Aww...you are just the bee's knees. /default_biggrin.pngTeeth brushed...MSD was in the other room so I was in the clear...
If I wasn't talking about my dear I was certainly thinking about you...you can always count on that! /default_smile.png/default_wub.png :wub:
That annoys me too HB! Also the people that see you coming, hesitate and then pull out in front of you. Where I am from people cannot drive safely. And throw a little wintry mix in and everybody drives worse (if possible).I don't want to start - I'm almost as bad a Larry David.
People who do not use turn signals.
Fckn idiots. classic herd mentalityso, I manage office buildings. Last week, one of my tenants was in the bathroom and claims to have seen a man trying to look through the crack into the stall she was in. The police were called and a report was filed. The tenant then told EVERY SINGLE WOMAN in the building that there was a "peeping tom" Mass hysteria happened. People were calling me nonstop, demanding we hire a security guard, we need a doorman, cameras BLA BLA BLA. The next day, I find out that the tenant "knows" who the perp is. That it is a limo driver that comes in to our building to use the washroom. This limo driver, they say, drives a black town car. Later on that afternoon, people are coming out of the woodwork to tell me about their interaction with this man. This one attorney says that he touched her leg in the elevator, another saw the same guy looking through the stall crack...yadda yadda. A little LATER......I get a call that three angry women are threatening an old man, who happened to be driving a black Lincoln (not a towne car) They had his car blocked IN in the parking lot and would not let him leave. Well, I decide to have my own investigation. Fast forward a couple of days and now the "victim" is saying that she could not see anything through the crack in the stall (I asked her how she knew it was a man) and that she does not think it is the limo driver (I asked her WHY she thought it was the limo driver, if she did not see anything). Now, this hysterical group of women are accusing my of bullying this gal so she would change her story! THIS ANNOYS ME!!!!
I guess I am stupid cuz I don't know what "bait you out" means. What does it mean, please KK? XoPeople who try to fabricate stories to try to bait you out...... and people who think I am stupid enough to fall for that SHIT.....DumbASSES.....
It means to try to get you to say something to catch you in a lie....And yes i am talking about my F-ing back stabbing boss and the and staff....They are assholes! XXXXXXXOOOOOO And by no means are you stupid you silly goose /default_tongue.pngI guess I am stupid cuz I don't know what "bait you out" means. What does it mean, please KK? Xo
I can seriously identify with that. I worked at a place last year where there were rats and scumbags constantly trying to bait me by "confiding" in me then trying to play office politics by twisting my responses and relaying them to my boss. Now life happens to be dealing them bad hands left and right, one was even fired. Karma has a funny way of catching up to bad people if you give it time.People who try to fabricate stories to try to bait you out...... and people who think I am stupid enough to fall for that SHIT.....DumbASSES.....
Yes it most certainly does come around Karma that is......I can seriously identify with that. I worked at a place last year where there were rats and scumbags constantly trying to bait me by "confiding" in me then trying to play office politics by twisting my responses and relaying them to my boss. Now life happens to be dealing them bad hands left and right, one was even fired. Karma has a funny way of catching up to bad people if you give it time.