

Jul 26, 2019
Curious if anyone here has tried it. I'm starting to get interested in di$$0s and I'm curious if it's worth a try. What else would you recommend? 

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I find three-h0-pc3 to be a cold clear dissociation pretty visual, totally makes sounds wild/weird so music can either be heaps more amazing or just plain disturbing lol.  Its a bit creepy feeling to me.  Of the PeeCeeE/PeeCeeP variants, my fave is three-h0-peeCpee.  Very warm euphoric body focused dissociation.  Melty everything blending perfectly sort of feel to it.  Its also the least mania inducing.  If you want wild wild stimulation and visuals go with 0-PeeCE.  I like Eph but it's def not as popular.  2-f imo is only really worth it if you can't score k3t (2-f has a "muddy" k3t feel to it and is harder to hole on if that's the experience youre looking for).  I haven't played with eMeXPr enough to get a solid feel for it.  My limited experience has it being very fickly each time (sometimes energetic and vivid dissociation with euphoric body melt, and other times cold and deadening), and muuuuuch shorter lived like k3t is. 

HR segment:  If you are just getting into di$$0s definitely thoroughly read the psychonautwiki pages for each.  Always use an AWS gemini or better scale (and/or volumetric dose) and always start small and DONT REDOSE until you really know what you're playing with (and even then be careful, they are very changing chems).  Mania/psychosis is very very very real with the PeeCeeP/PeeCE variants and redosing exponentially makes it more likely.  Very common to redose unnecessarily with them as people don't wait long enough for them to really kick in (can take up to 90-120 minutes to really kick in) and they can be a lot more stimulating leading to moreishness.  Holing on k3t might have you bed locked in a sea of magic, and holing on three-m30-PeeCP might have you naked scratching the walls apart looking for that voice coming from behind the sheet rock lol.   

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@DoomKitty Hey thank you so much for the info! I really appreciate it. One of the first things I went and did was buy a scale in preparation for it all. Gonna keep my research low and make sure to wait. 

I've been reading the psychonautwiki pages on each of them and the description definitely turned me away from a few. Others I'm still really interested in. 

Yay for getting a good scale!!  If you don't know already, Psychonaut has a good write up on how to use them properly for weighing out low-milligram doses here: Weighing.

D1$$0s are definitely heaps fun when used responsibly and totally worth exploring imo.  Just as with anything, knowing the risks that come with particular chems is essential, especially when highly varied chems get put under the same genre umbrella.   Definitely interested in your research results so please post them!

P variants are for me the ultimate experience, but you have to follow some rules of engagement, much like Zombieland. 

Setting/Environment is critical, you want to be in a calm, non-hectic place where you won't have a sensory input overload. You want quiet atmosphere with a bitchin' vintage stereo system/headphones.

Accurate milligram scale, super affordable off amazon or ebay.

If you over indulge do NOT go to work, just stay the F home. Really, you won't be fooling anyone.

Don't get all manic and post stupid shit on social media.

Don't get all manic and buy stuff on amazon or ebay, unless it's the aforementioned milligram scale.


Cranberry juice, will help flush from system and keep plumbing healthy. Hospitals encourage cranberry juice for overdoses/detoxing.

All that being said, 3-meow peezypee is God in a vial. It's very similar to the plain old street Peezypee, but it is much more user friendly. 3-meow is much much safer than it's predecessor from the 70s, has most of the desirable effects and has dropped a lot of the undesirable effects. speaking from experience but you have to know when to stop and dry out. This can make you all crazy manic if you don't treat it with the utmost respect.

I'm hoarding some for my retirement, I have good friends who hold it for me when I can't keep it around the house :D

P variants are for me the ultimate experience, but you have to follow some rules of engagement, much like Zombieland. 

Setting/Environment is critical, you want to be in a calm, non-hectic place where you won't have a sensory input overload. You want quiet atmosphere with a bitchin' vintage stereo system/headphones.

Accurate milligram scale, super affordable off amazon or ebay.

If you over indulge do NOT go to work, just stay the F home. Really, you won't be fooling anyone.

