What Is Your Talent(S)?

Cat... you described your love of making bread so well that I am swooning!!  I can smell it through my computer and I can taste the crusty crust and soft interior.  Damn.. I want some homemade bread now but that is something I don't know how to make.

I love the fact most of you cook ; )... I'm not necessarily a great cook, but I'm not too bad.. I do enjoy getting lost in the cooking experience and find it quite therapeutic.. Especially the prepping!

I imagine as I advance in years, it will become a major hobby of mine?...

I'd get a bread maker Siouxsie Sioux, it's a start? : )


Oooh, baking bread, that's something I've never tried, there's no way I'd ever do it without a breadmaker. But the smell of it being baked, aahhh, not much beats that.

I think it's the yeast that puts me off; whenever I bake anything that needs yeast, it always turns into a faff. I did make....how to describe it...a sort of walnutty loaf, really sweet, but it was leavened. Really nice, but it just took so long!

As far as chemistry with baking goes, the chemistry of baking powder gets me! I sometimes add a tiny bit of vinegar to soya milk and that reacts with the baking powder and helps it to bind and rise more than usual. And the chemistry of making fudge is great; the temperature of the sugar syrup has to be perfect!

For me though, one of my favourite things is jam sponge and custard. =D

Okay, I'm done now, I'll shut up, haha.

I dont know if this is really a talent, but I read. All of the time. I would rather read than anything else. I am obsessed with knowledge and learning. It is almost like an OCD with me. I dont even want to tell you what I spent on Ibooks over the last year.
I love this also, and I have also spent many pieces of eight on Ebooks past year, I get lots of time at work to read , and I still cannot get enough of it. I don't know about any talents, but I boxed to a reasonable level in my youth and I can sail rather well. Other than that, I am a complete twat. :-D

If you spend more than $99.00 on books a year you might want to consider Amazon prime.  I just got a kindle tablet for xmas and was surprised at how many free books are available each month even without the prime but way more with.    Plus you get free 2 day shipping for anything you buy and I swear they have everything under the sun for sale.  It's so easy that I've taken to buying everything from them and it's made me lazy, I don't have to leave the house,  lol

I have Amazon prime....i love it. I belong to many free book sites as well. Still.......lol! That is a great suggestion Suzie, for any of you who ar not familiar with Amazon Prime, you should check it out! It is a great deal. In fact, if I want to watch a show, i tend to go there over Netflix! Except of course when "orange is th new black" is on.....

Ive never tried baking regular bread but I make a mean zucchini bread. I won a 1st place ribbon at the fair for it and featured it in two cookbooks. I guess that and my smoothies oh and my salsa are my cooking talents. I don't cook and bake as much as I use to bcuz of the pain tho. It sucks cuz I really do enjoy it. :(

I have Amazon prime....i love it. I belong to many free book sites as well. Still.......lol! That is a great suggestion Suzie, for any of you who ar not familiar with Amazon Prime, you should check it out! It is a great deal. In fact, if I want to watch a show, i tend to go there over Netflix! Except of course when "orange is th new black" is on.....
I binged watched both seasons of OITNB a few months ago. When will season 3 be released?

Oh. Talent. Let's see.... I'm an expert Laundress and I can drink beer standing on my head. Really. I can.

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I never considered being an avid reader a talent, but if it is, count me in! I read for pleasure but find you can't help learning a lot along the way. I don't want to think about what I spend on my Kindle, it's so painless, just press a button. If I was forking out cash at the store, I'd be doing a lot more rereading. I do miss the bookstores though, they all seem to be going the way of video stores.

Oh, and another talent I have is trivia. I can smoke everyone on the Jeopardy home game. I'm sure it's from all that reading!

I know what you mean 2e... I miss holding the physical book in my hand and sometimes if I really love a book I have to go buy it in the bookstore too /default_smile.png

Silver Shadow said:
Ive never tried baking regular bread but I make a mean zucchini bread and I won a 1st place ribbon at the fair for it and featured it in two different cookbooks. That and my salsa and my smoothies I think are my cooking talents. I don't get to bake and cook much anymore tho bcuz of my back pain and arthritis and carpal tunnel. It su
I would love to have that recipe. I assume if it's been published it's not a secret. Maybe we should revive the dead "recipe sharing" thread, with all these accomplished chefs. Hint hint SS

Love this thread!!!! Pokey you crack me up!!! And omfg phrenicZ !!!

I am shit at anything that requires effort. But am naturally v good at spelling and can speak an ugly European language cos I lived there for 5 years.

I'd never say this in real life but I am a fantastic mother!! Sorry I know I sound like a knob but I'm the best parent I know by miles.

