@Solid Snoop
Here in the US, the generic Ambien that an average pharmacy dispenses (Walgreens, CVS...etc) are pretty good quality too, and that's what the psych doctors very often prescribe for sleeplessness here, as I was offered too on my first visit, but declined and asked for Lunest@ (eszopiclone) instead, it's a bit more expensive (the generic that is, the brand is about $400 for 30 pills...) and aside from the nasty metallic taste, it works better for me, than Ambien. Also when I was on Ambien a few years ago for only a couple of weeks it got me so addicted, the WDs were almost as bad as coming off Xanax after 5-6 years cold turkey. Never again.
Here in the US, the generic Ambien that an average pharmacy dispenses (Walgreens, CVS...etc) are pretty good quality too, and that's what the psych doctors very often prescribe for sleeplessness here, as I was offered too on my first visit, but declined and asked for Lunest@ (eszopiclone) instead, it's a bit more expensive (the generic that is, the brand is about $400 for 30 pills...) and aside from the nasty metallic taste, it works better for me, than Ambien. Also when I was on Ambien a few years ago for only a couple of weeks it got me so addicted, the WDs were almost as bad as coming off Xanax after 5-6 years cold turkey. Never again.