To Benzo Or Not To Benzo


Sep 18, 2012
Greetings all. I live in Southern USA and have GAD with bouts of terrors lasting 4-8 hours. It is almost always at night when I wake up (2am) and can't get back to sleep.

I've been under docs care and tried SSRI's and SNRI's for last 2 1/2 years. I'm getting worn out and things are getting worse.

I have resisted using Benzos because I have read so many horror stories, but the terrors are taking their toll.

What do you think? Is it a road worth going down? Do the positives ever outweigh the negatives?

Thanks for your help,

Mr. Golfer

It takes longer to get addicted to something you don't abuse, it also takes longer to build up tolerance. I just need to know one thing. How are the snri's working out for you? Are they essential? You know they increase the amount of your fight or flight hormone/neurotransmitter. This means you can go into overdrive once in a while. I had a friend who became very paranoid on a small dose of Wellbutrin. Effexor gave me so much anxiety that I couldn't take a puff of a cigarette without blasting off into hyperspace. It's just something to look into.

Now, if you can't find the real problem, and maybe it just isn't something anyone can find, the only remedy that works the best is benzos. I'm a former benzo addict. I was addicted for 5 years. But I'm a binger, with every drug. I went through withdrawal several times and got so out of control that rehab was the only solution. I still advocate the drug. I take 20mg of Valium a day. I forgot to yesterday, and I've had no need for them today (so far). They say skipping a day once in a while helps prevent addiction and tolerance. Your body gets used to not having them, and that's the goal. I'm more afraid of getting what you have than withdrawal. I was usually dropping into it from high doses. It was scary sometimes, but I still went to work, and at home I made it worse by chain smoking. Nicotine stims the hell out of me.

Your best bet is to try them for a few months then try a taper. They can calm your brain down and put things back in order. I've been through some nasty shit, but I don't try to scare people. If you use them as prescribed, do a proper taper when you've had enough, you can avoid the horror stories you read or heard about. You're taking them for a reason, not for fun. People are SO afraid of addiction but know nothing about it. I've taken care of people in terrible pain who say, "I really don't want to get addicted to these percocets." It's in textbooks, if you need it, the chances of addiction are lowered. I had to explain this to so many people it isn't funny. Read up on benzo addiction. Not the symptoms, but how it happens. A lot of people will disagree with me, I've posted on this before. If you go off and get rebound anxiety, oh god, what can you do? Call your doctor and get a low dose to take the edge off. And the edge is significant.

I say yes, get some relief, there are directions on the bottle, follow them. And skip days, if you can't, take a half one day. People get careless, they don't get good advice, they don't look for information. But the info I'm giving you is hard to find. I had a great doctor, and I didn't follow his advice or communicate with him enough. Dr. Soldier wanted control, and he found lots of resources to get that control. Try them out, it takes some time to get addicted, see for yourself if the positives outweigh the negatives.

My main point: these things can be outsmarted.

PM me if you have some questions.

It takes longer to get addicted to something you don't abuse, it also takes longer to build up tolerance. I just need to know one thing. How are the snri's working out for you? Are they essential? You know they increase the amount of your fight or flight hormone/neurotransmitter. This means you can go into overdrive once in a while. I had a friend who became very paranoid on a small dose of Wellbutrin. Effexor gave me so much anxiety that I couldn't take a puff of a cigarette without blasting off into hyperspace. It's just something to look into.

Now, if you can't find the real problem, and maybe it just isn't something anyone can find, the only remedy that works the best is benzos. I'm a former benzo addict. I was addicted for 5 years. But I'm a binger, with every drug. I went through withdrawal several times and got so out of control that rehab was the only solution. I still advocate the drug. I take 20mg of Valium a day. I forgot to yesterday, and I've had no need for them today (so far). They say skipping a day once in a while helps prevent addiction and tolerance. Your body gets used to not having them, and that's the goal. I'm more afraid of getting what you have than withdrawal. I was usually dropping into it from high doses. It was scary sometimes, but I still went to work, and at home I made it worse by chain smoking. Nicotine stims the hell out of me.

Your best bet is to try them for a few months then try a taper. They can calm your brain down and put things back in order. I've been through some nasty shit, but I don't try to scare people. If you use them as prescribed, do a proper taper when you've had enough, you can avoid the horror stories you read or heard about. You're taking them for a reason, not for fun. People are SO afraid of addiction but know nothing about it. I've taken care of people in terrible pain who say, "I really don't want to get addicted to these percocets." It's in textbooks, if you need it, the chances of addiction are lowered. I had to explain this to so many people it isn't funny. Read up on benzo addiction. Not the symptoms, but how it happens. A lot of people will disagree with me, I've posted on this before. If you go off and get rebound anxiety, oh god, what can you do? Call your doctor and get a low dose to take the edge off. And the edge is significant.

