Trump vs Clinton?


V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member
Feb 8, 2015
I'm not American, but it's Clinton all the way for me. She has all the experience and is very intelligent. Like Obama said "There has never been a more qualified candidate". 

She isn't always popular, with the left as well as the right, but she looks the part and has the dignity that Trump doesn't.

You are brave to start this topic. Here in the US there's a huge division and people are absolutely vicious defending their candidate. 

The TV ads are so ridiculous that it's embarrassing. One shows a woman in bed being awoken by an intruder.

She goes to her safe to get her gun, but it's not there. Hillary has snuck in and taken her gun away! I don't know how she accomplished it without being shot herself, but this is of course sponsored by the NRA.

Do they have a lot of silly political ads in other countries, or are we the only ones with such mind numbing nonsense? 

At least it's almost over with for this election.

Trump Trump trump Trump trump X 100 million. Unless you want Single Payer Health Care and Hillary Clinton deciding what prescription you get. Trump trump Trump trump Trump trump Trump trump....

You are brave to start this topic. Here in the US there's a huge division and people are absolutely vicious defending their candidate. 

The TV ads are so ridiculous that it's embarrassing. One shows a woman in bed being awoken by an intruder.

She goes to her safe to get her gun, but it's not there. Hillary has snuck in and taken her gun away! I don't know how she accomplished it without being shot herself, but this is of course sponsored by the NRA.

Do they have a lot of silly political ads in other countries, or are we the only ones with such mind numbing nonsense? 

At least it's almost over with for this election.
Lol. I see what you mean. I am slightly to the left of Clinton's political stance, more Bernie Sanders I suppose, but he seemed like a wet blanket. *Shrugs*

I will now exit this thread, stage left, and let you guys cyber-garotte each other.

And oh, our political ads are usually boring and before the news. I usually turn them off as it's mainly fake rhetoric.

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I am choosing to sit this one out   The lack of independent thinking and a moderate mind has left me without a candidate to vote for.  I am saddened by our lack of choices and disgusted by the amount of money spent on getting elected.  Trump is a disgusting, racist, misogynist that respects no one.  He is owned by Russia and will take this country back to the 1950's.  Hilary is a moderate that lacks original ideas and will only maintain the status quo.  I cannot believe that these two people are our choices.  

It sucks being an independent and not having representation.  

Hilary is a moderate that lacks original ideas and will only maintain the status quo.
True indeed.

I'm deeply unhappy that the first female President of the United States will be so mainly by default because her competitor is a lunatic.   The notion that Bill Clinton will be back in the Whitehouse disgusts me beyond measure.

This has been the most hopeless, depressing, frightening campaign for POTUS in living memory and has made us the laughing stock of the world.  I cannot believe out of 350,000,000 Americans, this is the best we could do.

I have followed your presidential race quite keenly, I must say... 

I have enjoyed watching the 3 debates, even staying up to watch them live... 

Deciding between trump and Clinton is like deciding on whether you want gonorrhea or syphilis... And I have watched some of your television adverts on sky and you tube.. Oh my goodness?! Most of them make me want to vomit!.. And the mainstream media all seem to be on Killary's payroll?.. Strangely the UK media have seem to be bought by her aswell? 

The only hope I saw for a fair and just US president was when Ron Paul was running in 2008/12... Unfortunately he also got trounced by your media : (.. 

All I can say is good luck?! Either way you seem pretty fucked : (. 

I am choosing to sit this one out   The lack of independent thinking and a moderate mind has left me without a candidate to vote for.  I am saddened by our lack of choices and disgusted by the amount of money spent on getting elected.  Trump is a disgusting, racist, misogynist that respects no one.  He is owned by Russia and will take this country back to the 1950's.  Hilary is a moderate that lacks original ideas and will only maintain the status quo.  I cannot believe that these two people are our choices.  

It sucks being an independent and not having representation.  
You are probably right. I didn't rate Mitt Romney though. McCain was a good candidate in my opinion.

The positive I take as a (Non-militant) feminist is that Germany, The UK and the US (probably) will be led by women. 

Just hope they make a decent job of things, but I'm pretty jaded with politics and 'promises'.

I empathise with only having two choices. We do too. I used to be a Labour voter, yet am now drawn to the much smaller Green Party. 

Can't shut up sometimes, it's my condition - honest. ?

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yet am now drawn to the much smaller Green Party
Our Green Party candidate believes WiFi waves are destroying our children's brains and she's very iffy on the efficacy of vaccines.

I didn't rate Mitt Romney though.
An obscenely wealthy Mormon with fantastic hair who's famous for saying "47% of Americans" are just lazy moochers, that he has "binders FULL of women" and whose investment firm buys American businesses, fires everyone, locks the doors and ships the businesses overseas. 

McCain was a good candidate in my opinion
McCain was captured and held as P.O.W. under the most unspeakable conditions during the Vietnam war, about which Trump shockingly said last year "I like heroes that don't get captured."  McCain somehow survived Vietnam and came back home to a lifetime career as Republican Senator for Arizona, doing virtually nothing as Senator that entire time except voting as he was told by fellow Senators.  Then in 2012 he threw it all away when he agreed to psycho Sarah Palin as his VP when he ran for POTUS.  Even his own Republican voters have still not forgiven him for that.  Linguistic scholars will be studying for generations to come the words that have fallen out of Sarah Palin's pie-hole, in a desperate attempt to construct even one complete sentence that a human can understand.