Don't get all manic and post stupid shit on social media.

Don't get all manic and buy stuff on amazon or ebay, unless it's the aforementioned milligram scale.


Cranberry juice, will help flush from system and keep plumbing healthy. Hospitals encourage cranberry juice for overdoses/detoxing.

All that being said, 3-meow peezypee is God in a vial. It's very similar to the plain old street Peezypee, but it is much more user friendly. 3-meow is much much safer than it's predecessor from the 70s, has most of the desirable effects and has dropped a lot of the undesirable effects. speaking from experience but you have to know when to stop and dry out. This can make you all crazy manic if you don't treat it with the utmost respect.

I'm hoarding some for my retirement, I have good friends who hold it for me when I can't keep it around the house :D
Thanks for the info! I'm going to make sure my research is done carefully with these substances in the future. 

A lot of people don't even realize how expensive an accurate scale is. Anything less than like 20 M - G and definitely below 10 will be totally inaccurate. Even if your weighing above that amount Electronics like your Computer will make it less accurate alongside air currents and uneven surfaces+cold temperatures can make your measurements off by easily -  or + 25 M-G  depending on the scale more or less variance.

I use a mouse pad on a completely leveled shelf that is like a tiny box which protects it the air currents in the room for example. The truly accurate scales have glass "barriers" around them and even then if you wanted something that can weigh like down to 1  M - G or very accurately it would easily cost A LOT! Like the price of a new  car more or less depending on the car obvious but you get the idea lol.

From what I understand about original Pee-See-Pee is that it can be made incorrectly and be totally different between each batch or even if made correctly. Similar to 6 - @ - P - B which can have more or less of 7 - @ - P - B and other by-products in varying amounts or non of them at all.

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What I've noticed with the Gemini style scales (cheap) is that they are much more accurate when first placing a small weight (I use a quarter) on the scale, putting the small lightweight metal cup on the quarter, getting the reading then hitting tare. It then seems to be pretty sensitive and accurate for small amounts like 5-15 mg.  I can add at a time to a pile on the scale.  If not using an added weight though I entirely agree, not accurate at all.

From what I understand about original Pee-See-Pee is that it can be made incorrectly and be totally different between each batch or even if made correctly. Similar to 6 - @ - P - B which can have more or less of 7 - @ - P - B and other by-products in varying amounts or non of them at all.
Most definitely, there was a lot of dirty batches that could produce bad effects.  When it first appeared in our market (Gulf Coast 1976-ish) it was in crystalline or powder form, and it was represented as "T" short for THC. Buy a dime bag of this "T" , snort half and get all effed up.  Didn't take long for people to figure out it wasn't THC and it was this crazy shit called Peezypee that was starting to pop up in the news.  Some batches were clean and bright white, some crystalline yellow or with a tint of sickly green, some were a gummy sticky brown, all with different effects.  Then it was like 1982 or so that the powdered version began to disappear and all you saw was the smokeable version, which is peazypee freebase dissolved in ether, (Sherm juice)  then mint leaf is soaked in it or dippers made from joints or a KOOL cigarette.  Moved to NY for a while and got awesome bags of "Angel Dust" (Mint Leaf) on the street up until the the 90s.   I then went without for substantial periods of time until discovering the RC scene last year and tell ya what, Tree Emmy-Oh is very very much like the pure white powder "Whacky Tac" from the late seventies.  I'm hoarding a bunch of this, get it while the going is good lolz. I'm gonna have a fun retirement !

P.S.,  this Ketamine crap and 2F are garbage compared to Pee, absolutely soulless and fake. Tree Emmy is a blanket of euphoria and for me is also the ultimate antidepressent, leagues above ketamine.

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@MannyF Useful information as I been wondering which one is the closest thing to the original so to speak. All of the others don't seem appealing. I might conduct some Research with the three-em-O now thank you for sharing your experienced knowledge. 

