Trumpy's Snivelling

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What is the deal with Trumps snivelling when he talks?  One thing Lyin' Ted was right about, he is a sniffler.

He doesn't seem to be able to inhale without making a loud weird nasal sniffling noise.  It was really apparent during the debates.  They have tried to minimalize it since being elected but they just can't quite get rid of it.  Last night when he was staring creepily into the teleprompter and struggling to read the words, it was very noticeable.  I have to say, that man is absolutely repulsive in absolutely every way I can think of from the way he looks (bloated dead orange frog) to his manner of speaking and of course what he says.

Trump and his cult like supporters are shining examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect.  Any Trumpy's that would like to refute this please, I welcome you.

I posted this in THE POLITICS section so all you Snowflake cry baby Trumpy's that are going to go run tell Mama, don't bother.  Either state your case or go pout somewhere else.  Or start your own thread about how mean people are to you and how fascist don't like being called fascist.  Any Steve King supporters in the fascist crowd out there?  If you voted for Steve King you are a truly truly disgusting sub human pile of shit, more so than those still supporting the Orange Clown Fascist in the White House. 

"Shut up and enjoy the ride... SNIFFFFF"


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Hows Trump a facist, because he puts America first that's every presidents job of EVERY country lmao, oh I'm sorry you would  rather of had Hillary who leaked 1000s of classified emails and have her husband who sexually assaulted atliest 20 innocent woman by her side. Insanity

WHO CARES IF HE SNIFFS even though I've never noticed it ever

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Yikes!  I must refrain from getting involved in this bees nest section.  I hate to hear Trumpys say things like that.  It makes me think the world's gone mad.  I can't engage or watch much more.  This is what the effect has become:

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension—a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

The sniffling thing I hadn't really thought about before this post, but it is true.  However, it's toward the bottom of the list of 1000, imho.



If I am not mistaken "The Orange Bloated One"  has fondled a woman or three in his time.  I believe there was an audiotape released...Inside Edition?  E! News Daily??  Oh yeah...the Access Hollywood tape!!  Unfortunately the Donald is a fascist, a white supremacist, a misogynist, a liar and a moron.   Its sad to see our country run into the ground by a bunch of old racist white men.   To see the constitution trampled, to see nepotism run amok and to see our struggling environment poisoned with new outdated environmental policies is just heartbreaking.   Hopefully after 2020 we will be left with a candidate that can heal the gaping wounds that these asshats ripped wide open during their corrupt and morally bankrupt tenure.    One can hope.....

Apologize in advance for this one, but I have to say it.  Haven't really had the opportunity and don't really like talking politics because my area, despite being blue due to the demographics here, there are way too many confrontational Trumpys around.  I hate one person more than Trump, but it's close.

Stephen f*cking Miller!!!!!

MF, I would clock him so hard if I had the opportunity  OMG!!

That actually felt good.  My wife dislikes Trump, only for recognizing what a whack job he is.  However, she is a Republican.  Needless to say, we don't talk politics in my own home.  You guys just make me feel too comfortable.  I've been bottled up for too long.



I kinda like this silhouette because I think it is true.

@chchtwo  I wholeheartedly agree with your take on Stephen Miller.  He's a little power hungry racist that has a disdain for non-whites.  It is hard for me to stomach that this little POS has total control over immigration policy.    He truly deserves a special place in hell!!


He has not done anything to me personally except disappoint, sadden and disgust me.  Not only is he a misogynistic racist, but he continually tramples whats left of the Constitution and thumbs his nose at tradition,  mores, conventional international relationships and he is about to tank the economy.  I have no love for politicians, left or right, that embrace brutal dictators while stomping on our allies and military alliances.    He is a con man, a liar, a cheat and probably the least moral man that has ever held office.  Clearly he is mentally deficient and he probably is in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.  And he is illiterate. 

He is personally overseeing the destruction of our environment, the steep increase in inequality and he is seizing the ability of a woman to decide for herself medical care she needs.  He has rolled back environmental laws via executive order and his monetary policy will add at least 2 trillion dollars to our current deficit.   He is not smart enough to realize that tariffs do not work and has no actual policy to negotiate with the Chinese, Japanese, Canadians, Mexicans and the Europeans regarding trade.   He has no vision for the future of our country other than to divide and conquer and line the pockets of his rich, white friends.   

