Drivers who don't use a turn signal.
People who read out loud what they're typing in an email or letter.
Kids who tease dogs through a fence.
People who drink directly out of the milk/orange juice container.
Couples who sit on the same side of the booth when there is no one on the
People who blame anything but themselves for THEIR failure.
People who sit next to you on public transportation even when there are other seats available.
Noisy eaters.
Women who wear jewelry that clinks and clacks.
When people take 20 napkins, use one, then throw them all away.
People walking around in ridiculous 'fashionable' shoes that are clearly hurting their feet.
Whenever anyone says "Ya, know what I'm sayin"...
Using speaker phones in public areas at work.
Roadmaps that aren't folded correctly.
Finding a shoe and not finding its mate next to it
Made up car names that are not even real words.
People who are mean to animals.
When a person makes a sucking noise with a straw when the cup becomes almost empty.
People with bad table manners.
People who chat online (instant messaging) while I'm on the phone with them.
Couples that own a dog together and call themselves mommy and daddy.
When drivers bring their car to the wrong side of the gas pump.
Double negatives.
Conspiracy theories.
Not washing hands after using the bathroom.
The noise people make when they rub their fingers on balloons.
Celebrities claiming to be environmentalists.
Men on trains who insist on sitting with their legs spread wide like they got something there.
When ice cream drips out of the bottom of a sugar cone.
People who zig zag in and out of lanes on the expressway.
People who ride their bikes in the road when a sidewalk is right there.
When people don't send thank you notes.
Car alarms that signal that they are on by honking.
People who walk their dogs and let them poop indiscriminately (like on someone's lawn), and does not pick it up.
The way people walk in flip flops.
When you're eating candy and someone asks if they can have a red one.
When you bite into a jelly bean and it's a different flavor than what you thought it was.
Having to go to a UPS / FEDEX office to pickup a package.
Uncomfortable chairs.
Chasing after a ping pong ball.
Jerks who take up 2 parking spaces.
The creepers at red lights. You know, those people that start inching forward in their cars…slowly…until the light turns green.
You know when you ask someone a simple, straightforward question and they spend ten solid minutes rambling on about everything in the world EXCEPT the answer to your simple, straightforward question? I hate that.
When you order a salad at a restaurant and they bring it to you at the same time as your dinner.
Children's hand prints on the windows in car.
People who don't know the difference between its/it’s and they’re /their/there.
People who carry a one sided conversation
When you can't tell if someone is male or female.
People who leave the door open when they go to the bathroom.
Sick people who cough near you.
People who talk, whistle or sing to themselves at work.
People putting their feet out of car windows.
Greeting cards that throw sparkles, sequins or confetti on the hapless recipient
Having to use more than one remote control (one for TV, dvd player, cable box, TIVO, etc.)
People who throw cigarette butts on the beach.
People who leave shopping carts in the parking lot instead of taking them back to the corral.
Driving somewhere and having the sun in my eyes.
People throwing trash into a recycle bin.
Anyone – male or female- who says “We’re pregnantâ€. Are they sharing a uterus?
The "yes but" people.
When you have an itch on the bottom of your foot and you can't scratch it because you have shoes on.
When someone leaves their phone number at the end of a long message and they say it so fast you can't understand it and have to listen multiple times to figure it out.
Suburban kids who think they are gangstas.
Skinny jeans on men
No toilet paper or paper towels in public bathrooms.
When people don't RSVP to an event.
People who will write something borderline mean, but then follow it up with a smiley face /default_smile.png
People who don't control their bratty children.
People who refer to themselves in the third person.
People who tailgate when you're driving.
Ice cream with freezer burn.
When people use armrests on both sides of you.
People who dress their pets.
People who buy animals, only to get rid of them a week later because it was harder to take care of them than they thought.
People who mumble.
When you are asleep at a hotel and the alarm clock goes off in the middle of the night because the person who was there before you set it and never turned it off.
People say "carmel" instead of "caramel". Is it really that hard to pronounce that extra letter?
In mini golf when you miss the hole three times in a row less than a foot away.
Walking into spider webs.
Lawn ornaments.
When the tracking system for delivery isn't up-to-date.
Shopping carts with a broken wheel.
Obnoxious doorbell ringers.
Dog poop on the sidewalk.
Pee anywhere other than in a toilet.
Watching people put their contacts in.
At a restuarant, bread cut only halfway, instead of into slices.
People who leave their pets in their hot cars in the summer.
Speed bumps.
Dogs running around on a flatbed truck, which is going highway speed.
Parents who have their children on leashes.
PeOpLe WhO tYpE LikE tHis
People who do not flush the toliet in public restrooms.
People who write on dirty car windshields
When shirts shrink in the dryer.
Barking dogs when I am trying to sleep.
Incorrect use of apostrophe's.
Parents who plead with toddlers.
Wobbly tables.
When coffee spills out of the top drinking hole of lids on to-go cup.
And my ultimate pet-peeve: when people stare!!!!