The Rise of Ativan. (The most underrated benzo)

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I, myself is guilty judging the mighty lorazepam. And on this forum, maybe one guy said it's quite awesome, especially if I order it from our Balkan-y friend.

My previous experiences were utter shit. Once (LOL) I was an idiot, and 300mg of Tram@dol, and 250mg of Effexor caused a wonderful serotonin storm, seizure, the works. I seized about 10 minutes, of course my brain turned the lights of, so I have no idea what's going on as I was waking up in thee EMS bus. 2 minutes, and we were backing up to the university hospital. The ED doctor was busy , playing jigsaw on another patient, who got a rather unpleasurable French kiss, from a Volvo semi truck. So I got a Nurse Practitioner, who was very nice, when I told her what I've done, she just said "You're lucky the hospital so close!" I agreed. While were chit-chatting, a RN started a central line. A NPR started to give out the medicine orders to the RNs, "saline, banana bag, an some of Ativan. My heart rate was a wee bit still high, so they pushed another one.  That brought it down to 110 from 190. I was a good boy, and following the the medical staff''s recommendation and stayed overnight, just to be sure. 

I started to think, there are so much more, better stronger benzos out there, why are they clinging to this garbage instead? I mean getting it IV was nice, and loosened me up nicely, but when my psych doctor started me on Ativ@n too. 2mg as need for anxiety, I right away looked it up on the interwebz, and my statisfation was guaranteed...almost.

Nonane mini pills, do I chugged down 5 (10mg), to see how this puppy handles. I felt...nothing. Maybe a bit slown down. And it was definitely wasn't placebo, otherwise I would have been WD'ing from years and years' worth of Xanax and Klonopin. Anywhere I went, minor procedures, like tooth extraction, twisted shoulder, Ativan+morphine, 

I rebelled and started to look around, to find was other benzos would fit me the best, Xanax - too short half life, and too strong, valium, 1290 hours of half life and a day of loopiness, no thank you. See what's left Midazolam.... That's a bit heavy not only for my wallet, but on my body tie, So I was down to two. Roche Rivotril and hemophafrm Ativan (lorazepam, since it wasn't really a brand.. Anyways, CC out, and Ordered 200 and r400,  The Ativan came about a week earlier, and HFS, this 2,5 mg AtiWonder, plainly made me smiley, just like when I had mg first Roche Valium in my ass at my first panick attack. Don't get me wrong, I don't care for the recreational value in Benzos,, personally I think it;s silly to eat 4-5 Xanax Bars, and then chill for an hour sitting on the couch like Beavis and Butthead then sleep for 23 hours. But boy, did it feel good. Ativan: The half life is perfect, daily 3x.2.5mg,  and I was a renewed man. Being weeks away fro my trusty Rivotril, I experimented, why the euphoria form a vanilla l0razepam? Maybe because  I hadn't have if for approximately  2 months. So

I inserted 5x2mg pills and let them dissolve. 'Mmmm, I had kinda missed the Roche Rivotril' minty aftertaste. Doing so about 20 minutes later I felt calm, but nothing special... It did the job,

I think most Americans overlook Ativan, because he quality so poor that they just chase the X bars for the buzz. I don't advertise it here for anything, but if I really wanted too feel sky high, I'd just buy a few R0xys and I'd parachute down. '

Summa Summarom, I'm very happy that AtiGod signaled me. 

ps: Next time you order from the ''Balkan area" ask for a 5-10 sample pills. This little baby powder colored mofo deserves your second chance :)

Have a great weekend!


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Ativan + Mørphine sounds awesome, though risky! It's one of my favourite benzos, only drawback being its half-life. Great for my daily panic attacks too. It's equivalent to 25mg of Diazepam so it's best not to become dependent on it - benzo withdrawals are truly awful. 

Saying that, I take rivs which are equivalent to 40mg of Diaz! Trying to take sensible doses, and have days without it.

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I never really found this X benzo equivalent to 20mg of Y benzo relevant.

Every benzo is different, they hit different GABA receptors, their molecular structure is different, their half-life is different, even their effects are different.

