Sissy Bones - till after years of being passive, sickly & crippled some bully pushed me at the water fountain, and the clique of cool girls laughed cause I slipped and fell. For the first time ever I came off the floor, splattered bully boy's lips and nose all over his face. He bled and cried. Other than that you could have heard a pin drop.
"That's Mr. Bones to you. Stand up and fight, you pantywaist." /default_angry.png /default_laugh.png
Then I told the girls they were the common white trash whores, which was ironic because I was the kid from across the tracks where the "Negroes" stayed. You could hear them whisper why they would never go out with any of my family.
I had a little Jewish girlfriend at the time, from over my side, more scandal, who said no I was Dr. Bones and we were gonna play nursie when I got outa the principal's office. /default_wub.png Yowza!