Just a heads up im currently having the exact same issue with a BJC odsmt order. Also you can get the same price from bjc as LF if you email bjc.
Same it I missed the flight cut-off by 2 days. But seeing that I'm not the only one, but 2 others? And I'd willing there's a lot of other vendors not saying anything to try to keep the peace/give them their benefit vendor the benefit of the doubt. But something's not right here. @DrinkingDrano thanks for not posting the vendor's full name in my thread, it's the little things.same fedex, got tracking mid oct hasnt updated.
This is an overdue review:
Communication was off the charts fast, and when I mentioned how cool that was, I got a lovely little note in response that was very friendly and honestly made my morning
Shipment was blazing fast, even though it was a h@liday week@nd. Just nuts, they are so dedicated to customer service.
Delivery itself was the most discrete of any vendor I've dealt with, and purchase was tested and is very high quality - impurities would mess up the experiment I'm doing, and no such thing happened.
They openly state that they want to be the best, and since I actually *enjoyed* the purchasing experience - well, that's golden.
Thanks for taking the time to write up a quick summary of your ordering experience. I'm definitely looking forward to doing future business with you in the future. @HaitakuLate review, but better late than never! Just wanted to say amazing vendor in all regardss.
Communication 10/10 Replied quickly, professionally and friendly in all correspondence.
Shipping 10/10 Shipped day after payment and arrived two days later.
OPSEC 10/10 More than adequate for domestic.
Was a pleasure doing business and will be glad to again in the future.
Excellent review but I just have to clarify one thing, when you say it was potent or not as fire what do you mean? I have had to cut ties with customer's that made 50 gram order's regularly for violating the no human consumption rule. It's a very big deal.This was my very first order with Uncharted, & my first order after being away from the scene for nearly a year. i am so beyond stoked with how smoothly my first order back went! Uncharted is certainly going to be one of my go to domestic vendors going forward.
speed was 5/5, shipped on weds or thurs & got to me on sat! was so stoked to get it before sunday!
communication was 6/5, honestly some of the best communication ive had with a new vendor. i messed up the gas fees on my payment which delayed my order by a few hours (dumb mistake on my part ~.~) but Uncharted was SUPER understanding/ super communicative/receptively.
opsec 5/5 super clever, wont say anymore.
i’ll say 5/5 for quality, cause while this batch of ods was not as potent as the last batch i had 12ish months ago, that has nothing to do with this vendor, its just a different batch from the same lab i usually get from, & historically their batches do have some discrepancies. so yeah while not the most fire ods ive had from this lab, it is certainly equivalent to every other vendor currently slinging this batch. & i believe he received a new batch since i ordered anyways, so this comment doesnt apply to this current batch
overall 10/10 very pleasant experience, will be ordering again! thank you for enabling such a low stress/chill first purchase back on the scene, i was really expecting to have go through some trial & error getting back in the swing of things, but thanks to this stellar vendor there was no need ^_^
(hope this review isnt too long, its my first review on DBG, so im not too sure whats like the standard)
Fantastic I very much look forward to continuing business with you and I really appreciate you clearing that misunderstanding. You can definitely expect some extra product on your next order for taking the time out of your day to write such an inclusive review.oh apologies for the unclearness of my previous post, i can amend it to be more clear if there is an “edit” option i am somehow overlooking.
for clarity, i personally use the compound as an anti extinguishing agents in diy beeswax candles designed for wind resistant non-electric lighting in situations like urban exploring/camping/hiking/etc, & i meant the flame length/lighting given off was less pronounced/consistent than i have experienced with other batches. my apologies, i totally space on either being much more clear with my applications or not referring to application broadly. i would NEVER consume these compounds as ive heard they can cause respiratory depression & potentially death. i would highly recommend anyone researching these compounds or using them in any manufacturing applications, use proper PPE to prevent ANY accident exposure or inhalation.
And as always a wonderful review @NniccizeldaA touching on all the fine points. As usual you can some additional product on your next order.Aaand once again, as always, everything is a 10/10 in all categories! Definitely a god-tier vendor, & we’re all so grateful to have Uncharted in this scene! It’s been a rough road for a while now with lots of sketchy sales, scams, etc., so I’m always stoked to work with this one!
Communication is a fkngdelight
, always so professional & goes above & beyond to help you with any inquiries you might have regarding your order
Speed & stealth is unbeatable, especially at this price. It’s kind of mind blowing
I’m continually a return customer, & as long as he’s in the scene vending, I’ll be around repurchasing!
Thank you as always, Uncharted!![]()
Looking forward to the new batch! Thanks for the update. @unchartedI wanted to let everybody know the Expected Delivery Date is still Tuesday for the incoming shipment of O-DSMT. I will start taking order's Tuesday if the drop it's arriving at is not closed or about to close before retrieving it, if it is closed I'll pick it up Wednesday and ship out order's Thursday. Thank you for your patience.