No but I'm not going to watch it either! Lol! Maybe that woman had done it way too many times. I think just a little filler here and a little shot there is going to "perk" me up big time. Ha! I've aged a lot in the past 5 yrs and while I don't think I'm vain or obsessed with my appearance I dont like the mad look. You've heard the term Bitchy Resting Face? That's what I'm getting! But I'm also getting ready to get rid of it! HeheHave you seen the new show called Botched? It is about two plastic surgeons who fix botched things and one was a woman who had someone, not a professional inject fillers in her face and she looked like a freak although at first she looked really pretty but literally woke up one day and it had hardened. They could not help her because it had adhered to nerves in her mouth and if they removed she might not be able to talk anymore and her lips would be pulled to one side. Scary shit.
Roger, I have nothing against having it done by a professional and will probably have it done too. On this show it was just done in some ladies home by some random lady who got it from MexicoNo but I'm not going to watch it either! Lol! Maybe that woman had done it way too many times. I think just a little filler here and a little shot there is going to "perk" me up big time. Ha! I've aged a lot in the past 5 yrs and while I don't think I'm vain or obsessed with my appearance I dont like the mad look. You've heard the term Bitchy Resting Face? That's what I'm getting! But I'm also getting ready to get rid of it! HeheHave you seen the new show called Botched? It is about two plastic surgeons who fix botched things and one was a woman who had someone, not a professional inject fillers in her face and she looked like a freak although at first she looked really pretty but literally woke up one day and it had hardened. They could not help her because it had adhered to nerves in her mouth and if they removed she might not be able to talk anymore and her lips would be pulled to one side. Scary shit.
Actually, their is a large global community of self injectors . We have private groups, share resources and techniques. We do not inject each other, but we do have professional teaching videos, and libraries. The problem is that we have the same kind of difficulty that has befallen the drug buying groups. Members who too easily gave up sources to wolves in sheeps clothing. So one by one we watched our most valued vendors disappear.Do you DIY? Are you a professional or is this something a lot of people do? Forgive my ignorance, I've just started learning about this.
Bunny, believe me, I would be terrified to inject a filler in my forehead also, that really is a spot reserved for a doctor. But I do inject Botox there . It usually takes a year or 2 of studying before someone feels confident enough to DIY . Most ( not all) of the members have an interest in medicine or skincare, nurses , hairdressers, med techs, cosmetic sales reps, etc. it's good to be afraid of nerve damage, it isn't a hobby, a lot has to be considered .i've never known anyone to do their own botox or filler injections before. is this something you have to be trained to do before you can do it to yourself? i don't feel the need for it but a friend of mine does - she wants to get something that restalyne (sp?) in her forehead but she wants to do it herself. speaking personally, i'd be terrified of causing permanent nerve damage, but perhaps you can tell us how you do it DIY style without such concerns?
thanks for your reply. i'll pass this information along to her for her consideration. much obliged!Bunny, believe me, I would be terrified to inject a filler in my forehead also, that really is a spot reserved for a doctor. But I do inject Botox there . It usually takes a year or 2 of studying before someone feels confident enough to DIY . Most ( not all) of the members have an interest in medicine or skincare, nurses , hairdressers, med techs, cosmetic sales reps, etc. it's good to be afraid of nerve damage, it isn't a hobby, a lot has to be considered .