Our Green Party candidate believes WiFi waves are destroying our children's brains and she's very iffy on the efficacy of vaccines.
An obscenely wealthy Mormon with fantastic hair who's famous for saying "47% of America" are just lazy moochers, that he has "binders FULL of women" and whose investment firm buys American businesses, fires everyone, locks the doors and ships the businesses overseas.
McCain was captured and held as P.O.W. under the most unspeakable conditions during the Vietnam war, about which Trump shockingly said last year "I like heroes that don't get captured." McCain somehow survived Vietnam and came back home to a lifetime career as Republican Senator for Arizona, doing virtually nothing as Senator that entire time except voting as he was told by fellow Senators. Then in 2012 he threw it all away when he agreed to psycho Sarah Palin as his VP when he ran for POTUS. Even his own Republican voters have still not forgiven him for that. Linguistic scholars will be studying for generations to come the words that have fallen out of Sarah Palin's pie-hole, in a desperate attempt to construct even one complete sentence that a human can understand.
We Americans are often a desperately stupid people when it comes to politics.