When people stand too close to you in line.
Speed posters who I have to ban during the holidays.When people stand too close to you in line.
Whoops!when people write "xmas" instead of Christmas. Yeah I am Catholic. Sorry.
As an Irish Catholic (shush, don't tell!), I completely understand, although there's a hilarious old Bob & Tom Show song called "Let's Put the X Back in Christmas, Darlin'" that I always enjoyed, LOL.when people write "xmas" instead of Christmas. Yeah I am Catholic. Sorry.
You don't like dressing for all 4 seasons at once??when the weather won't make up its G-Damn mind!! Just pick something and stick with it for awhile
Lemmings.... yeah, just saw this SJ.... drives me nucking futs when this goes on. Sometimes I think it's the J/O in the left (passing) lane trying to self-police the speed limit. More than once I've had to finally resort to turfing the left shoulder to blow past the herd of lemmings. S-That bugs me too.
Its a micro-gravity affect in the persons brain who does the close parking and they don't realize they do that, well that's my theory anyway.
It works the same on a highway where people wont pass other cars and drive side by side 3 lanes wide so no one else can pass, with totally clear roads in front of them.
Its micro gravity that causes them to clump up and their weak minds are not able to overcome the urge to group up and drive as they want. Technically this is called a "Dumb Ass Clump". Haha,
May I offer you a tissue?SNOT...plain and simple.
F-you snot!!!
Get out of my nose and my life.
Minor I know, but annoying...oh yeah!
Whoops.when people write "xmas" instead of Christmas. Yeah I am Catholic. Sorry.