@IronLifter37 You are not alone, I went to the webpage, thought the selection and prices were decent, made an order on November 25, 2018, and today is January 27, 2019 and I got NOTHING!!! I sent out an e-mail to him when I went over 20 days w/o product (he speculates about 14 days for most orders), he sent me back a reassurance that everything was good, they were having some issues with the postal service (I got taken already from PPE and TTM & all blamed on the post), and for my inconvenience he would include some free samples. Waited a couple more weeks--nothing, so sent another message, & got back an apology, that this was well out of their shipping time, and package would be sent again/reship at no cost to me...I finally gave up on ever receiving anything from him or that site, so I am trying to get a chargeback (I was right on the 90 day filing time for dispute, and wonder if he wasn't putting me off and blowing smoke up my skirt just to delay me further so that a chargeback would not be an option?). I don't normally do this, but I did send him a strongly worded e-mail calling him ("Max") a cheat, a thief, a lier, etc., I am sure he was devastated (ha!), but I did go to the google site where he has an advertisement and made a complaint to the site that he was endorsing illegal activity and that while they investigate, I hope his banner gets pulled so he doesn't continue to cheat people and line his pockets with honest person's monies--what a dick! And I am yet again a dumbass fool,. and I want to blow him up, but I also don't want my anger to get me into more trouble b/c I am implicating myself along with him about what "services" or "goods" that he provides (well, he doesn't provide anything come to find out, but you know what I mean)---meanwhile, I am out the South Africa vendor and money from that transaction, now I am out thedonrx vendor and that money, and while I have filed chargebacks, I don't really think I'll get any money back--won't they want to know what it was I was trying to order, and while that was fraud on the vendor's part, am I not sticking my neck out for any legal repercussions as well? So confused, so hurt, so lost, so lonely; I have such a poor quality of life anyway, and these things happening repeatedly to me (and I am the goddess of FUBAR), just leaves me, already anxious and depressed, thinking I just don't want to live this life anymore....I am in my 40's, but need open heart surgery at some point for a bad mitral valve and a hole (congenital) in my heart, and right now, I am just thinking eff it, no surgery, I don't want to prolong this life anymore than I have to--misery, thiefs, liars, out of touch with this digital age, disabled---I am done, put a fork in it. Thanks for letting me vent, Godspeed to you and yours, Leigh Anne