While diazepam is more like a muscle relaxant and mainly use for alcohol and other substance (even other benzo) withdrawals, Xanax is used for acute panic attacks, since it's got a huge kick and a very short half life. Rivotril (clonazepam) is great if you have GAD, because of its conveniently long half life, and mild (er) potency, so people can function in the everyday life, even at jobs where being alert is key.

Midazolam is often used in hospital settings for pre-op sedation, and with combination of Fentanyl it works great as a non-general, but a very strong and and potent anesthesia, which is often called "Twilight Sedation 2". ( I know, it sounds like a cool movie, doesn't it? :)  ) Usually used at dental procedures, colonoscopy, and minor surgeries, like knee...etc surgery, where intubation isn't necessary, therefore most of the time they don't bring in an Anesthesiologist. 

Also a lot of people don't even know, that Midazolam is one of the two or three agents they use at capital punishments at certain states, where execution is still a valid punishment. (The very reason of Midazolam shortage in State Prisons is, that the manufacturers in the EU are against the capital punishment, and it forbids the export of midazolam from EU pharmaceutical companies to the US).

I really like this particular Ativan that I get from a SY vendor, because it just works so great for my bipolar condition, when I have outbursts, or I'm manic, have racing thoughts, frustrated. And just quietly would like to add, that it has some really amazing recreational values too :)  (I usually don't care about getting high on prescription medicine), but if it comes with the package, I'm not going to say no). It's even better than the IV Ativan they use in the US hospitals. Even our "old" DBG  vet, @Back2Good knows his shit :)

So this is my view on comparing benzos, I really don't find it relevant, since they're almost apples and oranges.

I hope I could give some insight into the benzo word, unfortunately 17 years (I'm 32 now) of "experience", plus my medical background comes in handy every now and then. :)


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I never really found this X benzo equivalent to 20mg of Y benzo relevant.

Every benzo is different, they hit different GABA receptors, their molecular structure is different, their half-life is different, even their effects are different.

While diazepam is more like a muscle relaxant and mainly use for alcohol and other substance (even other benzo) withdrawals, Xanax is used for acute panic attacks, since it's got a huge kick and a very short half life. Rivotril (clonazepam) is great if you have GAD, because of its conveniently long half life, and mild (er) potency, so people can function in the everyday life, even at jobs where being alert is key.

Midazolam is often used in hospital settings for pre-op sedation, and with combination of Fentanyl it works great as a non-general, but a very strong and and potent anesthesia, which is often called "Twilight Sedation 2". ( I know, it sounds like a cool movie, doesn't it? :)  ) Usually used at dental procedures, colonoscopy, and minor surgeries, like knee...etc surgery, where intubation isn't necessary, therefore most of the time they don't bring in an Anesthesiologist. 

Also a lot of people don't even know, that Midazolam is one of the two or three agents they use at capital punishments at certain states, where execution is still a valid punishment. (The very reason of Midazolam shortage in State Prisons is, that the manufacturers in the EU are against the capital punishment, and it forbids the export of midazolam from EU pharmaceutical companies to the US).

I really like this particular Ativan that I get from a SY vendor, because it just works so great for my bipolar condition, when I have outbursts, or I'm manic, have racing thoughts, frustrated. And just quietly would like to add, that it has some really amazing recreational values too :)  (I usually don't care about getting high on prescription medicine), but if it comes with the package, I'm not going to say no). It's even better than the IV Ativan they use in the US hospitals. Even our "old" DBG  vet, @Back2Good knows his shit :)

So this is my view on comparing benzos, I really don't find it relevant, since they're almost apples and oranges.

I hope I could give some insight into the benzo word, unfortunately 17 years (I'm 32 now) of "experience", plus my medical background comes in handy every now and then. :)

Yes, I've studied half-lives, equivalency charts, and am certainly aware that every benzo has its own purpose. Saying that, the 'stronger' benzos are more likely to leave me with a groggy feeling in the morning - except Nitraz - that isn't strong but leaves you with the worst benzo hangover! Plus, when I used to take x@n@x, it would knock me out - which wasn't the effect with other 'less potent' varieties. :)

I don't have Bi Polar, but do have BPD. Benzo-wise, ever since I returned to their warm but precarious bosom, my moods have been considerably more stable. Clonz is my  first choice because it lasts 34-36 hours, helps me sleep, function and I don't have to take many. Therefore they last me a decent amount of time, and save £££ in the long-run. 

