He has not done anything to me personally except disappoint, sadden and disgust me. Not only is he a misogynistic racist, but he continually tramples whats left of the Constitution and thumbs his nose at tradition, mores, conventional international relationships and he is about to tank the economy. I have no love for politicians, left or right, that embrace brutal dictators while stomping on our allies and military alliances. He is a con man, a liar, a cheat and probably the least moral man that has ever held office. Clearly he is mentally deficient and he probably is in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. And he is illiterate.
He is personally overseeing the destruction of our environment, the steep increase in inequality and he is seizing the ability of a woman to decide for herself medical care she needs. He has rolled back environmental laws via executive order and his monetary policy will add at least 2 trillion dollars to our current deficit. He is not smart enough to realize that tariffs do not work and has no actual policy to negotiate with the Chinese, Japanese, Canadians, Mexicans and the Europeans regarding trade. He has no vision for the future of our country other than to divide and conquer and line the pockets of his rich, white friends.
His environmental policy is completely devoid of science and is/has been written by lobbyists and private landowners. It saddens me to think that my child will drink dirtier water, breath dirtier air and suffer through more intense natural disasters that are getting ever more frequent due to the denial of climate change that he and other republicans continue to push. Not only is he rolling back clean air legislation, but he is pushing for offshore oil exploration that we do not need. His thinking that "Clean environmental policy" will destroy the economy is short sighted, ill informed, and fundamentally wrong. How will switching from dirty power sources to clean power sources damage the economy?? It wont. It has been shown that new industries will be created and the new industries will require people to work! It will create jobs rather than destroy jobs but he is too busy kissing the ass of the fossil fuel industry to see that. It is sad that our country, that used to be a leader in new technology, innovation, education is quickly falling behind the rest of the industrialized world because he, and most other republicans, believe that climate change is a hoax.
He is also destroying our international military alliances while embracing Putin, Kim Jong Ill, and the like. I grew up in Europe during the height of the cold war and I know the importance of Nato and our needs for allies in case conflict rises in Europe. His inability to ponder complex international relationships will lead to us being isolated internationally while the rest of world forms alliances without us to protect from worldwide aggression. Trump and his Kleptocratic friends fail to realize that America is only 3% of the worlds population. This simple fact means it will not take much for us to get shut out economically, militarily, socially and politically. Trade pacts will be formed with out us, Military alliances will be formed without us and we will be on the outside looking in.
I also find his treatment of immigrants disgusting. He does not like brown people and has authorized the use of internment camps to separate and destroy families that are seeking refuge in our country. I agree that something has to be done to alleviate the problem but locking people up, taking away their kids and treating them like cattle is not something we do in this country. Trump is un-weaving the moral fabric that used to separate us from the rest of the world. We used to help people....now we imprison them for trying to improve their lives. Its sad, morally repugnant and goes against everything our once great nation stood for.
The man has no moral compass, no backbone, and believes in nothing other than making himself rich by whatever means possible. A man that cheats on his wife while she is pregnant with their child disgusts me. Maybe its just me but when my wife was pregnant the thought of "grabbing another woman by their Hoo-ha" never entered my mind.
@Dickslapperman I guess thats about it for now, but I may come back and write a little more. I have to get back to work and I dont have the ability to lay in bed till 11 am watching Fox news while eating "hamberders". Trumps spelling not mine....
One more thing.....While my Dad was recovering in a Naval Hospital in Hawaii, Trump was getting his 4th or 5th bones spurs diagnosis to avoid Vietnam. My Dads helicopter was shot down and he broke his back, jaw and left knee. He also had a foot long scar on his back from when they removed the shrapnel he acquired while serving his country. He was only in Vietnam for 9 moths but he earned 2 purple hearts, a bronze star with oak leaf clusters and a few other medals I currently cant recall. My dad is currently resting in Arlington National Cemetery after a 35 year military career. If only he had a rich dad, like Trump, he could have bought his way out of military service by faking an injury. Instead he decided to serve his country and paid the ultimate price. He did not die in combat but prolonged exposure to agent orange and the rest of the physical damage he sustained caused him more suffering than I, or Trump will ever know.
I guess thats it in a nutshell. I probably shouldnt have written so much but, you asked.....I could have just said "I dont like him because I think hes an asshole" but that seemed too easy.
@chchtwo Did I leave anything out?? Feel free to add whatever you think I might have left out