Hello. My name is Shane. I don't know if I'm aloud to say this, And it's actually quite embarrassing to admit, but here goes... I'm a 35 year old man and suffer from drug addiction, chronic alcoholism, and depression (gee I wonder why hehe) I have an amazing young girlfriend, whom I consider my wife and am doing my best to help her wonderful children (and doing a horrible job sadly) I have been involved with the internet pharmaceutical "scene " since 2001 after my father passed when I was 17. I was a member of a forum much like this one called drugseekers. I was introduced to several "pharmacies" but my main go to was a Canadian email source called upnorthproductions (oxycontin, gbl, mdma,) and murad. Located out of Pakistan or India can't remember (xan, val, and ritz. They even offered sodium pentothal and ketamine God I miss them. Anyway just wanted to say hi. I would love to donate but for the life of me can't figure out bitcoin. Trust me I've tried. It would open up a lot of opportunities for me. Well anyway, my name is Shane. I'm a 35 year old drunk drug addict. I'm a horrible person. But it's nice to meet you guys. Hope I can contribute and maybe help someone out.