Thinking about asking my doc to double my clonazepam quantity

Kurt Codean

Aug 15, 2015
My doctor prescribes me 30 2mg clonazepam pills every month. I take them at night to help me sleep, but lately I find that 2mg doesn't help me so much, so sometimes I take 2 of them which is 4mgs. So next time I see my doctor I want to ask him if he can write me a script for 60 2mg Clonazepams instead of 30. I guess I will try to explain to him that I need 4 mgs of it at night. Does anyone here think that this would be a reasonable request, or is it asking for too much? So far my doctor has been pretty liberal with his prescriptions, he's been giving me almost everything I ask for, but I don't know if asking for 60 clonazepams instead of 30 would be pushing it. I guess it can't hurt to ask though right?

... So far my doctor has been pretty liberal with his prescriptions, he's been giving me almost everything I ask for ...
IMHO, I would find another doc ...

I slipped down the rabbit hole - didn't want to see it happening - did later - and it was tough to come out ... I mean, weaning off all the meds was a struggle ... Compared to where I am now, those yrs were not as good as I thought ... Don't want anyone to hurt like I did then ...

If U haven't done so, look into MM - but not in addition to present meds w/o consultation ...

Good Luck ...


i wouldnt ask for me, its is very hard and dangerous to come off this on it as well...

if its not workin maybe he needs to add something or figet with your meds..

i doubt he will add another 2 mg to ur clono....but be honest with seems he needs todo something....maybe a switch is in need...

My doctor prescribes me 30 2mg clonazepam pills every month. I take them at night to help me sleep, but lately I find that 2mg doesn't help me so much, so sometimes I take 2 of them which is 4mgs. So next time I see my doctor I want to ask him if he can write me a script for 60 2mg Clonazepams instead of 30. I guess I will try to explain to him that I need 4 mgs of it at night. Does anyone here think that this would be a reasonable request, or is it asking for too much? So far my doctor has been pretty liberal with his prescriptions, he's been giving me almost everything I ask for, but I don't know if asking for 60 clonazepams instead of 30 would be pushing it. I guess it can't hurt to ask though right?
but think about it codean, what happens when 4mgs. doesn't help so much?? then go to 6mg? and then when that doesn't help so much?  You see where I'm going with this I'm sure.  There is another option when your body is building up tolerance and that is to take less for a while,,, try taking a half or even none for as long as you can and then 2mg. will work for you again.  This is the smartest way to go about it.  You don't want to have a huge tolerance for this drug.

@ suzie @sadminion @wait4it thanks everyone for the advice. I think you guys are right about not taking to much of this drug. To be quite honest with you all, I seriously don't get much effect from even 4mgs of this stuff. When I first started taking it I think 2mgs was pretty good to get me relaxed and feel less anxitey, 3mgs used to feel really good, but that was years ago and I noticed that it's been a while since I was able to feel anything from this drug no matter how high of a dosage I tried to take. For some reason though I seemed to keep taking at least 2mgs a day even though they didn't really do anything for me. I think I was chasing that initial mood it used to put me in, but have never quite been able to get there again. I was taking the 2mg a day because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get to sleep with out it, and then at times when I would feel panicky I would take 2 at a time, so It would be 4 mgs. I did this too often last month and ended up running out about a week before my next refill. During that week I started having this terrible insomnia and it didn't seem to go away until the day I was able to refill the medication and take the 2mgs again. But I'm starting to think that this must have been some kind of psychological reaction, because I'm happy to say that I haven't been taking any of these pills since last Saturday and I've been doing just fine without them so far. The day before Saturday I think I took 4mgs and I was thinking that maybe I needed to up my dosage because I didn't want to run out again. I think there is a good chance this doctor would give me 60 if I asked for them but I don't want to give him the impression that I'm a drug seeker. I think the worse that would happen is he would say no. I have to admit the thought of asking him to double my supply is tempting, even if I'm not using them because I guess I feel somewhat like there is a safety net if I have some of these incase I do go through some WD symptoms and have no other choice than to take them. If I can continue to get by without taking any I will probably not bother asking my doctor to double it but may still take the 30 a month script. What happened last Saturday night was I was planning on taking 4mgs before I went to bed, and I had the bottle near my bed, but I ended up falling asleep before I took them. So then I said to myself if I was able to sleep without them maybe I can do it again, and for the past 3 days I have been going to bed without taking any. I hope I can keep this up. Thanks for the responses everyone.