We Americans are often a desperately stupid people when it comes to politics. 

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Our Green Party candidate believes WiFi waves are destroying our children's brains and she's very iffy on the efficacy of vaccines.

An obscenely wealthy Mormon with fantastic hair who's famous for saying "47% of America" are just lazy moochers, that he has "binders FULL of women" and whose investment firm buys American businesses, fires everyone, locks the doors and ships the businesses overseas. 

McCain was captured and held as P.O.W. under the most unspeakable conditions during the Vietnam war, about which Trump shockingly said last year "I like heroes that don't get captured."  McCain somehow survived Vietnam and came back home to a lifetime career as Republican Senator for Arizona, doing virtually nothing as Senator that entire time except voting as he was told by fellow Senators.  Then in 2012 he threw it all away when he agreed to psycho Sarah Palin as his VP when he ran for POTUS.  Even his own Republican voters have still not forgiven him for that.  Linguistic scholars will be studying for generations to come the words that have fallen out of Sarah Palin's pie-hole, in a desperate attempt to construct even one complete sentence that a human can understand.

We Americans are often a desperately stupid people when it comes to politics. 
I think the political system is flawed generally. Some people will always be unhappy - usually the poor and mentally/physically ill.

Our Green party only has one representative, although she is a lovely, intelligent, warm hearted woman. Some policies are a little 'out there', but many make sense and are compassionate.

I read that about Romney. He seemed inept, at the very least.

Also remember Trump saying that. It's crazy mocking your own party member who has a lot more guts than himself.

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I saw this on RT News the other day, it sums it up so much!

"America decides...

Which one is worse?"

Hehe, made me laugh.

To be honest... you know, freedom of speech, I do support Trump. I think it's sad that I should be sort of 'ashamed' to say that...I don't agree with him on everything (abortions, especially drug policy). I hope no-one disowns me because of that. But don't forget, democracy is about acceptance of other's views. I accept the right of clinton supporters to have their view as well.

But what I will agree on, is the debates have been so, so...personal. Both parties are guilty there. It is such a shame. But the line from Trump "...because you'd be in jail." Boom!

In any case, whoever wins will have low approval ratings from the start. Turbulent times indeed...

I accept that some Trump supporters can be so aggressive - I don't like that. But Clinton supporters (anti trump movement etc.) can be equally as bad.

Oh, and, haha, on a lighter note, I still can't stop giggling on the Trump headlines (trump here basically means fart). Best one was "Obama: Don't blame me for Trump". Oh my god, haha, never gets old!

During the obomba inauguration the US media and politicians were saying shillary was going to be the next president. Well she's made it through the candidate vote for the party, so it looking like she has the chance of of running the US. Someone who has, been involved in numerous scandals like Bengasi, the email scandal. The Clinton foundation is corrupt, and she could be president of one of the players in the global events. It would be laughable if she does make it in. 

Trump was never mentioned untill the candidate for tthe republicans appeared. He has got where he is by wheeling and dealing. Probably screwed a few people over, you don't get to be that rich by playing by the rules to have as much assets as he does. Think he has a load of casinos  But he isn't part of the establishment, so we're told, like the wicked witch. That's why most people who have the power in us politics hate him , because he has no ties to anything political. That could be bad. But I think its better to have someone who has know long tearm connections to people like the clintons and bushes. 

 Its good comedy for people not able to vote if you're not a us citizen.  Though if clinton wins I think it will be bad for US relations with other countrys, which normally isn't good for other allied nations.

Will be glad when it's all over. Fells like its been dragging for the last year and half .       

I won't say too much about this as there are probably several americans on this forum with strong opinions on the matter and this affects you more than anyone else, but i suppose you also know that who becomes president in the USA affects the entire world.

Thought i would just say how it looks from here. Norway that is. Too us the most common reaction when bringing up that whole spectacle over there is that people shake their heads and then just laugh. And then make some kinda of statement along the lines of: It's completely insane what's happening over there.

Off course to norwegians american politics always seem a little crazy as everyone of the eight major parties (we have quite a different political system here), even the one furthest to the right politically, are still to the left of both the republicans and the democrats, but with this particular election most are wondering have they gone completely off the rails?

Hope i haven't offended any americans, but many of the powerful nations often don't care much about what norway thinks anyway, though i did notice norway being brought up many times during this election as an example when one policy or another of ours seemed to work particularly well. Most often by Bernie Sanders, who may actually be one of few american politicians that's to the left of our most right-wing party.

A Trump presidency will also make it hard on us seeking relief for our maladies from our southern friends.  He has stated that in addition to building a wall, he will make it nearly impossible to send money to people located in areas south of us.   I still don't understand why he holds such contempt for people that want to better their lives in our great nation.     

He is a despicable person....I believe every single one of the women that claimed he assaulted them.  I do not think its a publicity stunt...

I am going to leave this one alone....Its a beautiful day in my neighborhood and I do not want to ruin by talking about a Putin stooge....

@Smoka90 that surprised me. I guess I see Trump as misogynistic and I see you as a champion for respect of the fairer sex. But I would never think badly of you over political differences.

I can't think of anything more obnoxious than people who are compelled to force their views and beliefs on others; be it politics, religion or something else.

I may have to move to England if this election goes awry and then we can really have a lively political debate.

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