Ya a lot of people love Hooter /default_wink.pngHooooooootie I love you !!!!! Thank you!!!
No worries here...It is all good and he is a very helpful person......Oh kittykitty I ADORE you but hootie told me how to fix it so I can quote and I can now!! So excited over something so trivial....ehhhhh I have such a small life. /default_sad.png
Ok now I really do love you. Thanks for that mental picture. Does your bugaboo tell you how biiiiig your panties are, too? (I'm asking for a friend)Ok just to be clear, I must wear underwear. Perhaps too personal but the truth must be said. No sexy lingerie here...just good old-fashioned grannie panties and big old bras that hold my bazookas up...they are huge but trust me, not sexy.
Ok, there we go now I feel a bit foolish.
Lol ... I saw the avatar change the other day and figured this must be his hockey photo! Thanks Admin for keeping it real.![]()
hopefully not like this!