Rxing opiods is at a 30 year low and yet more people are dying. Someone make that math actually fucking math!
I support 2--what I think--are very important organizations that sum up the problem in "the greatest country on earth"!
One is a harm reduction group. However they have gone above and beyond to keep their members safe. While clean supplies (needles, bandages, prep pads, etc) are passed out weekly they also meet with the "servers" of the community. The servers aren't some shady, creepy boogeyman. This harm reduction group helps with supplying the servers with clean and sterile supplies in order to hopefully avoid any life-ending contamination. The servers don't want their customers dying. The group also makes sure the servers are using the best ingredients--if possible--and that they have the tools they need to follow a clean recipe. The customers know the recipe in case of any harm so it can be reported to 911 if need be.
The servers also pass out narcan, tools for using, and if they have it to give the servers will pass out prepaid cards for food etc.
As "silly" as it sounds, in this gig world these servers are hustling to make their coin too. They become friends and care about their customers. Very rarely is it the shadowy scary figures depicted in the media. WE ALL KNOW THIS TO BE SO!
The safe supply has helped tremendously in this particular area. The group will also pay for testing when the server receives any pre-made stuff. It's in everyone's interest to know what's in that shit we ingest. Fuck, our own FDA doesn't care--someone has to.
The other group is another harm reduction group. They take calls from anyone who is using--typically from any server near and far. They hang out on the phone/face time/zoom etc while the person uses just in case it's illicit fentanyl or whatever other stuff is being put into the supply. If it goes bad a 911 call can be made and get someone there to admin narcan or whatever else is needed. It's a sad state of affairs. Most--please read most, not all, are regular peeps who got forced out and off their DOC. However, whatever was their reason to use their DOC didn't change. Most are people trying to live a decent, pain-free life and not understanding why they aren't afforded the ability to use any and all methods available. Unfortunately this service isn't legal in all states so it's not able to be used by everyone. First rule is to keep the user safe, keep the companion safe, then lastly keep the server safe.
FDA approved opiods have been safe and effective for multiple decades. Now, NOW a few money-hungry bastards have decided they aren't necessary. This might be triggering--and I do have great empathy for anyone that lost a loved one due to chaotic use and co-use of substances (because let's face it--someone dying from using too many single type FDA opiods doesn't happen--don't fall for the media hype, there isn't an opiod crisis as far as use--there is when it comes to RX'ing and producing!) and I do not say this to enhance their pain. What THE FUCK does your person's chaotic use have to do with millions of people who aren't in that situation. NO other place in our society has this happened. MMMMillions of people have and will continue to die in car accidents due to reckless conduct (or not) but we don't take cars away. MMMMillions of people have and will continue to die from alcohol. Our society as a whole suffers from chaotic substance use of alcohol (or not) and we don't ban alcohol.
I could go on with the examples but y'all are smart enough to know this game. People must wake up and pay attention to who you are voting for in elections--and I am not talking national stages. This fuckery started at a local level. People making laws based on emotions (OMG Jane's son got illicit fentanyl laced pills and died! Let's make sure no one can get licit drugs now!) and without any facts or science. They were driven only by paydays and kudos from those screeching the loudest.
What can you do? For sure volunteering with time, talent and/or treasure to harm reduction groups or any group trying to raise money to get lobbyists to beat the drum to open up the production of FDA approved opiods is a start. Actively correcting media outlets who spout "fentanyl-laced" or "fentanyl coming across the boarder" with "Ilicit fentanyl" or "bathtub fent" with a quick blurb about how they are just one illness away from needing FDA approved fentanyl--and how legit fentanyl and other opiods provide for a civilized and compassionate pain treatment society. If you have a relationship with a doctor talk to them about if they support the bills being put before state and national legislative bodies to make it illegal to not treat pain and to treat with only FDA approved medications, while someone is in the hospital. Ask them if they support AND participate in the NarxCare scoring process which is discriminatory and all-around problematic as fuck! For added fun ask them if they even know what goes into the score.
Here's my bottom line and I totally get it if it's not yours but you must know in the future, unless you are ultra privileged, these medications wont be accessible unless there is a huge groundswell of activity to change the path we are being forced onto and hurtling fast and furiously towards an end of life as we know it. If you are using this board to meet your wants with a server who feels a little "cleaner" and more like working with a legit medical professional

but you refuse to speak up because, well you have privilege and while it may hit your wallet you can still get your desired effects without losing your home, if you won't even tap a keyboard to help correct a vile, calculated lie, if you refuse to fight against the drumbeat of FDA opiods aren't necessary in our country but yet you will self-medicate because you are able and you wouldn't want anyone to (mis)judge you and possibly think you are weak because you want these substances to live your life, on your terms.. if you live this life and want to remain silent while millions of others don't have your privilege and are ultimately paying a death tax, than wow--I hope karma will find you.
For sure, don't take my warning cry for truth. Do your own research. And then find a way to help like hell!
PS: If you think this is only about opiods and not benzos--guess again. There is a whole new generation who believes benzos have no place--ZERO place--in our society and one must have another mental defect to rely on daily use or even occasional use of a benzo.