@wait4it I understand what you are saying, but I think I need this doctor because He prescribes me a couple of pain medications, which really help me when I do my job. If i don't take them I feel like I have terrible pain doing this job. It's not a really great job but it involves a lot of bending and lifting. I also had a back xray and this doctor told me that I'm showing early stages of arthritis between my l4 and l5 vertebrae. Which sounds about right to me because that is the spot where I seem to experience the most pain when I work. The best option for me would be to find a different job which wasn't so physical, but until I find something like that i think using the pain meds to do this job is my only option. 

Important thing is U R thinking. I sense a lot of us on this forum have our issues with getting relief from physical, emotional, & other pain.
Didn't do this right ... DUH!


Important thing is U R thinking. I sense a lot of us on this forum have our issues with getting relief from physical, emotional, & other pain.

Good place to discreetly share...

im severe insomniac, i take clonopan, ambian and trazadone...of which many a week where it doesnt work...

but i now do what they suggest is taper down for a few days...and then go back up..yes i dont sleep...but yu need to make your body used to a lesser dose for the higher dose to work again..

what will happen if you keep going up and up and up?? at some point you will feel horribly ill, it will affect everything....and it wont work at all anymore...

so i feel your pain...i just dont always think increasing is always the best answer /default_smile.png

My doctor prescribes me 30 2mg clonazepam pills every month. I take them at night to help me sleep, but lately I find that 2mg doesn't help me so much, so sometimes I take 2 of them which is 4mgs. So next time I see my doctor I want to ask him if he can write me a script for 60 2mg Clonazepams instead of 30. I guess I will try to explain to him that I need 4 mgs of it at night. Does anyone here think that this would be a reasonable request, or is it asking for too much? So far my doctor has been pretty liberal with his prescriptions, he's been giving me almost everything I ask for, but I don't know if asking for 60 clonazepams instead of 30 would be pushing it. I guess it can't hurt to ask though right?
Did you have your doctor's visit already? I would explain my situation to him so he won't feel like you are using him. It's a tough call. I personally think that's a lot of clonnies and would rather you get a script for something else like Lunesta but then I don't know your background. Maybe Lunesta doesn't work for you but clonnies, from what I've read are very hard to get off of and are more dangerous than I really realized. Good luck to you either way.

im severe insomniac, i take clonopan, ambian and trazadone...of which many a week where it doesnt work...

but i now do what they suggest is taper down for a few days...and then go back up..yes i dont sleep...but yu need to make your body used to a lesser dose for the higher dose to work again..

what will happen if you keep going up and up and up?? at some point you will feel horribly ill, it will affect everything....and it wont work at all anymore...

so i feel your pain...i just dont always think increasing is always the best answer /default_smile.png
I was a severe insomniac for probably over a decade from 2000-2012/2013. i still have occasional sleepless nights but lately I've been managing to get a decent amount of sleep which allows me to function normally.Having chronic insomnia is one of the most uncomfortable and emotionally damaging things I've experienced. There were times where I would be freaking out and obsessed with thoughts like is it possible to die form lack of sleep? Honestly on some of my worst days I would say I felt close to suicidal during those times. Xanax and Klonapins helped me get a little bit of sleep in the beginning but my tolerance built up pretty rapidly. I also tried ambien but that too didn't have much of an effect for me. Basically I've just been fighting this over the years and now I am doing slightly better. i think working long hours doing manual labor helps me a bit because when I get home my body is so tired that I have to lay down and rest. Thanks for your response and i agree with you that increasing you medication is not always the answer. I think 4mgs of Clonz a day is a high dose. Okay well I feel your pain too and I hope that you are getting better because I've been there before and I was feeling so depressed and hopeless sometimes, but I'm feeling better now. So don't give up. I think you have to keep tweaking your diet and daily activities to find a nutrition program, and a job or hobby that will take your mind off of your pain. 

Good Luck!

