What to expect from a pain management center


Dec 6, 2015
I've got neck & back pain, which was diagnosed as arthritis when I was still in my 30s. I've been treating it with trams & NSAIDs (celebrex currently) & more recently supplementing that with kratom & g@b@pentin. Since I'm paying full price for trams & gaba I'm hoping that a trip to a pain doc might get me a script for one or both. Yet the web site for the local clinic is full of stuff on radiofrequency, disc regeneration therapy, etc. I'm willing to try something else but I'd really just like to get some meds. So I'm wondering should I expect to have to go through a bunch of other treatments 1st & is it going to be worth the effort just to get some meds paid for by insurance? If it's going to mean repeat visits and treatments the co-pays might cost more than ordering my meds online like I currently do.

Any thoughts on pain clinics and what I should expect?

I had neck surgery last year to replace 2 discs in my neck along with hardware and after the surgery I was having (and still am) a lot of pain problems.  About 3 months after the surgery I started going to a pain management clinic and found that they really push injections before giving any pain meds.  I followed their advice and started getting numbing injections in my neck as steroid injections just mess me up emotionally (can't sleep, irritable etc.).  Anyway, after about 3 months of injections they did prescribe PM. Now I get both the PM and injections.  In my experience you do need to follow whatever they suggest before they will give a script for meds.

@Biteme  I have been in and out of PM for over 22 years.  I have degenerative disc disease with bulging disc in my cervical spine.  I had a headache for 7 years back in the 90"s.  For the first 6 years, I only did trigger point injections with no meds.  I was a workout fanatic and didn't want to be "messed up" so I couldn't do aerobics.  Fast forward to 2008 ( a year after stage III, grade III breast cancer) and I was back in PM.  Found a great Doc here on the EC and did start muscle relaxers & Pk's.  I am not a surgery candidate  (which is fine with me), but I still have severe muscle spasms and my trigger points are lit up like a Christmas tree all the time.  I lost my job back in March and am now on Medicaid.  I can't afford to see my Doc now, but my primary doc is prescribing right now- for a short term.

I have had every injection they offer and finally had a radio frequency facet joint block and it seemed to be the source of my pain.  I still get headaches rather often, and I need my meds to function.  My doc was great and I was on long acting PK's for a few years and that got old, so now I just take short acting.

Good Luck in your quest for pain relief.


Currently going through my second bout of sciatica. It had been about 14 years since the first one, a year after an accident. I was prescribed hydrocodone like crazy back then. Doctors didn't automatically assume that you were faking the whole thing just to get a prescription. (Which is how they act now) I was still in pain though. I got to the point where I was taking 1 per hour. The pain was just too severe and I was waiting for my corticosteroid epidural injection appointment date. I couldn't live. After 3 epidurals, most of the pain went away but for all these years I've gotten spasms, my left leg has numbing and some kind of pain. I also have pain on my lower back which gets really bad when it's humid. I stopped the hydrocodone cold turkey after the first epidural. Big mistake! I remember feeling so awful and crying and screaming a lot. I grew to hate hydro although I have had to take it for other types of pain throughout the years but still traumatized from the withdrawal. 

So now I'm going through my second bout. It's been a few months and I'm disgusted with the whole pain management mafia. The doctor told me to take extra strength Tylenol every 4 hours. Boy did that do a number on my stomach. I just wanted the injection but I needed a new MRI. In the meantime, I needed something stronger for the pain but I didn't know what. I finally got a return call from him and when I told him, he yelled at me. He's like, "WE DON'T PRESCRIBE OPIOIDS SO IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT THEN THIS IS NOT THE PLACE." Umm, I never asked for opioids, freak! 

Luckily, I had placed an order with Jim and for whatever reason I got the free tram. It came in that same day. I had totally forgotten about it. I hadn't slept in a few days and it helped me A LOT. This time I took it slow and weaned off them. Thanks Jim.