I have read quite a bit about the use of Midazolam in the States. 

I was at the hospital at the weekend getting stitches in my hand, and I knew more about the medications than the male nurse! We both agreed that I should have been a pharmacist. Unfortunately, my track record won't allow that but it's always good to acquire knowledge. :D

Dear @ElectroNymph,

I didn't mean to "school you" on benzodiazepines , sorry if it sounded that way. When I read your post, all I saw was this and this are equivalent to this and that, just thought I pour some clean water in the glass :)

When I was still roaming another forum,, I constantly read, that Ksalol equals 30mg of Diazepam and 2mg Clonazepam equals 1mg of Alprazolam. I just thought it was silly to compare benzos that way to each other.

So let's pretend, I wrote that post above to people, who have the urge to constantly compare every benzo to other benzos, and buy them according to charts like that.  You seem to know your way around benzos, so I won't bother you explaining how they work anymore. See, 150mg of Midazolam equals about 500mg of diazepam, and about 20mg of Alprazolam. I've taken 10-12 (150-180mg) Midazolam before, and according to the charts, I should have passed out and would've had a Pulmonary aspiration in my sleep, and there would be no Jackie Chhiles in this forum.:)

Hope you're having a nice weekend!


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@ElectroNymph I hope your hand isn't too badly damaged hun?.We are lucky to have the good old NHS here in the uk but who knows for how long?.

Only bad point is sitting waiting for treatment on at acc +emergency on a Saturday night?!!X



@blissopifree 2

How long is the average waiting time in the ED (emergency department) in the UK?

In the USA regardless whether you have insurance or you don't. 

I'm a little curious how the UK system works. We admit patients regarding what the complaint is. We use flags next to eat patient's name, White is usually just a follow up, or  a refill on the inhaler, or short exchange about meds adjustments and side effects . Yellow is broken bones, flu, migraine...etc. Red is the life-threatening situation, like vehicle accidents, GSW (gunshot wounds), stabbings, (potential) heart attacks, get the gist. So unless you come in with a heart attack, your name will be slipping down on the screen.  There are only 2(!!!!!!) Federal owned hospital exist, and only those are free, but the waiting time could 2-3 days, in the lobby that is, if you leave the hospital, they take you off the waiting list, everything else is privatized, so sky-high prices - even with insurance, and the waiting time could be 6-10 hours, depending on your medical condition.   Our healthcare  system is the worst in the (Western) Word. Lawd forbids you get a serious illness, you will end up selling your car, your home, (yes with insurance). If I ever get MS or Lyme, Cancer (the big ones), I'm taking advantage of my dual citizenship and flying back to Hungary and get treatment for free. Even with the Hosital I work for has a shitty insurance package. Dental and Vision are borderline okay (yes, dental, vision sonf general health are 3 separate packages)l

Just to think about makes my blood boil.

ativan is some great shit

i dont know what vendor carries it though.  Anyone steer me in the right direction?

I would strongly advise to read the forum guide and browse the forum as much as you can. We can't really "point you in the right direction", but there are certain sections, where you'll find anything you need. Just keep reading, posting, or donate 10 dollars, and that section will be available to you.


ativan is some great shit

i dont know what vendor carries it though.  Anyone steer me in the right direction?
Indeed, well said @Jackie Chiles, @gmoney, the vendors listed are at your disposal and reputable. Visit their site, if they have one, or shoot off an email to them , you're in the driving seat here!

I was given ativan at first for my seizures then they told me I would soon build up a tolerance to it,now I am on Kepra,vimpat,and phenobarbital.Valium would have been my preferred drug but the neurologist said no.I had seizures from xanax once and in the er they gave me fast dissolving 2 mg xanax bars? Does that make since?