His environmental policy is completely devoid of science and is/has been written by lobbyists and private landowners.  It saddens me to think that my child will drink dirtier water, breath dirtier air and suffer through more intense natural disasters that are getting ever more frequent due to the denial of climate change that he and other republicans continue to push.  Not only is he rolling back clean air legislation, but he is pushing for offshore oil exploration that we do not need.  His thinking that "Clean environmental policy" will destroy the economy is short sighted, ill informed, and fundamentally wrong.  How will switching from dirty power sources to clean power sources damage the economy??  It wont.  It has been shown that new industries will be created and the new industries will require people to work!  It will create jobs rather than destroy jobs but he is too busy kissing the ass of the fossil fuel industry to see that.  It is sad that our country, that used to be a leader in new technology, innovation, education is quickly falling behind the rest of the industrialized world because he, and most other republicans, believe that climate change is a hoax.  

He is also destroying our international military alliances while embracing Putin, Kim Jong Ill, and the like.  I grew up in Europe during the height of the cold war and I know the importance of Nato and our needs for allies in case conflict rises in Europe.  His inability to ponder complex international relationships will lead to us being isolated internationally while the rest of world forms alliances without us to protect from worldwide aggression. Trump and his Kleptocratic friends fail to realize that America is only 3% of the worlds population.  This simple fact means it will not take much for us to get shut out economically, militarily, socially and politically.   Trade pacts will be formed with out us, Military alliances will be formed without us and we will be on the outside looking in.

I also find his treatment of immigrants disgusting.  He does not like brown people and has authorized the use of internment camps to separate and destroy families that are seeking refuge in our country.  I agree that something has to be done to alleviate the problem but locking people up, taking away their kids and treating them like cattle is not something we do in this country.  Trump is un-weaving the moral fabric that used to separate us from the rest of the world.  We used to help we imprison them for trying to improve their lives.  Its sad, morally repugnant and goes against everything our once great nation stood for. 

The man has no moral compass, no backbone,  and believes in nothing other than making himself rich by whatever means possible.   A man that cheats on his wife while she is pregnant with their child disgusts me.  Maybe its just me but when my wife was pregnant the thought of "grabbing another woman by their Hoo-ha" never entered my mind. 

@Dickslapperman     I guess thats about it for now,  but I may come back and write a little more.  I have to get back to work and I dont have the ability to lay in bed till 11 am watching Fox news while eating "hamberders".  Trumps spelling not mine....

One more thing.....While my Dad was recovering in a Naval Hospital in Hawaii, Trump was getting  his 4th or 5th bones spurs diagnosis to avoid Vietnam.  My Dads helicopter was  shot down and he broke his back, jaw and left knee.  He also had a foot long scar on his back from when they removed the shrapnel he acquired while serving his country.  He was only in Vietnam for 9 moths but he earned 2 purple hearts, a bronze star with oak leaf clusters and a few other medals I currently cant recall.  My dad is currently resting in Arlington National Cemetery after a 35 year military career.   If only he had a rich dad, like Trump, he could have bought his way out of military service by faking an injury.  Instead he decided to serve his country and paid the ultimate price.  He did not die in combat but prolonged exposure to agent orange and the rest of the physical damage he sustained caused him more suffering than I, or Trump will ever know.

I guess thats it in a nutshell.   I probably shouldnt have written so much but, you asked.....I could have just said "I dont like him because I think hes an asshole" but that seemed too easy. 

@chchtwo    Did I leave anything out??  Feel free to add whatever you think I might have left out :)  

Lol!  Well done @aintnouse .  The sad part is there is still a LOT more.  I'm not going to attempt.  Plus, I'm attempting to stay calm, cool, and collected for surgery on Thursday (Spinal Fusion-Neck:  Fun).

I would like to add a couple of names to my list though . . .



Graham!!!  What the hell happened?.  Does Trump have something on him?  Does he have something on all these weasels?  Maybe some sexual indiscretions . . .  (at a minimum).

Barr now (of course)

McConnell (no words, lol)

Pompeo nearly makes the list.

Bolton is just scary looking (not as scary as Mnuchen)

Anyone think of someone I'm leaving out (besides other Trumps, and Kushner)?

Trump is going doooooowwwwwnnn (IMHO)!!

If for some crazy reason he ends up back, I'm moving to the country.  No tv's, no technology.  A leave of absence, if you will.  A sanity preservation project.