I say yes, get some relief, there are directions on the bottle, follow them. And skip days, if you can't, take a half one day. People get careless, they don't get good advice, they don't look for information. But the info I'm giving you is hard to find. I had a great doctor, and I didn't follow his advice or communicate with him enough. Dr. Soldier wanted control, and he found lots of resources to get that control. Try them out, it takes some time to get addicted, see for yourself if the positives outweigh the negatives.

My main point: these things can be outsmarted.

PM me if you have some questions.
The SSRI's and SNRI's have same ritual. At first they help (2 weeks) as they make me sleepy and I don't wake up. After a few weeks tolerance starts to build up and I'm back to my normal state. When I stop taking them I am subject to withdrawl that magnifies the original state and so I feel I'm further behind.

Doc's have tried several that all do the same thing.

This is why I'm breaking down and thinking about trying Bensos.

Does this make sense? Might they help, or do they simply delay underlying problems.

I'm willing to try under docs supervision, but still apprehensive.

I simply need some peace. I am starting to break down from the pressure.

Is there any possibility that after a few months I will be glad I went down that road?


PS: The idea of a pill setting my spirit at rest is too promising to turn down. The chance of abuse scares me as much.

Any advice from those who have successfully gone down that road?

Advise from those who have failed.

One more thing. My doc said I will be a new man in a matter of weeks.

Mr. Golfer

The SSRI's and SNRI's have same ritual. At first they help (2 weeks) as they make me sleepy and I don't wake up. After a few weeks tolerance starts to build up and I'm back to my normal state. When I stop taking them I am subject to withdrawl that magnifies the original state and so I feel I'm further behind.

Doc's have tried several that all do the same thing.

This is why I'm breaking down and thinking about trying Bensos.

Does this make sense? Might they help, or do they simply delay underlying problems.

I'm willing to try under docs supervision, but still apprehensive.

I simply need some peace. I am starting to break down from the pressure.

Is there any possibility that after a few months I will be glad I went down that road?


PS: The idea of a pill setting my spirit at rest is too promising to turn down. The chance of abuse scares me as much.

Any advice from those who have successfully gone down that road?

Advise from those who have failed.

One more thing. My doc said I will be a new man in a matter of weeks.

Mr. Golfer
So you're taking anti-depressants for GAD and what looks to me like a panic disorder, but the panic lasts too long for a doc to call it that. People don't build a tolerance to an AD in two weeks. In 4-6 weeks is when their therapeutic effects begin. So your sleepiness is the initial side effect of the medication that you build the tolerance to. Then you're still in the grace period and feel the same way. When you hit the 4-6 week mark you either react to the medication or are resistant to it. Anxiety has a lot of causes. It can be an abundance of any chemical in the brain, or even the lack of a chemical particularly dopamine. There are numerous problems that can cause hyper-excitability of the nerves in the brain. You took two avenues to address this problem, and probably tried a few different medications in these classes and they didn't work either. You could have gone the way of atypical antipsychotics. One that comes to mind is Seroquel. It calms the brain by antagonizing or blocking several receptors in the brain that might be a bit hyper. It works well for my anxiety, but I'm not sure if it's officially approved for anxiety. I know they use it as an add-on for AD's. I don't understand how that would work since it's blocking the receptors that relieve depression, it didn't work that way for me, but I love how it knocks me out cold and makes me less anxious. You might want to mention it to your doctor. He/She probably has a ton of samples to start you out with. If you have no insurance and a moderately low income you can get it for free from Astra-Zenica, the AZ and Me Program. So this med addresses the hyperstimulation of certain receptors, actually, it has the most thorough blockade out of all atypical (the word they use for new) antipsychotics.