Got the MRI and the man would not schedule me for the injection. When the MRI results came in, he didn't even call me nor would return any of my calls. When you're in pain like this, and somebody with the power to take it away treats you that way, that person deserves to get shot right in the lower back and be given Tylenol for the pain. He was awfully cruel.

I had to find a way to contact his boss and I got through and finally got to see a good doctor who recommended surgery. I'm still in pain but it seems to be subsiding. What I would do without DBG?

The whole pain management scam needs to go. Maybe Trump can write up an EO getting rid of "pain management" clinics instead of defunding Planned Parenthood. I digress as a woman with a grievance often does.

Currently going through my second bout of sciatica. It had been about 14 years since the first one, a year after an accident. I was prescribed hydrocodone like crazy back then. Doctors didn't automatically assume that you were faking the whole thing just to get a prescription. (Which is how they act now) I was still in pain though. I got to the point where I was taking 1 per hour. The pain was just too severe and I was waiting for my corticosteroid epidural injection appointment date. I couldn't live. After 3 epidurals, most of the pain went away but for all these years I've gotten spasms, my left leg has numbing and some kind of pain. I also have pain on my lower back which gets really bad when it's humid. I stopped the hydrocodone cold turkey after the first epidural. Big mistake! I remember feeling so awful and crying and screaming a lot. I grew to hate hydro although I have had to take it for other types of pain throughout the years but still traumatized from the withdrawal. 

So now I'm going through my second bout. It's been a few months and I'm disgusted with the whole pain management mafia. The doctor told me to take extra strength Tylenol every 4 hours. Boy did that do a number on my stomach. I just wanted the injection but I needed a new MRI. In the meantime, I needed something stronger for the pain but I didn't know what. I finally got a return call from him and when I told him, he yelled at me. He's like, "WE DON'T PRESCRIBE OPIOIDS SO IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT THEN THIS IS NOT THE PLACE." Umm, I never asked for opioids, freak! 

Luckily, I had placed an order with Jim and for whatever reason I got the free tram. It came in that same day. I had totally forgotten about it. I hadn't slept in a few days and it helped me A LOT. This time I took it slow and weaned off them. Thanks Jim.

Got the MRI and the man would not schedule me for the injection. When the MRI results came in, he didn't even call me nor would return any of my calls. When you're in pain like this, and somebody with the power to take it away treats you that way, that person deserves to get shot right in the lower back and be given Tylenol for the pain. He was awfully cruel.

I had to find a way to contact his boss and I got through and finally got to see a good doctor who recommended surgery. I'm still in pain but it seems to be subsiding. What I would do without DBG?

The whole pain management scam needs to go. Maybe Trump can write up an EO getting rid of "pain management" clinics instead of defunding Planned Parenthood. I digress as a woman with a grievance often does.
I feel the same way. I'm trying to do Face to Face to do it the "legal" way but it seems like I'm gonna have to go through Jim. I'm a veteran with PTSD, TBI, chronic lower back, spine and neck pain.

I am a recovering addict and use to do way over do it a lot when I first got out of the Army. Yes I had a lot to deal w Physically, Mentally and Emotionally and I feel back on Benzos and Opiates as a crutch cause I did legitimately need them but also used them to escape my problem. 

Years later looking back I don't know how I use to do all that crap. Opiates make me sick and benzodiazepines make me a zombie if I  were to over do them.

recently I was I was in an altercation standing in between my two best friends cause I'm not gonnna allow an grown man to hit a woman so I stepped in as I've done before.

well due to head trauma and several blows to the back and my spine my PTSD is now worse than it has ever been! My night terrors are worse than it's ever been. My pain is worse than it's ever been.  I'm at the point where I can manage a prescription without abusing them cause I legit need them and I know my body and I know what works but like you I keep getting the run around. Even w doctors who do not no my history. 

I'm due to see my mental health doctor at the Va Thursday and I'm hoping to get the right meds to deal w the flared anxiety, ptsd, etc.

