Well said about Cat! Depends on where you live, but it's still Mothers Day somewhere! Give her a nice gift, she deserves itThis Tony's a dream come true...ahh, ...love it while it lasts (believe me: I got mine and am a happy, happy girl) but the Buddha says: what goes up, must come down....I guess truth is: live in the moment.....it will surely change like the seasons do....
PS: OAS (on another subject) please support our mod....CAT and her CAR-needs: this for a great cause! Majority of us here LOVE our/all animals...I gave a chunk, but y'all just give what you can at least $10?? Think: where would we be now w/o our Grand Lady watching over all this shite...well someone has to run the show; and we don't, so it's the Mods;;;;;and she's the Queen! Let's show our respect and get her her friggen' vehicle.....to do GOOD!
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms, and to the DADS that are doing the Mothering! I hear ya!
love &

On another note, does Tony not respond on the weekends? Haven't heard from him in 2 days.
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