@jajko I have to second
@lookinforthebiscuits and say that it would be crazy to order from the blacklist. One of the main purposes of this forum is to keep our members from blindly ordering from random Internet sites and getting scammed a dozen times before ever finding a legitimate vendor. Please take advantage of the work others have done to find vendors that will send you what you pay for.
True, though I know of at least one vendor that’s on the blacklist here, that I’ve worked with for over 8 years and dozens upon dozens of orders without a single hiccup.

I won’t mention the vendor, because a) I don’t want to catch shit for advertising a blacklisted vendor, and b) I enjoy the benefits of this forum and community way more than possibly risking my own membership for disagreeing with one or two vendors being on the blacklist. Sort of a “Not my ship, not my crew” situation; anyway, there’s plenty of excellent and reliable vendors on here that *are* vetted and approved by forum leaders, especially for those of us who are sponsor members. Trust me, it’s worth it for anyone on the fence about donating for greater access. I say this as a years-long lurker-turned sponsor member.
But for the über curious, a quality SE (not Google) query can turn up all sorts of helpful information also. As most members here would likely agree as well, conducting your own due diligence research from multiple sources only helps you in the long run.
But regarding “Dr. Max” .... ::sigh:: Years ago I did place an order after seeing glowing reviews from probably the same “review forum” singing his praises that so many other poor fools did, and after a few months and several emails back and forth, and a strongly worded message or two calling out the scam, I did actually receive a parcel from the good Dr. Max. It was packed in the same manner as described on other forums claiming he’s legit, so I had some hope that I got it all wrong, and verbally beat the shit out of a poor guy trying to do his best.* It was something, but definitely not medicine and almost certainly dirty, chemical chalk pressed into pill shape, and not particularly well pressed, either. Ever wonder why the pictures of the “generic” OC’s were so grainy? Yeahhh, it’s because it’s bunk. Probably a funky mix of mostly fillers and binders, caffeine, acetaminophen, some other bittering agent and quite possibly trace amounts of a fentalogue or RC with some mild opiate-like activity, but most certainly NOT what’s claimed to be. Now there may be a select few items that are indeed legit now that his website is down and he’s evidently still operating as email only source, but I’ll not be the guinea pig.
Anyway, that was my experience from my one chance I gave this vendor, and my .02. Despite all this and others’ warnings,
somebody is going to toss the dice and order. To whoever that may be, PLEASE remember to use harm reduction practices. Send off a sample to be tested if you have the means, allergy test before you neck back 5-10 mystery pills, and
please make sure you do report your experience for others! You could save someone’s life, money, or partially vindicate a long-known fraud, who finally actually came across authentic medications.

Please stay safe out there, y’all
*After all, he’s helped thousands of children; or didn’t you read his website?? (before it was seized)
Cheers and stay safe, kids.