HEHEHEHEHEHE!!! Super-charged charmed life for Brady may come to an end?(or I can hope he gets sued and loses Gazelle and his millions right? hahaha!!) I'd love to see it, they cheated against my team in an AFC champ game and now have 3 questionable SB titles in a decade.. WHY ARE THEY STILL IN THE NFL??? It wasn't like they REALLY needed to cheat, they had a great team.. People make fun of Big Ben all the time.. don't bother me, he may not be the smartest guy but he doesn't cheat.. w/ him locked for the rest of his career, Brown locked and L.Bell locked... w/ a whole new crew in the defensive backfield, I'd say by 2018 the Stillers will have #7..
I don't like either of the Harbaugh's , but.. I don't like cheaters more..