The first 1 what's the ticket on that magN-desethyl-proto in stock
O-dsmt in stock now, from 10g $275 shipping included, 50g $1250, 1kg $5500
10g 380, 50g 1050, 100g 1450, 500g 4500The first 1 what's the ticket on that mag
hey bro is this still available I’m in AustraliaKetamine available now from 250g price 2800
may i see a pic & do you know if its vaporable2me-pihp in stock
500g $3000, 1kg $4500
10g sample $200
may i see a pic & do you know if its vaporable
Hey, yes o dsmt in stock please email meIs Odd-Mr.smt in? I did not see him in the pbin.
Its the original its being washed right now, 10500/kgPrices on European A-PVP? This is the original?
Please email me, clobromazolam current batch is very good, and we dont have seizures to usa recentlyHow do I reach you? Interested in Clobro that’s real like 2mg should be blackout. And how’s the success of your US shipping? Do you guarantee?