Any suggestions on how to get the meds I know will work will out coming across as a drug seeker? I have no intentions of abusing any of the medication but unfortunately what works is what I use to abuse. 

I want to do this the "legal" way but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go through Jim. I know that there no real consequences of getting a letter but would still rather have legal prescription in my name. 

Any and all input would truly be appreciated.


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Oh BTW I'm hoping the VA will recommend me to Pain Management too so I can get some shots In spine as well cause it  really helps and then I do have to take opiates as often. I've had a legal in  my name prescription of Norco for 18 months that I've used as needed. And since the incident I've ran out of the last bit I had too say so I here at 2:50 typing this away in aim.

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I can't offer much encouragement with the pain management thing. My experiences have not been good and I now take care of myself. I'm a vet, too. VA has been a joke for me. I do have what is probably the largest bottle of Motrin ever seen, which wrecks my stomach, thanks to them. Makes a great paperweight. 

Hopefully, things will be different for you. Good luck.

My thought about the VA is that they are the lowest fucking suck of the earth!!! I went to the VA for 10 years and I've been to multiple VA's in multiple states. They all start out decent and then turn to complete shit. I stopped going to the VA in2013, thankfully since my soon to be ex husband is active duty navy (I'm prior navy) so I'm using tricare. As far as pain mgmt goes, they're a fucking joke too! I still go cause that little bit of f€€n I get keeps me from having to spend so much on meds here. DBG is a fucking Godsend!!! I would be beyond fucked up without this place!! 

Anyway, to the OP, yes, you have to jump through their fucking hoops, including injections, physical therapy, etc. I've had so many damn injections and have been through PT so many times I can't remember. And yet, my back is still fucked Up beyond belief but all the drs look at is my age (35) andsay either I'm too young for surgery or I'm too young to be on meds. Well, what the fuck do they expect me to do? That was a rhetorical question. ? Anyway, good luck. I know this is older post so hopefully you've had some luck. Just remember you may have to go through a few drs before finding the one that's a good fit. 


I can't offer much encouragement with the pain management thing. My experiences have not been good and I now take care of myself. I'm a vet, too. VA has been a joke for me. I do have what is probably the largest bottle of Motrin ever seen, which wrecks my stomach, thanks to them. Makes a great paperweight. 

Hopefully, things will be different for you. Good luck.
lol they give out 800MG Motrin like candy at the VA and when I was on active duty.

I'm on Lexapro 20mg and Lamictal 100mg. @Mrider The doctors start Lamictal at 50mg and then up the dosage to wherever you feel is good for you. I have gone to 200mg but after a while I don't feel as good as in the beginning so I decided to just stay at 100mg to keep it in my system. I foolishly stopped taking it without weaning off of it thinking that it was doing nothing for me and started getting very angry and eventually became a raging lunatic. I figured it must be Lamictal withdrawal so as soon as I took it, I was good again. One of my psychs calls it the bitch pill because it takes away the edge and the mood swings. It's a mood stabilizer. I also pop a klonopin whenever I feel overly anxious. I'm not a drinker, weed just makes me really hungry and then I gain weight so my thing is klonopin. 

As far as my back pain, I was scheduled for surgery on Friday although the doctor said I'm too young but I told her that that's why I should have surgery, so I can live a better quality of life and age better. But they forgot to do a TSH test and my doc didn't clear me because I was close to severe hypothyroidism and the anesthesia could've affected my heart so it was a no go. 

The pain has subsided on its own. I was prescribed Meloxicam and Flexxor. The Meloxicam relieves the pain A LOT but it's terrible for your stomach and the flexxor makes me really sleepy and groggy. I'm taking them when I really need them. I have to wait 8 weeks for my TSH levels to get to a normal range so no surgery for now. 

I'm really sorry to hear about the PTSD and everything else that haunts you guys. 