My doctor prescribes me 30 2mg clonazepam pills every month. I take them at night to help me sleep, but lately I find that 2mg doesn't help me so much, so sometimes I take 2 of them which is 4mgs. So next time I see my doctor I want to ask him if he can write me a script for 60 2mg Clonazepams instead of 30. I guess I will try to explain to him that I need 4 mgs of it at night. Does anyone here think that this would be a reasonable request, or is it asking for too much? So far my doctor has been pretty liberal with his prescriptions, he's been giving me almost everything I ask for, but I don't know if asking for 60 clonazepams instead of 30 would be pushing it. I guess it can't hurt to ask though right?
Did you have your doctor's visit already? I would explain my situation to him so he won't feel like you are using him. It's a tough call. I personally think that's a lot of clonnies and would rather you get a script for something else like Lunesta but then I don't know your background. Maybe Lunesta doesn't work for you but clonnies, from what I've read are very hard to get off of and are more dangerous than I really realized. Good luck to you either way.
No I haven't, my next visit will be on September 26th. Yeah I think there is a 50/50 chance that he would give me the 60, and I will explain to him that sometimes 2 mg doesn't do the job. I also had a brother that was seeing this same doctor and he was getting 60 2mg klonapins, but he was seeing him for a long time and it took him some time to increase the dosage to that amount. I don't know if Lunesta would work but I can try to ask him about it. If it's anything like Ambien I don't think it would work so well for me. Thanks for your reply I appreciate it. 

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im severe insomniac, i take clonopan, ambian and trazadone...of which many a week where it doesnt work...

but i now do what they suggest is taper down for a few days...and then go back up..yes i dont sleep...but yu need to make your body used to a lesser dose for the higher dose to work again..

what will happen if you keep going up and up and up?? at some point you will feel horribly ill, it will affect everything....and it wont work at all anymore...

so i feel your pain...i just dont always think increasing is always the best answer /default_smile.png
I was a severe insomniac for probably over a decade from 2000-2012/2013. i still have occasional sleepless nights but lately I've been managing to get a decent amount of sleep which allows me to function normally.Having chronic insomnia is one of the most uncomfortable and emotionally damaging things I've experienced. There were times where I would be freaking out and obsessed with thoughts like is it possible to die form lack of sleep? Honestly on some of my worst days I would say I felt close to suicidal during those times. Xanax and Klonapins helped me get a little bit of sleep in the beginning but my tolerance built up pretty rapidly. I also tried ambien but that too didn't have much of an effect for me. Basically I've just been fighting this over the years and now I am doing slightly better. i think working long hours doing manual labor helps me a bit because when I get home my body is so tired that I have to lay down and rest. Thanks for your response and i agree with you that increasing you medication is not always the answer. I think 4mgs of Clonz a day is a high dose. Okay well I feel your pain too and I hope that you are getting better because I've been there before and I was feeling so depressed and hopeless sometimes, but I'm feeling better now. So don't give up. I think you have to keep tweaking your diet and daily activities to find a nutrition program, and a job or hobby that will take your mind off of your pain. 

Good Luck!

My doctor prescribes me 30 2mg clonazepam pills every month. I take them at night to help me sleep, but lately I find that 2mg doesn't help me so much, so sometimes I take 2 of them which is 4mgs. So next time I see my doctor I want to ask him if he can write me a script for 60 2mg Clonazepams instead of 30. I guess I will try to explain to him that I need 4 mgs of it at night. Does anyone here think that this would be a reasonable request, or is it asking for too much? So far my doctor has been pretty liberal with his prescriptions, he's been giving me almost everything I ask for, but I don't know if asking for 60 clonazepams instead of 30 would be pushing it. I guess it can't hurt to ask though right?
Did you have your doctor's visit already? I would explain my situation to him so he won't feel like you are using him. It's a tough call. I personally think that's a lot of clonnies and would rather you get a script for something else like Lunesta but then I don't know your background. Maybe Lunesta doesn't work for you but clonnies, from what I've read are very hard to get off of and are more dangerous than I really realized. Good luck to you either way.
No I haven't, my next visit will be on September 26th. Yeah I think there is a 50/50 chance that he would give me the 60, and I will explain to him that sometimes 2 mg doesn't do the job. I also had a brother that was seeing this same doctor and he was getting 60 2mg klonapins, but he was seeing him for a long time and it took him some time to increase the dosage to that amount. I don't know if Lunesta would work but I can try to ask him about it. If it's anything like Ambien I don't think it would work so well for me. Thanks for your reply I appreciate it. 
I actually had both Ambien and Lunesta. I had Ambien first and it was awful. I experienced memory loss, sleep walking and it was out right scary. Thank God I was still living with my parents at the time. They were the ones who would intervene when they heard me up in the middle of the night attempting to cook.............very dangerous! I also remember waking up, maybe three hours after taking Ambien wondering how did I get in bed and who the hell put my pajamas on. I had no memory of getting ready for bed and it was scary. I would be up screaming who put me in bed? Who put my pajamas on? My mom would rush in, soothe me and tell me to go back to sleep and that everything would be fine in the morning. That lasted for 3 weeks and I finally told my doctor I couldn't take that crap any longer. She switched me to Lunesta and it was wonderful. I never had any of those problems on Lunesta. It did produce a funny taste once it started dissolving in your stomach but nothing bad. I was on Lunesta for about 3 years and I did notice it started to take longer to leave my system. In other words, I would sometimes be groggy in the morning.