I find three-h0-pc3 to be a cold clear dissociation pretty visual, totally makes sounds wild/weird so music can either be heaps more amazing or just plain disturbing lol.  Its a bit creepy feeling to me.  Of the PeeCeeE/PeeCeeP variants, my fave is three-h0-peeCpee.  Very warm euphoric body focused dissociation.  Melty everything blending perfectly sort of feel to it.  Its also the least mania inducing.  If you want wild wild stimulation and visuals go with 0-PeeCE.  I like Eph but it's def not as popular.  2-f imo is only really worth it if you can't score k3t (2-f has a "muddy" k3t feel to it and is harder to hole on if that's the experience youre looking for).  I haven't played with eMeXPr enough to get a solid feel for it.  My limited experience has it being very fickly each time (sometimes energetic and vivid dissociation with euphoric body melt, and other times cold and deadening), and muuuuuch shorter lived like k3t is. 

HR segment:  If you are just getting into di$$0s definitely thoroughly read the psychonautwiki pages for each.  Always use an AWS gemini or better scale (and/or volumetric dose) and always start small and DONT REDOSE until you really know what you're playing with (and even then be careful, they are very changing chems).  Mania/psychosis is very very very real with the PeeCeeP/PeeCE variants and redosing exponentially makes it more likely.  Very common to redose unnecessarily with them as people don't wait long enough for them to really kick in (can take up to 90-120 minutes to really kick in) and they can be a lot more stimulating leading to moreishness.  Holing on k3t might have you bed locked in a sea of magic, and holing on three-m30-PeeCP might have you naked scratching the walls apart looking for that voice coming from behind the sheet rock lol.   
Currently I'm on it's pcp variant myself now (3-ho-pcp). I've never been so committed to harm reduction in my life. I started first with a weak solution of 4mg per ml now I'm brave enough to weigh out 10mg or so and just take it slow dividing it into several smaller lines. Obviously I cannot say that it's safe because we don't know that much about it but it feels pretty clean to me. I've been working out trying to get into shape lately so the analgesic effects are kind of fun to experiment with especially doing push ups lol

Kratom is a no go with it for me. Makes my breathing feel weird so tonight I've forgone that entirely; almost out anyway, but I've never been a disso guy yet this stuff feels so gentle. The meo variants seem to be far more "classic" in the PCP sense. This stuff feels more mellow and very nice to take and just lay back alone. Even in the dim and silent setting of my bedroom right now I'm feeling alright. The other night was magic and I felt like I was sinking into my mattress. I think tonight is going to be my last experiment with this for some time because I don't want to lose the magic and I also don't want to get a tolerance that's sky high like some of these folks. Every other tolerance seems to reset except for dissociatives from what I hear.

FYI I won't ever attempt to hole on this stuff though that's asking for trouble.

also my apologies if it's hard to follow my post and I'm just kind of jumping around it's hard to focus on things to the extent I'd like where everything is nice and cohesive lol

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"FYI I won't ever attempt to hole on this stuff though that's asking for trouble."

I've holed on 3-HO without any problems. Somewhat similar to holes I had with 3-Me0 (as well as 3-Me0 combined with MXE), though possibly not as "deep" or long lasting, very subjectively speaking. The only downside noticed was feeling rather burnt out & hungover including a headache, not something dissos usually give me. Regardless, it's best to go with your gut when it tells you not to cross a line when it comes to safety.

On the subject of what vibes closest to oldschool dust, I'd also vote for 3-Me0, although not as euphoric & more psychedelic-ish than what came my way in the early 90s. I actually prefer 3-Me0. For the record: my early experiences were limited to the "sherm juice" MannyF mentioned. We'd buy these vials of it from shady gentlemen in LA, Eagle Rock, & other classy SoCal locations.

Props to MannyF for the history breakdown.

"this Ketamine crap and 2F are garbage compared to Pee, absolutely soulless and fake. Tree Emmy is a blanket of euphoria and for me is also the ultimate antidepressent, leagues above ketamine."

To each his own. I find ket & 2f to be relaxing, stress relieving, & providing a space to think things through thoroughly when needed. I use them the way many others use weed, which I'm not a fan of. 3-Me0, though one of my favorites, doesn't work for me as a regular antidepressant due to extended use sometimes leading to more depression & rare occasions of mania.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for