I know it may be a lot but try the Lexapro and Lamictal combination. The doc may prescribe 10mg of Lexapro to start. Take a quarter of the pill on the first four days and then half and then the 10mg. The first time I took the whole 10mg and I felt so sick. The doc won't tell you this. I don't know why they're such jerks. In a couple of weeks you'll start feeling a difference. My thoughts of suicide subsided and when the Lamictal was added, my violent behavior also subsided A LOT. People are amazed at how calm I am. I used to be very confrontational and now I'm a pussycat. : ) 

KWalker, do you get your kI0n perscribed, or use an IOP?  I am very fortunate to have a pain doc who prescribes n0rc0 10/325, but he will not go over 3/day.  When I'm  insured, he does epidurals which are great relief, but I still need the n0rc0s for other problems.  When I am not insured, I just about go to the poor house paying the doc bills and the pharmaceutical bills.

The blasted DEA needs to get the hell out of doctors' (and patients) business!  I can no longer get a scrip for kl0nz, and wd was a real chore.  I need them.  Heaven forbid a doc actually be able to prescribe something that works!  And the cost of benz0s has quintupled in the past couple of years, n0rc0s have gone up even more.  Johnny law has relegated pain and anxiety patients to less than shit status in rapid time.  Self medication is the ONLY option left anymore.

It could be worse...we could be in Great Britain where one cannot self medicate anymore.  With national health, I wonder if their docs are allowed to have any compassion?

Has anyone who suffers from severe chronic migraines ever gone to a pain management center? My dr switched my appointment for tomorrow, it's going to be my first ever appointment.. hoping that he will be able to prescribe pain meds after trying over 12 medications, including generics, non-generics over the last 9 years.. any input would be appreciated! :)  

Yes. From my experience with pain clinics they will maybe first try epidural  injections. I never got any relief from these injections  and now I have scar tissue on my spine from these steroid injections so if you opt to try them,try to not get more than 3 to avoid this happening to you. Usually  you can get good narcotic medicine from pain Clinics. That is what I opted for. Don't be shy about asking them for the good stuff. That is what keeps them in business.

Any thoughts on pain clinics and what I should expect?

Yes. From my experience with pain clinics they will maybe first try epidural  injections. I never got any relief from these injections  and now I have scar tissue on my spine from these steroid injections so if you opt to try them,try to not get more than 3 to avoid this happening to you. Usually  you can get good narcotic medicine from pain Clinics. That is what I opted for. Don't be shy about asking them for the good stuff. That is what keeps them in business.
Yes completely agree, also, I know alot of the websites have to put on a good front but about 75-80% I would say will give you the meds you need on the first visit.

I think locale depends a lot on what you might get. I'm in Texas and for many many years lived in a major city. Never had a problem getting what I needed from PMD's in city. I moved to a much smaller town 4 years ago and the doctors here view pain management very differently. They do not like to prescribe opiates here. I've seen 4 different doctors here. I did find somebody who I think may prescribe but haven't visited him just yet.  You can for sure expect regular random drug testing if you are wanting opiates. They also will want to for sure try injections if you use opiates.  I've had all kinds of injections. Haven't experienced the best results either. Have had 2 neck surgeries so have plate and screws in neck. A few years after surgeries some asshole dropped his luggage in your head when I was sitting on aisle seat on flight (he was trying to load bag in overhead bin) so once agin have 2 more (already have 3 levels fused) discs pushing up against spinal cord. Also was in bad car accident last year and was broadaided- now have letter C in lumbar spine - adult onset scoliosis. Tried getting nerves burnt in lumbar spine. That did not work. I'm pretty much fucked right now.  

I think you would be better off going to psych doctor for a stimulant.  I have never heard of a PM dr prescribing stimulants.
Yes, I figured but my PM dr drug tests so I wasn't sure if I should just try to get it directly from him so I don't get in any sort of trouble. Thanks for your input! :)

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  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!