Width Matters More


Jul 22, 2023
Hi all, thanks for having this place for people. I have been around since around 2007 on and off all around different corners of the web, from topix to invitation forums to XMPP to Discord to DNMs. Still stay in touch with some people going back 10 years or more. Really miss the close knit groups from before DNMs. Dark web does provide some degree of reliability, but the intimacy is missing.

Anyway, I've got a lot of reading to do to catch up. I will make sure to use the search bar ;)
Welcome to Drug Buyers Guide forums! I am sure you will love the community here. Just be sure to follow rules and be polite to the members.

Cannedgoods here, top Darknet vendor with over 9500+ sales. I am also available if you have any questions. Check my about page for my vendor thread on there or you can direct message me.

Have a great time brother!
Thanks for the warm welcome! I've run into you before around the markets.
Glad to hear brother. From what market?

Well there are some vendors on the Darknet which never really message much and just mark order as shipped and put you in the blue and stuff hence that might be why you mentioned it lacks intimacy a bit. However, you might have also noticed I have one of the best customer service from all the other vendors lol.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Thanks!
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @Dissected D use contact link at bottom of site and msg admin
  3. xenxra @ xenxra: @Alkazar no, banter only
  4. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Are we allowed to ask about vendors on this chat box
  5. Alkazar @ Alkazar: you have to donate to the site and they will give you the pasword
  6. Dissected D @ Dissected D: How do I get into the password invite vendors section?
  7. Professor_ @ Professor_: today is free shipping for all orders..
  8. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: Morning @Professor_
  9. Professor_ @ Professor_: Good morning!
  10. sigiant2300 @ sigiant2300: @GordonAlles he did indeed. he got
  11. G @ GordonAlles: @sigiiantt2330 mann shit was a fucking shitshow to watch unfold. Mf has some good shit i was thinkig about pulling the trigger on soon too. happy i waited. Mf got way too high off his own supply. happy the moody mf go what was coming
  12. sigiant2300 @ sigiant2300: @GordonAlles yeeeep. pulled quite the exit scam.it was a blast for everyone.
  13. G @ GordonAlles: PHX get removed? lmaoo
  14. P @ psychedpsych: Maaaan, moving next week to bigger and better things! lol Everybody got time fo dat! Won’t see y’all for a week or so!.
  15. Finger-of-God @ Finger-of-God: hey folks! hope everyone is having a lovely day.
  16. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: lmao good luck @Telp, my remote worked today so it must be getting warmer
  17. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Hello and good morning everyone! How yall doen?
  18. Telp @ Telp: @SeaDonkey for real. I been chillin for the past two days and completely forgot to start up and run my car. That little fucker is gonna need to hear some sweet nothings before I try to start it this morning.
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @xenxra you can have as much as you want, my remote start won't even work in this -20 bs
  20. Dannyo1311 @ Dannyo1311: Thank you @Deepnorth