I would definitely recommend Lunesta. In fact I'd ask for samples first just to see how you like it or if it works for you. I loved how it produced a very natural sleep onset. It was amazing.

I actually had both Ambien and Lunesta. I had Ambien first and it was awful. I experienced memory loss, sleep walking and it was out right scary. Thank God I was still living with my parents at the time. They were the ones who would intervene when they heard me up in the middle of the night attempting to cook.............very dangerous! I also remember waking up, maybe three hours after taking Ambien wondering how did I get in bed and who the hell put my pajamas on. I had no memory of getting ready for bed and it was scary. I would be up screaming who put me in bed? Who put my pajamas on? My mom would rush in, soothe me and tell me to go back to sleep and that everything would be fine in the morning. That lasted for 3 weeks and I finally told my doctor I couldn't take that crap any longer. She switched me to Lunesta and it was wonderful. I never had any of those problems on Lunesta. It did produce a funny taste once it started dissolving in your stomach but nothing bad. I was on Lunesta for about 3 years and I did notice it started to take longer to leave my system. In other words, I would sometimes be groggy in the morning.

I would definitely recommend Lunesta. In fact I'd ask for samples first just to see how you like it or if it works for you. I loved how it produced a very natural sleep onset. It was amazing.
Thanks for sharing that. I've heard of Lunesta on TV I think, but I never put much though into it. I thought it was another drug that was basically like Ambien. And seeing as how Ambien never helped me much, Perhaps I will inquire about Lunesta. I'll let you know if I get it and it helps any. By the way I've heard of people having those kinds of side effects to Ambien, but I never experience anything like that when I was on them. I guess the results can vary. 

i can relate to the original poster, i tried to have my doctor increase my xanax script from 30 a month of 2mg to atleast 60/month ,unfortunately he chose not to because its protect there practice and if i want doses in the 2mg + i should see a psychologist, so i use the net to feel in the gap  

I'm seeing my pain doctor this Saturday, besides asking him to increase my clonazepam script form 30 X 2mg to 60 X2mg, I'm also thinking about asking him to increase my Tylenol 4 (30mg Codeine/326mg apap) prescription from 90 a month to 120 a month, and my Tramadol prescription (50mg) from 90 per month to 120 per month. I find that taking 4 tylenol codeines and 4 tramadols a day to be most effective in fighting my pain. Does anybody know if there is a pain med that would have a similar effect to 4 tylenol codeines and 4 tramadols but in one pill instead of two different pills? I don't want to ask the doctor to give me anything too strong because I'm afraid he might cut me off of the medicines I currently get, but I am definitely going to try to get 120 each of those pain meds and 60 fo the clonazepams if possible. 

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They dont make 4 mgs for a reason, he wont double the max dose. If anything ask for 45 and tell him you wanna take an extra if you cant fall asleep after a few hours.

I just wanted to follow up on this topic. i did ask him if he could increase the clonz from 30 to 60 but he On the bright side I don't even need to depend on my doc if i want more clonz. I can always get more from Jim@ starlite. His rates are reasonable and his shipping is pretty quick. Oh but I did ask my doc to increase my tylenol 4's from 90 to 120, and he agreed. I also asked him if he could increase my tramadol from 90. He said he could increase it if I quit taking celexa because there is a drug interaction, and I was about to say yeah and get the 120 tr@ms but, he switched me to lexapro instead because before I asked him to increase the tramadol I asked him if I can switch from Celexa to lexapro before asking about increasing the tramadol.                                                                                   

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  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
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