I come from a family that have been very serious birders for 2 generations. As a result of spending my entire childhood waiting and being quiet because " I think I saw a Red-cockaded Woodpecker in those old pine trees over there", I studied zoology in college and spent most of my time buried in ursine studies having seen my fill of ornithological diversity by the time I finished high school. I do however, maintain a bit of affection for unusual birds, such as hummers, owls, raptors & acciptiters, etc., and while I have not personally visited those lodges you speak of, someone very close to me has been to the Peace Lodge 3 or 4 times and loved it. I was in the high arctic for Aug.with this same person (my version of Eden), and I spotted spotted an Ivory Gull for them, the last species left on this person's lifetime list (at least on the high arctic birds end) and it made their entire cold month worthwhile to them. Anyhow, I'm told that the Black-crested Coquettes are exciting if you can spot one. I'd be wandering off looking for jaguars myself.