True but... 2-3 mg a place to start?Keep in mind this is something that will vary greatly from person to person... tolerance being the main factor.
What one person considers a "recreational" dose, could be downright dangerous for the next person. Please be cautious folks.
Not necessarily! What one persons body chemistry could easily handle, another persons would flat out reject. There is no "one size fits all" when youre talking about medications. Other conditions, from fitness and just overall health and well being to conditions known or yet undiagnosed play heavily into this.Lethal dose would be extremely high?
You completely missed my point by asking this. Short answer.. no. I would never recommend someone to pop 2 to 3 mg of Xan for recreation. Equivalency wise, that's 40-60 mg diazepa.m, which is a lot.True but... 2-3 mg a place to start?
Great point H, I've always felt the same where benzos are concerned. For an insomniac with a cervical fusion and any number of old hockey player injuries, I certainly appreciate the value of alps in terms of sleep induction, although staying asleep is another better, and in my experience, better addressed with Val's, given the half life differences. From a recreational point of view, however, I've just never understood it. I just melt into the sofa and pass out watching Sports Center, LOL.I really don't see the recreational value of BZs. Very useful for anxiety and panic attacks, but the BZ "high" that many seek is just a wobbly, tired, sloppy drunk feeling.
As FG suggested, start with the lowest effective dose. And remember that every med affects each individual differently.
Taking benzos on an empty stomach will bring on the drug much quicker than on a full stomach IME. Food affects the rate of absorption. Regarding nicotine and benzos, I know that smoking does have a negative impact on Xanax and other benzos, but plain nicotine, like the patches, gum etc, would probably react the same as tobacco.Thank you for your advice I guess im not going to ask similar questions on this forum LOL. I like taking high doses of benzoz watching tv or some joe rogan pod cast feel warm and cozy till I pass out.
Does anyone know if taking benzoz on full stomach effect it or empty stomach? And does nicotine effect benzos not cigaretts just plain nicotine? Ive read several arguments around this some say yes some say no.