Bet you all think I'm a twat now lol which is why Id never say it in real life

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You twat!! Hahaha I'm just kidding /default_tongue.png

You should always be proud to say what your awesome at. Like I said before, not to confuse that with bragging. I dated a guy once that constantly bragged about what he was good at and it drove me nuts and was such a turn off. If God gave you a talent, then by all means let people know about it if asked. My eldest son is very shy around people. But put him alone in a room with music and that kid can really dance. But he's so afraid to let others know. He's embarrassed. Now his brother on the other hand is completely opposite. We go to the grocery store and he's doing running man all over the place! Point is your an awesome mother, you can speak a second language, and im guessing you would win at a spelling B if we were to have one here! So know your good at it, feel proud to be good at it, and own it sister!!

Battle Rap ,Anybody wanna get it going,It's me Mr.Dizzel and I got Joe black ABG is back together ,we get it On.I Need a Beat though.....Usually Mob Deep and we rip it up.....I'd Spit but I think it might be to Vulgar for Admin. and I'm NOT getting in trouble even though it's Fun and games with my boys and doesn't mean other ppl might think diffrerent shit OUTTA it, A freestyle is with a beat All we do is Smoke and Laugh ripping on each other ...I have dissed this punk on the Block and he was shocked a White Boy came at him that hard and had to Walk Out.Bitch did the Walk of Shame cause he had No game ,We all Lol...Youtube coming soon with some fucking around shit.its Pretty funny on pure XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.....I never realized I could do it till I brought shit from the Heart and became A Poet.I had everyone's JAW DROP.This has been a great weekend getting to see the kids and everybody


I am an artist. I do watercolor, acrylics and oils. I also do pen and ink and pencils. I do just about any subject, but lately I've been hung up on lighthouses. I paint ACEOs (Art Cards Editions and Originals) that are trading card sized 2.5 x 3.5" and many other sizes. I also write short stories and am working on a novel.

I am an artist. I do watercolor, acrylics and oils. I also do pen and ink and pencils. I do just about any subject, but lately I've been hung up on lighthouses. I paint ACEOs (Art Cards Editions and Originals) that are trading card sized 2.5 x 3.5" and many other sizes. I also write short stories and am working on a novel.
Oooh i used to draw and pain too....

i cant do it since I been in so much pain..

my talents used to be art, figure skating...reading

What a cool thread. Keep em coming everyone. Me -musician. Life long pretty much, pursued it pretty hard core from 11 to 25, took a couple years off from the hard core to put the shattered fragment of my entire being back together. Lol. Got lured back in by a management firm who set up me and some old buds up with 14 label showcases,  so at that point it was in it for the money  (late 90s when you could still make money from actually selling albums ),manager flips out disappears, no showcases, old pal, now millionaire from, well shouldn't say, plays golf with other millionaires, one is a lawyer in the biz, handled stuff for Madonna, gnr, m Jackson, etc. Well our crazy old buddy  (you really wouldn't believe it if you knew this guy )gets me on the phone with this lawyer, he's into it but says we need to cut a new disc and tour to move 10k units first, then he said guarantee. Lucky break, since we are 100 backed up with  $,for everything thanks to illicit millionaire, lunatic bud. But we're all pushing 30, been jerked around. Great singer but jaded bastard,says fuck that, I'm out. No more shit tours, vans, and, etc  (on the one hand, I understand, yet with the other hand, I contemplate choking him). Dude was not replaceable. I walk away with wife number 2,decide to make acoustic guitar cds, that turns into just random home recording. Get "real job".and over the course of a decade decent into career, more kids,cancer, stress, divorce, and all kinds of bad stuff. Always thinking of music never playing, get to a real dark place where I have nothing, no family, no desire to touch an instrument  (that was very weird ),and then it all begins to turn around, reconcile. Wife2 is a musician too, wants to sing again, so I start to play for her so we can go out and audition for bands, so she can sing,I'm still not that into playing, wtf,I think, who am I? Then I get sick, leave work, after a month or so decide to play. Then it comes back, the desire,the love  the connection, the spaces between the notes where I resonate, where I live, experience the Devine. Slowly at first, then all the sudden like a fucking freight train.form own band write all night and burn up the frets. Everyone is happy. Great times, got a lot of material. Amazing. Then almost a month ago wife2 boots me out. Well, cause she's got some issues. But you know what? I am good. I live in a hotel room at the moment, but it's cool, I have my guits,recording gear, keys, and I have been online working like a mofo to get lynched with some publishing,  licencing deals. But am just submitting older things right now. I may make a fake yt channel and rencode my stuff so I can share it here.  Still have a mess to deal with back home but you know. It's everytime man.music. I can't imagine what my life would have been like otherwise. 

All varieties by the way, but I suppose my natural tendencies drift towards rock, cause I have an aggressive sort of style just engraved within, however I love all kinds of music. All. As long as it's good. Anything you can think of, I bet I love it although right now I'm not listening to anything, cause sometimes that's just part of my writing, and arranging process. 

I knew from age 7 that I wanted to be a famous guitar player. .lol but like I said didn't really start until 11.so before then I could draw pretty well but that vanished, so that's the one talent I have..music. oh and I suppose making kids  4. And making pretty girls very angry. ;-)

I don't know how I do it,  just comes naturally. 


@John Benson can really play folks, talented no doubt about it!

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  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
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  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
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  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone