I ordered in Sep and got a delivery about 3-4 days later and was happy with what I got even though pricey: Then a random email sent saying they had opened a new website. Not thinking anything of it and due to desperation i made another order on 27th Oct and only managed to put the money across yesterday, usually get a quick response but nothing so came to have an read here and now now panicking as I have seen you blacklisted them .. can't put up the new email for onbvious reasons , if any admins want to know this then please pm me but is it safe to say I shouldn't of and Kiss goodbye to what I paid ? ? Had a auto response email to say it's being processed and then usually you get an email giving you the bank details. Like I said No problem when I ordered last and it was fast and product was good but am very worried I've made a mistake and should of checked on here first ? I'm Being put through a sub detox with no painkillers as I suffer from fibromyalgia so life is hell and I can't set up any accounts for overseas payments right now as they require up to Date id and as my provisional driving id is out of date same as my passport this would cost me more to update them .. it's driving me mad with all the amazing vendors on offer and no way of paying for any of it. Fingers crossed as I'm in the uk they may respond tomorrow it being a weekend and someone will hopefully be there. I spose that will teach me but anyone who knows my situation I'm sure can not sympathise. Feel so stupid