Yes, just like giving an alcoholic alcohol temporarily, while getting him into treatment, so they don't die of Delirium Tremens. You didn't get Valium, for the same reason they took you off of At!van.

The meds you're on now, the Keppra, Vimpat and Pheno are not as dangerously addictive as benzos. They are all treating tonic-clonic seizures (assuming you have epilepsy or some type of neurological problem?) Pheno will help you sleep better and treats seizures too just like Keppra and Vimpat. I think this trio is much more efficient than Valium, or any other type of benzos, especially long-term.

Thanks OPAL but its hard and I mean really hard to stay away from them.

@Nostromo1965, that wasn't the most appropriate post. I suggest you read and research to find where you can find what you are looking for, and which in all honesty are not difficult to find, many vendors carry them. Have a look at various vendor threads, read the last 5-10 pages and make an informed decision. Much safer way of doing things. ☺

I, myself is guilty judging the mighty lorazepam. And on this forum, maybe one guy said it's quite awesome, especially if I order it from our Balkan-y friend.

My previous experiences were utter shit. Once (LOL) I was an idiot, and 300mg of Tram@dol, and 250mg of Effexor caused a wonderful serotonin storm, seizure, the works. I seized about 10 minutes, of course my brain turned the lights of, so I have no idea what's going on as I was waking up in thee EMS bus. 2 minutes, and we were backing up to the university hospital. The ED doctor was busy , playing jigsaw on another patient, who got a rather unpleasurable French kiss, from a Volvo semi truck. So I got a Nurse Practitioner, who was very nice, when I told her what I've done, she just said "You're lucky the hospital so close!" I agreed. While were chit-chatting, a RN started a central line. A NPR started to give out the medicine orders to the RNs, "saline, banana bag, an some of Ativan. My heart rate was a wee bit still high, so they pushed another one.  That brought it down to 110 from 190. I was a good boy, and following the the medical staff''s recommendation and stayed overnight, just to be sure. 

I started to think, there are so much more, better stronger benzos out there, why are they clinging to this garbage instead? I mean getting it IV was nice, and loosened me up nicely, but when my psych doctor started me on Ativ@n too. 2mg as need for anxiety, I right away looked it up on the interwebz, and my statisfation was guaranteed...almost.

Nonane mini pills, do I chugged down 5 (10mg), to see how this puppy handles. I felt...nothing. Maybe a bit slown down. And it was definitely wasn't placebo, otherwise I would have been WD'ing from years and years' worth of Xanax and Klonopin. Anywhere I went, minor procedures, like tooth extraction, twisted shoulder, Ativan+morphine, 

I rebelled and started to look around, to find was other benzos would fit me the best, Xanax - too short half life, and too strong, valium, 1290 hours of half life and a day of loopiness, no thank you. See what's left Midazolam.... That's a bit heavy not only for my wallet, but on my body tie, So I was down to two. Roche Rivotril and hemophafrm Ativan (lorazepam, since it wasn't really a brand.. Anyways, CC out, and Ordered 200 and r400,  The Ativan came about a week earlier, and HFS, this 2,5 mg AtiWonder, plainly made me smiley, just like when I had mg first Roche Valium in my ass at my first panick attack. Don't get me wrong, I don't care for the recreational value in Benzos,, personally I think it;s silly to eat 4-5 Xanax Bars, and then chill for an hour sitting on the couch like Beavis and Butthead then sleep for 23 hours. But boy, did it feel good. Ativan: The half life is perfect, daily 3x.2.5mg,  and I was a renewed man. Being weeks away fro my trusty Rivotril, I experimented, why the euphoria form a vanilla l0razepam? Maybe because  I hadn't have if for approximately  2 months. So

I inserted 5x2mg pills and let them dissolve. 'Mmmm, I had kinda missed the Roche Rivotril' minty aftertaste. Doing so about 20 minutes later I felt calm, but nothing special... It did the job,

I think most Americans overlook Ativan, because he quality so poor that they just chase the X bars for the buzz. I don't advertise it here for anything, but if I really wanted too feel sky high, I'd just buy a few R0xys and I'd parachute down. '

Summa Summarom, I'm very happy that AtiGod signaled me. 

ps: Next time you order from the ''Balkan area" ask for a 5-10 sample pills. This little baby powder colored mofo deserves your second chance :)

Have a great weekend!

