"Say anything I want? Really? I can say anything I want?" ---Danny Greene
This was followed by Greene making an extremely crude, unflattering description of Italian ancestry involving a goat being one of their ancestors - said to Cleveland Mob Boss Scalish (head of Cleveland Italian mob).
From "Kill the Irishman" about Danny Greene of Cleveland fame who escaped maybe 14-15 assassination attempts or more, I'm being conservative (included blowing up 2 story home where he lived with bomb right under his room......)
Yet he said fearlessly said "I'm not afraid because we Irish believe nothing can take us before the Man upstairs says so. It's up to him"
Once he was attacked while exercising in the park and chased his supposed assassin - shooting at the guy entire time. Another time a guy drove right toward him, shooting at Greene as he approached - Danny took guy down in moving car with bullet to exact middle of forehead, kinda between eyes.....cops said it was a "lucky shot".......they seemed to forget Danny had sniper-level ability - Greene served 2 yrs in military teaching Markmanship and Boxing.
After warned of his impending death by out-of-town killer, Danny said - "My enemies will be taken care of after my death."
How right he was - his murderer ratted on mafia of Cleveland, Florida, California, NY mobsters (who ratted on others) It resulted in the Congressional Investigation by Robert Kennedy, which brought down countless mobsters, disrupted their "commission" in NY, deported Lucky Luciano......it goes on; Valachi was one of final nails that brought down denials a mob existed by cross-dressing FBI Hoover and others involved - even brought justice to some corrupt judges, politicians, police.......not just his fellow thugs.
I can't say it's my favorite movie ("Kill the Irishman") but I enjoyed it.
Admired him for putting neighborhood children thru boarding school, donating food at holidays, helping widows and other truly needy people in his area, actually supporting a number of destitute people, running off rowdy troublemakers in his neighborhood who bothered innocent people; was particularly helpful and generous to the nuns and church. He wasn't a selfish bastard like most mafioso and thieves.
He definitely could be a bad guy, but had a lot of good, esp considering his childhood and environment. Self-educated, knew about cholesterol in 70's before much known about it, and into exercise, healthy living ahead of his time. Devoted animal lover, left food out for squirrels, birds, owned 2 cats (don't guys tend to be dog lovers more?) Didn't drink. Hated drugs. Loyal to his friends - even Italian John Nardi.
So intelligent, if born somewhere besides a ghetto (where mother died at birth & father alcoholic)....Danny Greene could've been a great contribution to society. He was planning to open legal businesses and go "legit" when killed. He wanted a "normal" life, to be happy with his family - just like us.
I like how the Italian mafia (at the height of their power) were actually afraid of him because of all the missed hits and his lack of fear. Also he prophesied his death would harm his enemies (Italian mafia) - it almost destroyed them and definitely threw it their entire national network into chaos, not even knowing who to trust or who was a rat........
DANNY GREENE - as they say, "You don't meet one like him every day". or maybe in a lifetime.....
I think it's closer to "They broke the mold after they made him." LOL
I like true crime stories - Like "Hoodlum" about Bumpy Johnson......and there was a good "Bonnie and Clyde" movie few yrs ago. "Cotton Tail Club" "The Long Riders" (about Jesse James)
All true stories like "Red Tails" and "The Tuskegee Airmen", "Glory", "Apollo 13", etc.
Real people and their stories (A Beautiful Mind) are interesting - I usually read a book about them after I watch the movie because it makes me so curious about them and the truth.
True murder (or serial murder) stories, too. These type books and fantasy genres (like Hobbit) are my "escapism" in reading and/or movies. Wheel of Time by Richard Jordan - that's a hell of a fantasy series.