You've got Abilify, which is a drug that fascinates me. It blocks Dopamine receptors making you nice and calm. But it is a 5HT-2a agonist, meaning it sensitizes the receptors that brighten your mood. So when a serotonin molecule hits one, it's effects are amplified. They usually use it with an SSRI so that there is more serotonin in the synapse resulting in more hits to the sensitized receptors. The stuff is energizing and calming at the same time. I'm on it but when my energy becomes uncomfortable I take a day off from it. Unlike Seroquel, which is known to make some people zombies (and they need to be shot in the head, not the body, you need a clean head shot to put 'em down) but seriously, I took my dose late last weekend and went into work in a cloud. People thought I was high. It didn't help that I worked night shifts all week and had to switch over to a 9am-11pm shift. My 3xNo-Doz Especiales de Novartis didn't even work. I could be tweaking like crazy, take one, and it shuts it down like a light switch. Anyway, those two are ones I have experience with. I know Risperidol blocks dopamine receptors like Abilify, but also blocks the happy ones. Abilify on it's own, actually with my infrequently prescribed MAOI Parnate (because I've tried every AD on the market and none of them worked) gives me insomnia. Nardil works on anxiety too, but MAOI's are the last step before ECT, it would be nice if they were more mainstream because they are more effective than any other AD.

You're wondering if you're going to feel better on benzo's after a few month's? How about 45 minutes to an hour? I went a few years before I began to abuse my Klonopin prescription. You said you're afraid of abuse, then you'll most likely be afraid while you're on them. Most people don't do things that they're afraid of doing. Benzo's do reduce inhibition, but mostly in higher doses. Still, inhibition implies that you're going to do something that you want to do but is considered inappropriate.or dangerous.

So, you have some hyperactive nerves that nobody knows how to control. Since you can't fix the problem, you might as well take some palliative measures. Now you have GABA receptors all over your brain, they are widespread. Benzos release GABA which hits these receptors causing a brain wide calming effect, the hyperactive nerves relax. This is why the medication causes an immediate effect. Over time, the nerves get used to having extra GABA to calm them down. This is why you have to slowly take it away. If you just stop, they go totally nuts. This is because the brain is used to having alot of GABA too and decided not to produce as much. So there is a deficiency that can only be corrected with time. And the brain is notoriously slow a correcting itself. So you do a slow taper. It's like getting into a really cold pool. You have to ease them in. Now, if you skip a day every so often, the brain and the nerves realize they can't depend on the extra GABA and have to go back to work.

As for the underlying problems, the benzos won't effect them, maybe you were just genetically predisposed to having hyperactive nerves. If the underlying problem gets worse, you might as well be comfortable while it does because you don't know what it is, or how to fix it. It's like saying my fan isn't working right, I don't know what's wrong with it. Do you think the air conditioner will make the fan more broken? Oh, I forgot to add, it's the last fan in the universe, so don't think you can buy another.

So I went down that road and failed. It went from once in a while to once a week, to a few days a week, to killing my prescription in three days, to buying online, to stealing to buy online, to trying a taper, getting down from 20mg of Valium to 5mg then snapping and binging. Now, there are two types of people, one with an addict hiding in them, and the others who don't. You should know by now. Can you have a few beers then stop? Can you smoke a fat dust blunt and not want some later /default_smile.png? Do you just need to get that rush from any substance, is it never casual, is moderation is a foreign concept? Well, for the people with the addict hiding in them, certain things wake it up and fuck up your life. I don't think mine was ever hidden. For me, drinking was for getting fucked up. For my brothers, they just hang with a few beers, I don't know how they do it. So back on the subject, I was living with my parents, they were already worried, they'd seen me wrecked so many times. It just so happened that they were going out of town to see their first grandchild, it was so special to them. When they saw how messed up I was again, they wanted to cancel the trip to watch over me. I said, I'll be taken care of, I'll be in rehab the entire time you're gone.

I relapsed a few times, but they were isolated incidents. I still have GAD so I still need Valium. I don't abuse it. I don't even want to. Not because of the hell, just because I like the way things are now. So it's been over a year, everything's been cool. I'm an addict for life, but I took a good look at the prescription and it didn't say take 20 over the course of the day until bottle is empty.

I just read the beginning of your post. You need to taper off of AD's too, same concept as the GABA vacation the brain goes on. And when there is a dramatic drop in serotonin, weird shit happens. I call it the most vivid NT of all. I mean, LSD acts like it, even hits it's receptors. I really think it's responsible for our perception and self awareness.

I hope the technical stuff didn't bother you. I'm just teaching what I know, why learn it if you can't share it? It may look like I'm trying to sell you on these meds, but really it's my point of view and my own voice of logic.

Let me know what you think.

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Shattered Soldier is a genius and has said pretty much all that needs to be said, but seeing as I'm already here, I'll weigh in.

