CnC5 @ CnC5: @RussianRambo hmu 🤙
  7. Pharma Daddy @ Pharma Daddy: @RussianRambo email me for pyros
  8. T @ timyboy: @xenxra I thought I was the only one that noticed about em bins. What trash bins does he want?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: there is literally a "Who Offers It?" section. The shoutbox is for banter, not browsing.
  10. R @ RussianRambo: who has best pyros? no mdphip or 2-me
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Opana who has it
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: im gonna just say no
  13. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: bin #s for what? you asked this like 10 times without any clarification.
  15. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  16. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @DerailedFisherman That’s no fun. You probably barely escaped death. You get the license or ID the driver? Or hit and run? Sorry to hear that, glad you’re taking it so well! This life is so absurdly stressful and frustrating and funny and beautiful all at the same time!
  17. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls Oh, yeah, I’ve been there. No sweat, I was just giving you a hard time. My bad!
  18. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: Got hit by a car going 55. Couple bruises. Should be dead. Hows yalls days going?houd
  19. D @ druuls: @LatsDoodis I mistook it for the seach bar, was wondering what the process is
  20. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls those are two words, yes. Will they be attached to the rest of a sentence?