White bromazolam powder?

Yeah I did end up reading my magazine yesterday. I had already read a fpam magazine so I couldn't really gauge the effects that well and the day before I read a different Brom magazine. I am going abstain for a week or so and I'll be able to tell for sure. It definitely seemed to feel like reading a brom magazine but with a bit of a tolerance it's hard to be certain.
I reached out... He's noticed the same, but as long as all seems fine, just gonna keep it at that. Testing would take weeks, and I'd personally like to keep reading his books lol. I actually think that I might like it more. Brom usually really just knocks me out, and I'm trying to wean down from a huge mistake, but at least this book reads nicely... And I can't complain about that at all!
Thanks bro.
Yeah I did end up reading my magazine yesterday. I had already read a fpam magazine so I couldn't really gauge the effects that well and the day before I read a different Brom magazine. I am going abstain for a week or so and I'll be able to tell for sure. It definitely seemed to feel like reading a brom magazine but with a bit of a tolerance it's hard to be certain.
So for flubpam I made a 7mg/mL solution but it’s kinda known for having little results. With no researching for a while I think 7-10 would be a good range. The white brom could be a million things from isomer or enantiomer among a million other things but I tested the pure powder mag and am brewing into solution but have tested vaporization points and I have no issue with the quality compared any other bromaz batches other than the pink which has been my favorite
So for flubpam I made a 7mg/mL solution but it’s kinda known for having little results. With no researching for a while I think 7-10 would be a good range. The white brom could be a million things from isomer or enantiomer among a million other things but I tested the pure powder mag and am brewing into solution but have tested vaporization points and I have no issue with the quality compared any other bromaz batches other than the pink which has been my favorite
So you are saying you have tested the vaporization points of his newest batch of white pure powder mag of bromazolam and the vaporization points are what bromazolam should be? And you do think the quality is just as good as other batches except for the pink? Thanks @Itsnotme
So for flubpam I made a 7mg/mL solution but it’s kinda known for having little results. With no researching for a while I think 7-10 would be a good range. The white brom could be a million things from isomer or enantiomer among a million other things but I tested the pure powder mag and am brewing into solution but have tested vaporization points and I have no issue with the quality compared any other bromaz batches other than the pink which has been my favorite
And we are talking about the same vendor I assume. Auto?
So you are saying you have tested the vaporization points of his newest batch of white pure powder mag of bromazolam and the vaporization points are what bromazolam should be? And you do think the quality is just as good as other batches except for the pink? Thanks @Itsnotme
That's what it sounded like he said but idk man lol... As of now I've realized that it's just as good if not better than other batches I've gotten from others (first time with this one).... So I'm just gonna believe that we got a better batch than normal, and I assume normal means whatever cut is also present and possibly wouldn't dissolve. So I'm totally content, whether I'm on the right track or not... And totally trust to reorder at this point before it's gone!
That's what it sounded like he said but idk man lol... As of now I've realized that it's just as good if not better than other batches I've gotten from others (first time with this one).... So I'm just gonna believe that we got a better batch than normal, and I assume normal means whatever an is also present and possibly wouldn't dissolve. So I'm totally content, whether I'm on the right track or not... And totally trust to reorder at this point before it's gone!
I did end up reading my magazine and loved it. It seemed a tad different. More of a cleaner feeling. Idk hard to describe it. But it was definitely brom and I think it's actually better than previous batches.
A little update on my experience with this white. After my normal, careful and accurately measured lab created solution using ec Friday night, I decided to read a small page or two to see if it indeed represented or compared to all the other books I've studied on this subject. In trying to read just a page or two, I accidentally and unintentionally ended up consuming more like a whole chapter. Suffice to say, my Saturday was entirely overtaken by this chapter even lasting until today. Whatever this white book is, it has extremely potent prose and made me feel, to quote Madonna, "touched for the very first time".
A little update on my experience with this white. After my normal, careful and accurately measured lab created solution using ec Friday night, I decided to read a small page or two to see if it indeed represented or compared to all the other books I've studied on this subject. In trying to read just a page or two, I accidentally and unintentionally ended up consuming more like a whole chapter. Suffice to say, my Saturday was entirely overtaken by this chapter even lasting until today. Whatever this white book is, it has extremely potent prose and made me feel, to quote Madonna, "touched for the very first time".
I have to agree... I made a comment the other day that I read a lot and didn't seem to feel it. I'm pretty sure that other books I'm getting from my local library interfered with that experience... Because the next chance I had to read this book, I ended up reading about a whole chapter as well, and I had a very pleasant experience! So whatever this white book is titled, I have absolutely no complaints! And to quote Madonna, "Life is a mystery.... In the midnight hour, I can feel your power".
That's what it sounded like he said but idk man lol... As of now I've realized that it's just as good if not better than other batches I've gotten from others (first time with this one).... So I'm just gonna believe that we got a better batch than normal, and I assume normal means whatever cut is also present and possibly wouldn't dissolve. So I'm totally content, whether I'm on the right track or not... And totally trust to reorder at this point before it's gone!
I did end up reading my magazine and loved it. It seemed a tad different. More of a cleaner feeling. Idk hard to describe it. But it was definitely brom and I think it's actually better than previous batches.

I did end up reading my magazine and loved it. It seemed a tad different. More of a cleaner feeling. Idk hard to describe it. But it was definitely brom and I think it's actually better than previous batches.
Yeah I think another book from my local library, that I'm supposed to read daily, totally affected my first experience with this mag....bc at some point I commented that I didn't really feel anything after reading for a couple of hours. Looking back, I clearly was not in the right state of mind when I said that lol!
Since then, I've realized that I really love reading this particular untitled mag . It really IS a different feeling. Other mags have been pretty much just kinda sedating for me, but this mag is definitely more... I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use the word I want to use to describe it, so I'll just say it is definitely more enjoyable to read!
I made a solution, and it dissolved like immediately in PG/ethanol. I haven't emailed him... I will just say that I can neither confirm nor deny your question about the number 99. I certainly don't wanna start a ruckus lol. I actually reordered, thinking maybe it was a mistake... I have yet to read that one, but it looks the same. I did read the first issue and it did seem to at least be in the same edition of books, but I myself have no way to tell. Last night I tried again, took a giant amount (high tolerance unfortunately), and I should've at least nodded....2 hours later and nothing. I don't want to call anyone out on this, but I think I may email him. This is my first time ordering from anyone here, and there seems to be limited libraries.... But has great reviews with everything - but nothing mentioning this. Lmk what your experience reading is please?
Had that, didn't have his tsn which usually I prefer, but it was great.
My personal experience, which means nothing really, but there are 2 bromaz', maybe more. The tan you take too much and it's like clam, can't talk, or walk, but the white I've had was much nicer, too much and you just fall asleep. Not waking around in a fog.
Had that, didn't have his tsn which usually I prefer, but it was great.
I haven't been on here in a minute... But I think I even commented again at some point, that I changed my mind about that, and it's been great... Just a slightly different experience
I too had this magazine, and the first time i read it i said "wow, this mag is really something". Slightly different but altogether better than the last few months issues !
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  1. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  3. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  4. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  6. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  7. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  8. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  9. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  10. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  11. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  12. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  13. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  14. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use temp.pm or snote
  17. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!
  18. lucas007 @ lucas007: Good morning! Start the week with a positive mindset and tackle your goals with energy.
  19. rasetreydir @ rasetreydir: Anyhow, have a great Sunday. Find 5 minutes to give praise and show reverence for our Lord.
  20. rasetreydir @ rasetreydir: Wtf? I fell asleep and apparently shoutboxed.