@aintnouse I wanted to give your post a bazillion hearts!  But I found it's not possible! So in a "nod" to Trump I will say "That was the best post ever. A post like no one has ever seen before. A post done by an amazing person, I mean incredibly amazing. A post written by an amazing person who also has told me that I too am amazing person."  😂🤣🤷🏽‍♀️ 

I kind of live by this motto: those who understand what is happening need no explanation. Those who ask for an explanation (ie "what has he done personally to you?") aren't going to accept any explanation.  

Carry on my resistor friends! That is where the power is. Don't feed the trolls and stay focused on being able to soon right all that has happened since 2016! 

@chchtwo trumps going to win by a longshot idk why y'all hate him so much what has he done to negatively effect your life... Honestly? 
I agree Dick, we already beat UK two timed, why they mad..all in good fun!! I'm first generation American.  Dad was Australian my mom was from canada. I grew. In Nashville, as my mom was a country singer,and I grew up.with Hank snow T my house weekly he called my grandmother his mom was very close with the man who stArted the Grand old Opry this kNow wrote a song you might know " you are my sunshine. " Marty Robins was close with us,and June Carter. Why do I say this?? Cause USA is best country on earth!!people die to get here. Anyone with the means travels here for medical care. I hope Trump is reelected,i'm SURE he will be!! We hung a Trump sign 30 feet up in a tree so the bookbag liberals couldn't geT it down ha ha ha!! I can't say much more about my Nashille roots ,for anonymity dake. After mom dirs,i might publish a book with dozens of letters from old time country !music royalty.but, I love politics,and I love great people here, so all in fun!!!t. Trump needs to stay off Twitter,though. Or .cool it some

I guess I will add the he and he alone is destroying the economy of the World.  The tariffs that "WE" the American people pay will eventually make regular household items so expensive that consumer confidence will crash and the recession will begin.   The yield curve has already inverted which has happened before 7 of the last 8 recessions and the only thing holding this economy up is the American consumer which has more debt now than ever.  See, what the Asshat in Orange and the rest of the Kleptocrats fail to realize is that their demographic is dying.   Old, angry white folks that comprise the republicant party are dropping like flies.   The party has no future because America will be a lovely shade of light brown due to mixing of races and the like. 

The Republicants also fail to realize that the good ole US of A comprises roughly 3% of the world's population.  The rest of the world does not need us.  Because the Idiot has imposed tariffs on China for just about everything, they will make deals with the rest of the world freezing us out.  The already buy their soybeans from Brazil and will purchase other products from other countries that they used to buy from us.  Its funny......the Republicans like to call out Dems for being socialist but when Trump props up farmers because of his inept, ignorant and short sighted trade policies, its not socialism.  What the hell else do you call it?  16 billion dollars given to farmers sounds socialist to me......It also did not go to the Mom and Pop farms but gigantic monoliths like Cargill, Monsanto and the rest of the giant corporations that donate to the Republicants.   The party of fiscal responsibility?   Give me a freaking break....ballooning deficits and a the most expensive budget ever passed.....

Keep drinking the cool aid......pretty soon you wont be able to afford it and there will be no ice to chill it because the temp will be so high  the ice will melt the second its out of the fridge.....

Well, I'm sticking with my call.  He's going dooooooowwwwn.  It's gotten even more disgusting.  The most frustrating part is the spell he cast on half the country.  Most of them live in information cocoons.  Mouthing off quota for the day . . . . check.


Doesn't the impeachment havr to go through the house and senate before he goes? Im not US, but interested. Is each one ruled by the republicans and democrats? Can't see the republicans turning on their leader. Don't both sides have to agree trump goes?

@Fenrir   Yes each body is controlled by the 2 separate parties.  House Dems and the Senate the Republicants.  And yes the whole congressional body would have to agree on articles of impeachment for him to get booted out of office.  Unfortunately the Repubs are gutless cowards that are not going to take the matter seriously and be the impartial judges that there seats require them to be.   He will not be removed from office and unfortunately there is a good chance he will be re elected.  That is bad news for us and bad news for the rest of the world.  Hopefully where you are, he hasnt damaged our relationship with your country and we will still get along in the future.  What is sad is that he will more than likely lose the popular vote but win the electoral college and be re elected by a mere few thousand votes.   Our system is broken and the results are bad people getting elected to office.   It makes me sad for the country and sad for the world that such a lying, cheating dirtbag can be elected to the highest office in the land and destroy our international reputation with allies that took years to cultivate.   Sigh.....hopefully the dems can find a viable candidate and they can unseat the jackass.

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