I have Sustanon 250 x 40 x proviron 25mgs and 2 x HCG 5000 iu but no idea how to use them. Can you help please ?Have you tried the needle yet? Get some sustanon and take 1 shot every 2 weeks (1/2 shot a week works better for me) but its not a big deal. I have no sides associated with steroid use. Plus DMSO creams always smell funky to me and daily application is a pain. Different strokes though, I prefer injects for sure. Sustanon has fast acting testosterones in it so it kicks in within the first month and you should feel a difference. Too much blood work and variables in using the cream, I like knowing the exact mg going into my blood stream and how long its going to stay there. Nebido is a good one if you can afford it through your insurance, 1 shot every 10 weeks or something (seems a little on the light side). Get blood work and build your own TRT regimen.
Can you help me please. I have Sustanon, proviron and HCG. Do I use them together and if not then how would I take them. I have Sustanon 250, prov iron 25mg tabs and HCG 5000iu. I am supposed to get the nebido every 8 weeks but either I am not getting it as the nurse asked a lot of questions and hides behind a screen. I haven’t felt the little soreness and she truly gets the pin she uses away from me in seconds. I just don’t feel right and am positive she is taking my prescription, for her husband.Just catching up on some threads while I was away. I hate speaking bad of anyone but that @Dumbo88 was one disrespectful arsehole.
Any question any time that’s what the experience users are here for. There’s no such thing as a stupor question imo. It beats jumping in without knowing what you’re doing and paying the consequences later.