The last paragraph about the  roxy music and parachute down. I had a big learning experience on Tuesday. My neighbour gets the 20's and with being very tolerant with opioids I took 4, crunched them and waited whilst I surfed the net. 

At around 45 minutes I got an headrush that I'd only ever experienced with uppers. My male parts decided to hide in my stomach and I was buzzing like a sonmabitch :)

I did get a little panicky as I wondered if I was in od territory but I had none of the feelings of nodding or gouching. I actually got a shitload of housework done and the place has never been cleaner. Let an horrible corporal or NCO get a white glove on and check. The only downside was it made me sweat and I mean really like I had a shower. I had taken my normal 150 of MST around 4 hours earlier. I guess that even the new contin recipe is not as hard to bypass of the NAPP MST. Chewing them really made the difference. It scared me a bit lmfao. 

I think that ativan is much  better than say xanax. due to half life. although looking at lorazapam, it also has a long half life, but look at how it is processed through the body, and it does not affect the liver as much, hardly at all, than other BZDs.  But overall, i would take either ativan or lorazepam over any other BZDs.... I am interested in alternatives though so thanks for the feedback. But if seizures...that may be a different story. consult with MD.

Hey good people! I’ve been studying and searching everything I can on benzos basically trying to find some sort of equivalency chart, at least for the most popular benzos. I take 4 mg Clonazepam daily prescribed and I always run out due to such bad panic disorder. My friends have given me up to 10 mg of Ativan to which I’ve not felt really anything. I’m trying to see how the Clonazepam mg’s equal in measure to Ativan and Valium and Xanax in terms of mgs. I get so confused but really need some kind of guide or chart that should exist. I really am searching for another benzo to take when running out of clonz and need something quick for a horrible panic attack. Any help or guidance would be more than appreciated. Please and thank you! ❤️✌🏼🙏

I believe I read Ativ@n seems to hit all the Benzodiazepine "Sub Units" just very mildly. Essentially Ativ@n is one of the least intense affecting Benzos and that is one of the main reasons Doctors LOVE giving it as a very first option since the potential for abuse is less and it's fast enough acting especially if you get the Sublingual Ativ@n under your tongue in 15-30 seconds it's dissolved and 15 Minutes later instead of 60 Minutes your feeling the full effects I know this because I was given some in a Hospital during a panic attack when I wanted to leave they gave Me it and I calmed down and I am talking from crying combo of other stuff type of panic I was going through and it worked fantastically. 

I believe I read Ativ@n seems to hit all the Benzodiazepine "Sub Units" just very mildly. Essentially Ativ@n is one of the least intense affecting Benzos and that is one of the main reasons Doctors LOVE giving it as a very first option since the potential for abuse is less and it's fast enough acting especially if you get the Sublingual Ativ@n under your tongue in 15-30 seconds it's dissolved and 15 Minutes later instead of 60 Minutes your feeling the full effects I know this because I was given some in a Hospital during a panic attack when I wanted to leave they gave Me it and I calmed down and I am talking from crying combo of other stuff type of panic I was going through and it worked fantastically. 
Well said @porksandbeansboy! I agree with what you wrote, ativan is usually the favorite of medical professionals to prescribe although they do seem to give very limited amounts but other benzos they won't even consider. I've never known anyone who's had a diazepam prescription, and very few alprazolam as docs really don't want to prescribe it, even the XR which is lame as the XR works well. Anyway, ativan does have that benefit of the under the tongue fast acting dissolve so if you're having a panic attack I imagine fifteen-thirty minutes you'll start feeling it.  If only there were places that accept credit/debit cards instead of all this cryptocurrency and/or WU, MG, rigamarole.  Great share!

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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!