Amen to flower too, after years of drug abuse, I felt guilty and spoiled my son rotten to buy his love, it didn't work, the Beatles were right, Money Can't Buy You Love! Now getting sober, down to one subtext a day and using Heisenberg's post about benzo island, a doctor who helps you detox off of them without pain and sickness, I feel like I'm becoming a better mom. I try to be honest all the time, did get caught today when he asked if I watched American Horror Story season two, I lied and said I did, he asked if I liked it, I said I loved it, then he said, "what was it about?" I plead the fifth, he reminded me, that moms aren't allowed to plead the fifth! Teenagers, wait Miz, when your cute little 18 month old grows up, they get in their teens and they think they know everything! Enough to drive me bat shit! So many good resolutions, hope I can actually stick to just one this year! I'm not expecting the world, just one, mainly not smoking cigarettes!
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