One more thing....
We NEED to care for our elderly better! There are so many of our precious seniors in homes that receive NO visitors. Their lives are bleak and with little to no stimulation. Especially the state homes. We ALL need to do our part to see that there are some bright spots in our seniors lives! In my experience, ANY nursing home will let you in to look around and maybe visit. Sometimes you will hear a great story and run into some AMAZING personalities, and sometimes you will only be able to offer a kind touch and a smile! It is a GREAT thing to do with kids! And pets (thats what i do). You will be VERY surprised what an hour could accomplish! Try it! I guaranty that it will be time well spent for all concerned!
I am not trying to sound like a suzy cream cheese do-gooder. If you do this ONE time you will see what i mean. We owe it to them.
See my post above, which is from a couple of years ago.......i needed to take my own advice....
I had been sitting around, licking my wounds because I got dumped. Just doing the bare minimum.....i stopped cooking or cleaning or even showering regularly. Only leaving the house when I had to for school. Basically, being a sloth. I was acting like a fool feeling very sorry for my poor poor self. Then I got the call....i was needed to help. I got the call from a wonderful woman who started an animal foundation/shelter, which was named after a certain three legged pitbull that she had rescued. I had volunteered for her shelter before...but not for awhile. I was so excited by the fact that she had called me! She wanted to go help any animals that were displaced or injured in the tornado. She told me that there was only a high-kill shelter nearby the damage, and she didnt want any animals brought there. so the sloth got out of her bed, showered (lord have mercy) and reported for duty. Well, it turns out that we werent really needed.....except for one boy who was determined to b a local stray, who we brought back to our shelter. Miracles DO happen. The police, firedept and neighbors (whos homes were not damaged) had taken responsibility for any animals.....injured pets were brought to a vet without question. Non injured pets were happily being fostered until their families could take them back. There were only two injured pets that i heard about and both were NOT critical. During this AWFUL stressful time, these people thought about the animals! Great group of people. Let me tell you, not all people think of the pets in this type of situation.
Anyway, all of this rambling has a point.......when I received the call yesterday, my energy level went up, i kicked into high gear and I felt happy. When I pondered this, I remembered my old post from here, and thought I would repost. When you are depressed, in pain, and feeling very sorry for yourself..GO DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE ELSE! There is ALWAYS something you can do for someone. Plus, it MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER! Every time, without fail! It is a total win/win!
now, you see from my very old post one of the things I used to do. I adore seniors......when my ex mother in law was put into a nursing home (due to multiple strokes) and I went to visit her, i saw so many seniors that never had a visitor. They would just sit there with their heads down. So...when I was there, I would "visit" them. I had an amazing dog, Cuddles, who I used to bring with me. Just my short visits once a week NOTABLY changed a couple of people. The difference in their persona was amazing....just because I talked to them! It made me feel SO good to have that power. It is a high that is unbeatable.
There are ALWAYS seniors with no visitors! You can ask the staff.....they may recommend someone that could use a little bit of company. Bring your dog (if the dog is somewhat well behaved. You dont want a lawsuit) get a leash for your cat. Bring a stuffed animal, or some trinket. Bring ANYTHING! (Dont forget to check with staff first if you want to bring "treats") you can talk, you can sing, whatever. WHATEVER you do will be appreciated SO much......i promise you, you will feel like a million bucks! You may also hear some great storiez. Just try it once! You WILL improve your mood and your life. I PROMISE.
And.....feel free to curse their families for not visiting. After you leave.