I'm not sure I understand your question clearly or not.You need not be specific, but I’m curious if you notice inbound international mail in the US is given quicker processing times through any particular location among any of the six or so International Service Centers, or just generally different locations taking more time and prone to more loss of mail or other errors that delay or cause non-delivery? The ISC’s handle tons of mail and it’s also where and when customs would potentially hold it up as it’s transferred from international shipping carriers and contractors to USPS ISC staff in a remarkably disorganized system (after inbound processing, it’s often not even at the ISC closest to the delivery region it’s bound for and in this case I think they wait until enough mail to the same area is piled up to make it worthwhile to even begin to process , regardless of priority or delivery delays.)
Sorry, boring question! I am always just curious if random time differences are reputational of the different USA ISC locations or random. I experience total loss and incompetence at a couple with seemingly great speed and service at another.
Any tips for mail that just arrives here but never delivers or updates? Duty and paperwork issues, particularly bad ISC over another- LA vs. SF, for example, or just poor luck if it does get held up exceedingly long or forever without any updates? Thanks!
Do you have a way to ship to a po box in USA? ThxI ship a lot parcels from China to USA every week. I'm not expert but I think most of issues I know how to solve.
If you have any question about this, I would like to help.
It is a post office box you can only ship to using United States postal services. Thanks!what is po
Po is me, I be po as hell this time of the year!what is po
I dont think so, recent reception rates have been smooth. Are you Chinese?China isnt safe to send parcels to the USA Whether the recipient or the sender, if Chinese suppliers make long-term and should not accept USA orders now, because the risk of being seized and investigated is very high, which greatly affects their reputation..
So how about the weekly parcels receipt rate ?
There is some problems with US customs, some packages take more days to finish customs clearance.How is the shipping from China lately?
I have 2 mags, one is fast and the other is slow, why?
Does anyone have the same experience as me? Thanks
I ship a lot parcels from China to USA every week. I'm not expert but I think most of issues I know how to solve.
If you have any question about this, I would like to help.
Maybe you can ask your vendor, and it is normal for a same one TN to be used from beginning to end.Why do some vendors use AG12345678CN tracking numbers, which ACTUALLY works……….???
(From Acceptance in China to USA Delivery, AG tracking numbers can track my package daily all the way home)
While some Chinese vendors give me a “fake” domestic 901234567890123456789 tracking number?
(So shipped from China to USA with 0 tracking; until 2-3 days before delivery, which usually y takes weeks/months) These domestic tracking numbers will say “PARTNER SHIPPING FACILITY” - which usually means a smaller Chinese company is forwarding my package to USPS.
When I receive my package, the domestic 901234567890123456789 USPS sticker will be there with my information on it (fake vendor information, of course).
When I examine the box, my domestic USPS is always covering a Chinese shipping sticker. Chinese writing, Chinese tracking number and my USA info in Chinese.
This system has 0 tracking capabilities until THE PARTNER SHIPPER finally gets the package to a USPS facility (so after USA customs clearance)
***I f’ing HATE it when they give me the 901234567890123456789 style tracking. Feels like a scam (and success rate sucks using this technique). The AG style is transparent, and I’m able to follow the package whenever I want on ANY tracking system. (Success rate not 100% either but I’m still able to follow, which puts ME (the buyer) at ease)
- Why sometimes AG12345678CN, which I obviously prefer (and ask for)?
- Why give USA domestic forwarding tracking number (that doesn’t move for 2-3 weeks!)???? “Pre-shipment” until after customs and USPS forward accepted
- Why not always AG system? Is it because of cost? Is forwarding to USPS thru a PARTNER cheaper…… or is the sender being lazy or secretive?!
Maybe you can ask your vendor, and it is normal for a same one TN to be used from beginning to end.
Express delivery is first to Hong Kong and then to the USA. Buyers in the USA seem no problem getting U.S. tracking, friend, after all, dont want the buyer to know from which China city it was sent.My friend, I asking you because I cannot ask my vendor. Do you honestly think they would tell me? A random “paying customer” from California USA?
You said you had experience in China-to-USA shipping information, no?
I always receive a domestic 9000 tracking number from China. “Pre shipment” all domestic “to shipping partner.” Tracking will not move until package gets cleared by USA Customs. So I’ll wait 7 weeks; then suddenly then 9000 clears; and I get my magazines in 2-3 business days.
When I receive their package, the box will always have 2 stickers. I always peel to confirm. Yes, from China. AG12345678CN bottom sticker. Top sticker will have my 9000 number.
Yes, after about 3 years of loyal membership ~~~ the shipping manager of 1 source did indeed start sharing the AG numbers; and no longer the useless 9000 “fake domestic” numbers. I guess I had finally gained their trust (and made enough coins for them to earn this privilege)
Everything is a privilege. Even knowledge. So I understandJust thought I’d ask to confirm
Express delivery is first to Hong Kong and then to the USA. Buyers in the USA seem no problem getting U.S. tracking, friend, after all, dont want the buyer to know from which China city it was sent.
But it took long time for you to receive the delivery.7WEEK.... It's not acceptable, but if it's a special time, it should be acceptable to receive the goods..