I'm a current benzo addict and I've tried numerous anti-depressants with no luck, in fact, they made me worse. What I would suggest, if your anxiety is destroying your life and nothing else is helping, try a benzo with a long half-life like diazepam or clonazepam at the lowest possible dose that helps you. Don't jump right into the alprazolam or other short half-life benzos because even though they feel better, they're a lot easier to become addicted to.

yea they work and real quick and who wants to have suicidal thoughts,worse depression,sexual problems..bla bla bla among the millions of other things that those mind fuckers cause..benzos all the way dude

yea they work and real quick and who wants to have suicidal thoughts,worse depression,sexual problems..bla bla bla among the millions of other things that those mind fuckers cause..benzos all the way dude
You put it very simply, but you're right, SSRI's do cause significant changes in the brain, what they do isn't natural, and we don't know everything that they do. Benzo''s are quite simple. They release a well understood chemical, it relaxes the nerves of the brain, and you're pretty much set. Now, just like any drug, if you fuck with them bad enough they can cause serious harm. SSRI's go around blocking things (in theory, we really don't know) and when they're done, they do leave their mark. I've heard stories of permanent mood changes from Prozac. Benzo's are more like a percoset for the mind. When they're gone, the brain realigns itself, and no major structures were messed with. I agree 100%.

Yes, it's true; SSRIs and their ilk are the devil. I've quite the disfunctional family (most of whom I've cut off contact with) and most all of them are on an SSRI, it doesn't make them any less depressed/horrible and I've never once met a person who has benefited in any way from an SSRI. Never.

I feel I must contribute something here, but I'm fairly certain it won't be all that popular: As a former dope user, I've seen addicts of all kinds, but benzodiazepine addicts are by far the most frightening.

Again, like soldier said, either you have the junky inside or u don't. Unfortunately, I do. I'm fully aware of the insanity I'm welcoming into my life, but I also have two fucked up discs in my back. That said, I steer clear of benzos most of the of the only drugs at truly scare me. Just my two cents.

Yes, it's true; SSRIs and their ilk are the devil. I've quite the disfunctional family (most of whom I've cut off contact with) and most all of them are on an SSRI, it doesn't make them any less depressed/horrible and I've never once met a person who has benefited in any way from an SSRI. Never.
Oh, I benefited from them a few times. They helped me become the light of the earth, the equivalent of the next Christ. You see how I am now with all of the sometimes unnecessarily descriptive information? Well, amplify that 10x with delusions of grandiose and an unmistakeable air of superiority. Plus, the thoughts don't connect, my humor explodes everywhere, I was a fucking mess for over a month. Once on Paxil and again on Zoloft. Manic as hell. They say I'm bipolar. Um, no. The meds make me trip my ass off, what do you call that? Stupid dinguses.

I feel I must contribute something here, but I'm fairly certain it won't be all that popular: As a former dope user, I've seen addicts of all kinds, but benzodiazepine addicts are by far the most frightening.

Again, like soldier said, either you have the junky inside or u don't. Unfortunately, I do. I'm fully aware of the insanity I'm welcoming into my life, but I also have two fucked up discs in my back. That said, I steer clear of benzos most of the of the only drugs at truly scare me. Just my two cents.
You have to be pretty daring to go into benzoville knowing you're an addict. They feel good, and more feel better. For me, I like to at least see the finish line or pass out first. So I keep that dragon on a short leash and feed it topix kids coming in here looking for Somas. Oh, I'm still addicted to something, I have to be, I'm an addict. Not looking forward to when the run's over. I go from sedatives to stims, and the stims keep me away from the benzos. I take 20mg a day, but none for the past 2 days. I've been taking them for a while, and hey, I might not be addicted even though my chances are higher than most.

Fucking OP hasn't been here since 3:30pm yesterday. I think I blew his eyes out with the long posts. Another notch in the Soldier's belt. I hope he comes back. Maybe he didn't hear what he wanted to. Eh, you can bring a horse to water, but it's fuckin' hard to drown him.

True true true - never liked benzos but I'm convinced addicts are addicts. Swear to god I can abuse anything - candy, Vicodin, adderal, Netflix - yes I can watch 8 seasons of whatever-the-fuck back to back and not work leave the house etc etc.

If a med can help you function I say try it. Obviously you are aware of the risks. Keep on top of it and maybe get your life back. Get addicted and how much worse can it be to be withdrawn and unable to work or function as a friend or in your family unit?

True true true - never liked benzos but I'm convinced addicts are addicts. Swear to god I can abuse anything - candy, Vicodin, adderal, Netflix - yes I can watch 8 seasons of whatever-the-fuck back to back and not work leave the house etc etc.

If a med can help you function I say try it. Obviously you are aware of the risks. Keep on top of it and maybe get your life back. Get addicted and how much worse can it be to be withdrawn and unable to work or function as a friend or in your family unit?
Lot's of people are addicted and don't even know it. You get a tolerance, the doc raises it a bit. The medication doesn't vanish once you're addicted. Some people need to spend the rest of their lives on it. They certainly have a physical dependence. The doc knows it, what harm is it doing to the body? Nothing. If you want to go off, you taper. If the taper hurts, the doc can give an adjuvant like clonodine. If you're reckless, your life becomes hell, there's a lot of pain and fear, discomfort but it doesn't usually floor you. I was reckless for 5 years. I hung out with my family, I had girlfriends, I had a job, I paid my bills, I had a lot of good friends. And I was pretty extreme with my habit. I would binge on Klonopin until I was out. A bottle of 90 0.5's would last 2-3 days. So I'd set myself up for a crash of astronomical proportions. Pacing helped, but I could still get myself together to go to work. Yeah there were a few times I was afraid to leave the bathroom, but I had to go out there and get attacked by special people, and protect the others. During my taper at the end, I was diving into different drugs, the taper kind of fucked up the family when I broke. Rehab, NA, and group therapy helped a lot. I had a few relapses, but they didn't lead to a daily habit. I talked to a lot of benzo addicts in Rehab, NA, Group Therapy and I never heard any of exaggerated horror stories that the benzo-addiction naive tell. Would I do it all over again if I could go back? Hell yeah, you learn a lot for yourself and other people. You know the mistakes you made, and you might save somebody from repeating one or two. Tramadol withdrawal is worse BTW. GABA is a simple little NT. Draining Serotonin and Dopamine is a mind a body fuck, they have more functions. You know what else is worse? GAD and panic attacks. So you're not borrowing money from the mob or getting yourself into anything. You're taking on a responsibility. What can happen is not the info you need. I really think the fearful who need the med should be assigned a mentor. Don't take another, distract yourself to cope, because these fuckers steal your coping skills, stay in practice. Skip doses so your body knows, "you're not always getting this". Keep in touch with your doc, communicate, tell the truth, even if you have to say, "I'm taking more than I'm supposed to". Its hard for an addict to be honest, but if I'm your mentor, you're getting it rammed down your throat. It sucks that you don't get to learn about addiction until after you face the consequences. Yeah, I've seen worst case scenarios, and one person die, but he would not help himself. I gave him so many options but he's rather keep his face twitch and buggy eyes. I've seen a shitload of the benzo world, I believe they can be tamed so much that I take a regular dose now and have managed it well for over a year. I might be addicted, fuck it, I won't feel anything if I keep taking them. And if I'm done with them I'm pretty sure my doctor, who has been in practice for over 30 years, might know how to taper. Yeah, there's a risk, but only if you're one of two things, an out of control addict, or just uneducated.

You put it very simply, but you're right, SSRI's do cause significant changes in the brain, what they do isn't natural, and we don't know everything that they do. Benzo''s are quite simple. They release a well understood chemical, it relaxes the nerves of the brain, and you're pretty much set. Now, just like any drug, if you fuck with them bad enough they can cause serious harm. SSRI's go around blocking things (in theory, we really don't know) and when they're done, they do leave their mark. I've heard stories of permanent mood changes from Prozac. Benzo's are more like a percoset for the mind. When they're gone, the brain realigns itself, and no major structures were messed with. I agree 100%.
thx they tried me on a few ssri but omg it mad me angry like i wnted to punch a hole in the walls i couldnt fuck my girl worth anything and my problems were worse then ever then they gave me 10 xanax and basically told me if i get like that again go to the hospital lol which i dont have insurance in short my doctor was a bitch as most of them are i come here LOLz

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thx they tried me on a few ssri but omg it mad me angry like i wnted to punch a hole in the walls i couldnt fuck my girl worth anything and my problems were worse then ever then they gave me 10 xanax and basically told me if i get like that again go to the hospital lol which i dont have insurance in short my doctor was a bitch as most of them are i come here LOLz
Seems like you had a dopamine spike. They call them selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, but some brains need that balance, and some SSRI's. namely Zoloft will boost dopamine and make you pissed. What else effects dopamine? PCP. The worst thing is, we're probably not going to learn much more about too many of them. When they go generic, there is no money in research. I asked my doc what Lithium does, he said nobody knows. I asked if we were close, he said what I just told you, there's no reason to learn. So, just like everything else, it's all about money. That's why I blend a few twenties in the blender, add some baking soda, and freebase it. Hey, I'm putting something into my body that we know what it does.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon:
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  6. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  7. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  10. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  11. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  13. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  14. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  15. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  16. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  19. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  20. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there